Friday, December 19, 2014

Pi Lo Chun Tea Benefits

Pi Lo Chun tea benefits are derived from the antioxidant substances that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Pi lo chun tea is a type of green tea grown in the Dong Ting mountain of Jiangsu province in China. This tea is characterized by a fruity taste, a smoky but flowery scent, earthy flavor, and delicate white hairs.

The name "pi lo chun" means "green snail spring" and it is so called because the leaves are rolled into a spiral that resembles the meat of a snail.
According to legend, the Emperor Kangxi was responsible for giving it this name.
The Emperor thought that the original name for this tea - "frightening and scary tea" - was inappropriate.
The tea was so called because of its overpowering fragrance.

Pi lo chun tea has a very short harvest season.
Plucking usually starts in the end of March until the early part of April each year.
This tea is typically grown along with apricots and peaches and these are said to be responsible for the fruity flavor of the pi lo chun tea.

Pi lo chun tea has been highly rated by Chinese tea experts.
In fact, tea connoisseur Zhen Jun gave it the highest rank among Chinese green teas.
As such, this tea became a staple of tributes to the Emperor.
It is said that many people included some pi lo chun tea in their yearly tax payments.

A good cup of pi lo chun tea can be made by placing a teaspoon of the leaves in a cup of newly-boiled water.
Let the brew stand for about 5 minutes. Drain the leaves and then sip slowly.

The following are the health benefits attributed to pi lo chun tea:

  1. Pi lo chun tea may help lower the risk for heart and cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Pi lo chun tea may help strengthen the immune system and make the body more resistant to viruses and bacteria.
  3. Pi lo chun tea may help reduce the risk for the development of cancer and tumors.
  4. Pi lo chun tea may help delay the onset of symptoms associated with aging.
  5. Pi lo chun tea may help build-up energy levels and suppress fatigue.
  6. Pi lo chun tea may help in weight loss efforts.

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