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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ceylon tea benefits

Ceylon tea benefits are numerous and are used to for various health and beauty purposes the world over. Ceylon tea is a type of black tea produced in the South Asian country of Sri Lanka, formerly named Ceylon. The tea is caffeinated, and has a crisp and citrusy flavor and aroma. It can be taken straight or blended with milk and sugar. It is traditionally taken with...

Assam Tea Benefits

Assam tea benefits are well-known throughout the world. They are derived from the antioxidant content of the tea leaves. Assam tea is a type of black tea known for its robust body, briskness, tart, malty flavor, and bright color. It is typically marketed as "breakfast" teas and some of its common generic names are English breakfast tea, Irish breakfast tea and Scottish...

Ancient Forest Tea Benefits

Ancient Forest tea benefits are well-known to black tea connoisseurs all over the world. Ancient Forest tea is a black tea blend that comes from strands of protected ancient camellia sinensis tea plants found in the Blue Mountains of the Yunnan province of southwest China. These tea plants typically range in age from 500 to 2,700 years old. Ancient Forest tea is said...