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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Motherwort Tea Benefits

Motherwort is one of those plants that has somehow found its way into native medical lore in every corner of the Earth...from Russia to Romania ...from America to Asia. The genus name Leonurus is derived from a Latin word, leo meaning 'lions' and a Greek word oura, meaning 'tail', in reference to the leaf's shaggy shape - like a lion's tail. The species name, cardiaca...

Mistletoe Tea Benefits

Mistletoe Tea Benefits have been traditionally associated with lowering blood pressure in Europe. But years of research has also enriched the list of ailments that this lowly plant is said to help treat. Mistletoe is a parasitic evergreen plant that typically grows on the branches of trees such as oaks, elms, firs, and pines. The plant usually forms clusters or "bushes"...

Milk Thistle Tea Benefits

Milk Thistle Tea is derived from the seeds of the flowering plants of the daisy family called Silybum Adans that are typically found in the Mediterranean areas, North Africa and the Middle East. Milk Thistle is also known as Holy thistle, silybum marianum and carduus marianus. Milk Thistle is a fine, tall plant, with cut-into root-leaves that are waved and spiny at...

Meadowsweet Tea Benefits

Meadowsweet Tea Benefits have been long recognized in the realm of traditional folk medicine as being effective in the treatment of coughs and colds. Its vaunted health benefits have leapt into the sphere of modern medicine and proof is that the German government officially recognizes meadowsweet tea as a mode of treatment for cough and cold. Meadowsweet is a perennial...

Marshmallow Tea Benefits

Marshmallow Tea Benefits have long been acknowledged by ancient civilizations. The marshmallow is known to possess diuretic, emollient, demulcent and expectorant properties. The marshmallow is a perennial aromatic herb that is found throughout damp and wet areas of Europe, Africa and western Asia . The Romans and Egyptians of the old days used the marshmallow plant...

Marjoram Tea Benefits

Marjoram Tea Benefits have long been known for their antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic and diuretic actions. Marjoram is a tender perennial that is a member of the mint family. Marjoram has a bushy habit that grows up to 24 inches in length. It is thus an ideal hanging plant in gardens. Marjoram is said to be native to North Africa, the Middle East, and India. Marjoram...

Maca Tea Benefits

Maca Tea Benefits are slowly permeating the consciousness of people in the West nowadays, even as the people of the Andean regions of South America have been aware of these benefits for quite some time. Maca is an herbaceous biennial or annual plant posessing radish-like roots that is native to the high altitudes of the Andes mountains in Peru and Bolivia. Maca is cultivated...

Lungwort Tea Benefits

Lungwort Tea Benefits are known to be quite potent in the realm of chest and throat problems. Lungwort is most often used in traditional medicine for its expectorant and demulcent properties. The lungwort is a flowering plant of the genus pulmonaria which can be found throughout Europe and Western Asia. Lungwort got its name from its oval leaves that sport many grey...

Lovage Tea Benefits

Lovage Tea Benefits have been known for their diuretic, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. In the medieval times, lovage can often be found in monastery gardens where it is often used as a tea remedy for coughs and lung and chest ailments. Lovage is a perennial aromatic flowering plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, same as carrots, Lovage and parsley. Lovage...

Lotus Tea Benefits

Lotus Tea Benefits have been recognized by many people of South and Southeast Asia for centuries. It is known to impart diuretic, astringent and cooling properties. The lotus has often been associated with purity and serenity in Hindu and Buddhist literature. The lotus is an aquatic perennial plant that is native to India, Vietnam and other countries in South and Southeast...

Lobelia Tea Benefits

Lobelia Tea Benefits have been known for centuries among various Native American communities as being effective for respiratory and viral disorders. Lobelia is a potent emetic (able to induce vomiting) and possesses relaxant, expectorant, nervine, anti-spasmodic, diuretic and sedative properties. Lobelia is an annual or biennial herb that commonly grows up to two feet...

Linden Tea Benefits

Linden Tea Benefits have been known since olden days. Native Americans used linden flowers for treating 'sick headaches' and nervous stomach. They were also well aware of the diuretic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic and sedative properties of the flowers and herbs of the linden tree. The linden is a medium-sized deciduous tree that usually reaches a height of 60 to 120 feet....

Licorice Tea Benefits

Licorice tea benefits have been well-known to the people of the Mediterranean and Asia since ancient times but are only now slowly inching their way into the mainstream's consciousness. Licorice or glycyrrhiza glabra is a perennial herb indigenous to Greece, Italy, Spain, Syria, Iraq and southern China. The root penetrates deeply into the ground and is the part of the...