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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Green Tea: Fat Buster?

Heavyweight and obese persons might be getting a new best friend. Another diet perhaps? A new weight loss regimen? Well, it's a little bit more basic and uncomplicated that these. The fat person's new best friend could be none other than the lowly but potent green tea. Yes, that ancient brew seems to have manifested a new health property...that of fighting fat. Now...

Tea Cola created by Indian scientists!

A new concoction, referred to as the "tea cola", has recently been developed by Indian scientists.  The tea cola combines tea extracts from traditional Assamese tea with cola. Two varieties of the tea cola have been developed - one made from the extracts of black tea and the other from green tea. The tea cola is likely to be available in retail outlets in six...

Flavored iced tea comes of age as trendy and healthy alternative to coffee!

There's a new craze sweeping America. These are flavored iced tea which are typically basic black tea that's jazzed with fruit or herbal infusions, and drank cold from tall glasses. The ready-to-drink iced tea segment in the past 15 years has grown from $200 million to over $2 billion in annual sales, said Joe Simrany, president of the New York-based Tea Association of...