Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tea For Cancer

Cancer or malignant neoplasm is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood).

There are many herbs that can be made into tea that are effective in treating cancer. The tea infusion can help and aid in combating cancer through several ways:

  • They stimulate the immune system,
  • They break up accumulations (tumors)
  • They stimulate blood circulation
  • They assist in the detoxification process.

It should be made clear that it has not been conclusively proven that tea and other herbal tea infusions are a "cure" for cancer. Nevertheless, they can be a beneficial aspect in the overall efforts to treat cancer.

Oncologist will tell always tell cancer patients that only the body itself can assure a complete recovery from cancer but the herbs and teas are meant to strengthen the body and aid in that effort.

Here are the teas that have been widely considered as helpful in the overall efforts to treat and combat cancer:

  1. Green Tea
  2. White Tea
  3. Black Tea
  4. Oolong Tea
  5. Ginseng Tea
  6. Rooibos Tea
  7. Agaricus Tea
  8. Anamu Tea
  9. Andrographis Tea
  10. Angelica Tea
  11. Ashwagandha Tea
  12. Bilberry Tea
  13. Birch Tea
  14. Blackberry Tea
  15. Black Cohosh Tea
  16. Boswellia Tea
  17. Burdock Tea
  18. Bupleurum Tea
  19. Calendula Tea
  20. Cardamom Tea
  21. Cat's Claw Tea
  22. Chaga Tea
  23. Chai Tea
  24. Chaparral Tea
  25. Chicory Tea
  26. Cleavers Tea
  27. Cordyceps Tea
  28. Cranberry Tea
  29. Curculigo Tea
  30. Dong Quai Tea
  31. Echinacea Tea
  32. Eleuthero Tea
  33. Essiac Tea
  34. Eucommia Tea
  35. Fennel Tea
  36. Figwort Tea
  37. Flax Tea
  38. Goji Tea
  39. Goldenseal Tea
  40. Gynostemma Tea
  41. Iceland Moss Tea
  42. Jasmine Tea
  43. Lemongrass Tea
  44. Lovage Tea
  45. Milk Thistle Tea
  46. Mistletoe Tea
  47. Olive Leaf Tea
  48. Oregon Grape Root Tea
  49. Pau D'Arco Tea
  50. Periwinkle Tea
  51. Quassia Tea
  52. Reishi Tea
  53. Safflower Tea
  54. Sage Tea
  55. Sheep Sorrel Tea
  56. Slippery Elm Tea
  57. Tribulus Tea
  58. Turkey Rhubarb Tea
  59. Turmeric Tea
  60. Wheatgrass Tea
  61. Yerba Mate Tea

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