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Monday, January 19, 2015

Tea health benefit awareness increases tea drinking!

Ready-to-drink teas have recorded the largest boom in business, according to a report from the Tea Association of the USA Inc. Sales have increased more than 12 times since 1990, topping out at an estimated US$2.41 billion in 2005. The overall numbers reveal an increase in four market areas: the ready-to-drink tea, and traditional markets - including stores - food...

Tea drinking and a healthy diet helps keep chronic diseases away!

Drinking tea, especially as part of a health promoting nutritional diet, low in total fat and salt, with adequate vegetables and fruits, bran cereal insoluble fibre and sources of soluble fibre, may be a useful dietary habit to assist in lowering the risk of a number of chronic diseases, says Dr N Ghosh Hajra, Project Director, Darjeeling Tea Research and Development...

It's official - A cup of tea is good for you!

A research reported in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has confirmed that tea is a healthier drink than water. Apparently, tea doesn't dehydrate the drinker, but rather rehydrates just as well as the equivalent quantity of water would. Tea can also protect against heart disease and some cancers. Desk research conducted by Dr. Carrie Ruxton, a public health...

Drinking lots of tea may do the body good!

A growing number of studies suggest that drinking tea imparts a lot of health benefits to the drinker. Such potential benefits from tea include improved mental alertness, lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduced blood pressure, lower risk of breast, colon, lung, ovarian and prostate cancer, as well as possible protection again Type 2 diabetes and maybe...

Hot Tea believed to improve general well-being!

A cup of hot tea is believed to impart several health benefits to drinkers. Hot tea is believed to improve the heart, reduce cancer risk, help the skin and contribute to general well-being.  Experts have said that tea has better health benefits if it is heated. The heat acts as an instrument to transfer the antioxidants in the tea leaves to the water. Although...