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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Agrimony Tea Benefits

Agrimony Tea is an infusion made from the agrimony herb of the rose family. Agrimony plant can be typically found near hedges and fences throughout England. Agrimony bears yellow flowers with egg-shaped petals on spikes that emanate from hairy stems. Agrimony possesses a distinctive, pleasant scent that is usually compared to apricots but isn't as sweet. Agrimony tastes...

Agaricus Tea Benefits

Agaricus tea benefits have recently been thrust into the consciousness of naturopathic practitioners in Asia and Brazil due to its antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-metastatic, and anti-viral properties. Agaricus is a species of mushroom that grows in many diverse locales, from China, Taiwan and Japan in Asia, to the Netherlands and Britain in Europe, to Brazil in South America....

Acai Tea Benefits

Acai Tea Benefits have been known to generations of South Americans as being potent sources of antioxidants. But the sharp rise in demand for acai berries in the present time is traced to their purported abilities to bring about rapid weight loss, a claim that has yet to be conclusively proven and established. The acai palm tree and its berries are native to the floodplains...

Abuta Tea Benefits

Abuta tea benefits have long been known in South America as being potent for a host of women's ailments, as well as for kidney and heart support. Abuta is a high-climbing vine that belongs to the family Menispermaceae. It is native to tropical parts of Central and South America. Known by its scientific name of cissampelos pareira, it possesses woody stems, a dull grayish...

Herbal Tea Benefits

A variety by themselves, herbal teas are completely different from the other varieties of tea. More correctly known as tisane , herbal teas are simply fresh herbs whose medicinal properties have largely been released in hot water through the processes of infusion or decoction. Herbal tea benefits are derived from the different phytochemicals and compounds within the herbs...

Ginseng diggers invade Wisconsin!

Ginseng diggers numbering about 1,000 will be searching forest floors in western and northern Wisconsin over the next two months for the gnarled root of wild ginseng. Ginseng is valued by Asians for both its soothing and energy-boosting qualities. Most of the state-licensed diggers are from within the state of Wisconsin, though others come from as far as California, Tennessee...

Pu-erh Tea found to help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure!

On your next trip to a Chinese restaurant, see if you'll be served a deep, dark brownish red tea with a fascinatingly earthy yet mellow taste. Chances are, this is the famed and highly-valued pu-erh tea that many of the finest Chinese eateries serve their clients after a hearty meal. Pu-erh tea is widely used as an after-meal beverage due to its famed ability to break...