Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Turkey Rhubarb Tea Benefits

Turkey Rhubarb Tea Benefits have been known for at least 2,000 years as being effective in its purgative properties.

The turkey rhubarb is considered one of the most powerful herbs in Chinese traditional medicine.

It is acknowledged to have anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, and diuretic properties.

Turkey Rhubarb is a plant that is known to have originated from North East Asia.

It grows quickly into a large plant with huge, roundish and rough leaves on reddish stems.

The stem of the plant can grow up to 6 to 10 feet high.

Turkey Rhubarb has flowers with a green-white hue and buds of yellow.

The stems are edible but the leaves are considered poisonous due to the high presence of oxalic acid.

Turkey Rhubarb usually grows in fertile, moist locations and in acidic soil.

The health properties of turkey rhubarb are most potent in the roots.

The roots are thick, oval shaped, and have long rootlets.

They have a brown exterior and a yellow interior.

The roots are often used to detoxify and cleanse the system.

The roots are required to be aged for about 12 to 18 months to reach their maximum effectiveness as purgative agents.

Turkey rhubarb is a component herb of the famous anti-cancer blend Essiac, along with sheep sorrel, slippery elm and burdock root.

Turkey rhubarb root is considered to be so potent that the long-term use of this herb is not recommended.

Pregnant and nursing women are advised against the use of the herb, as are those with ulcers and colitis.

Turkey rhubarb roots have the following active constituents: 

  • anthaquinone glycosides, 
  • cinnamic acid, 
  • calcium oxalate, 
  • fructose, 
  • glucose, 
  • tannic acids, and 
  • sennosides A, B, and C.

The health benefits of this herb can be derived via tea, tinctures and capsules.

To make turkey rhubarb tea, simply place 1 teaspoon of dried turkey rhubarb root in 8 ounces of boiling water.

Let it boil for about 10 minutes.

Then let it further simmer for about 5 to 7 minutes.

The following are the health properties attributed to turkey rhubarb tea:

Turkey rhubarb tea may help relieve constipation and clean the intestines.

Turkey rhubarb tea may help fight duodenal ulcer.

Turkey rhubarb tea may help stimulate appetite.

Turkey rhubarb tea may help heal disorders of the colon, spleen and liver.

Turkey rhubarb tea may have anti-tumor properties.

Turkey rhubarb tea may help fight against diabetic neuropathy.

Turkey rhubarb tea, when applied externally, may help treat infections of the skin like boils                 and furuncles.

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