Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Orange Spice tea benefits

Orange Spice tea benefits are very similar to the health benefits of other black tea varieties. Orange Spice tea has high antioxidant content that helps protect its drinkers from many ailments and diseases.

Orange Spice tea possesses essentially the same characteristics and flavor of Darjeeling tea.
It is grown in the pristine high-altitude mountain ranges of the Himalayan region. Due to its proximity both to India and China , Darjeeling tea bushes of the Chinese hybrid variety were taken by the British East India Company and planted in the Orange Spiceese districts of Ilam, Taplejung and Dhankuta.
Production of Orange Spice tea started in 1863 and the first factory opened in 1878.

Orange spice tea benefits are largely derived from its black tea base interacting with the similarly healthy spice and citrus peel bits.

Orange spice tea refers to a black tea variation that combines either Assam or Ceylon black tea leaves with orange zest or dried orange peel and a host of spices that may include cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and allspice.
Orange spice tea is typically available in loose leaf or bag forms and is often seen in gourmet tea shops, health stores and even grocery shelves.

Orange spice tea is considered a good starter beverage for people who are new to gourmet tea blends. It may be taken hot or in the form of flavored iced tea.

Orange spice tea is taken more to indulge the taste buds rather than to derive its health benefits. Nevertheless, the ingredients to this tea reveal a drink that is abundant in substances that have beneficial effects on health.

The black tea base, for example, is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that are seen as crucial in fighting free radicals that lead to cell damage.
The orange peel and zest are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, beta-carotene and folic acid that are similarly able to repel many substances that cause ailments and diseases.
Lastly, the spices are likewise hotbeds of beneficial nutrients that have been proven to support human health.

To enjoy this tea, simply place about two tablespoons of the leaves of the orange spice blend in a teapot filled with about 16 ounces of boiling water.
Take the pot out of the water and let the mix stand for about 5 to 7 minutes. Strain and drink slowly.

The following are the health benefits attributed to orange spice tea:

  • Orange spice tea may help strengthen the immune system.
  • Orange spice tea may help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Orange spice tea may help in the prevention of certain cancers.
  • Orange spice tea may help ward off bacteria and viruses and thus, may help contribute to  preventing  colds, cough and flu.
  • Orange spice tea may help stimulate blood circulation.
  • Orange spice tea may help in calming and relaxing the senses.

Orange Spice Tea Benefits Trivia:

Did you know that:Antioxidants in orange spice tea help fight the damages wrought by free radicals which are viewed as the source of many of today's debilitating diseases. Did you know that aside from the catechins that are so abundant in tea

Orange Spice tea is abundant in the antioxidant compound known as quercetin. Quercetin is a plant-based chemical, or phytochemical, known as a flavonoid. Its proponents say that quercetin helps in protecting against heart attacks, strokes and cancer.

Aside from black tea, the flavonoid quercetin can also be found in such fruits as apples, vegetables such as onions, and drinks such as red wine.

Orange Spice tea has a high magnesium content. Magnesium is a water-insoluble mineral that aids in helps in forming healthy bones and teeth. It also may help reduce the severity of asthma attacks. Go here for more info on magnesium.

Orange Spice tea contains a good amount of caffeine, though not as much as coffee. A cup of black tea is said to yield only about a half or a third of caffeine as a similar cup of black coffee. While caffeine is believed to help sharpen and improve brain performance, it is also known to contribute to palpitations and insomnia when taken in large amounts.

Orange Spice tea has a considerable content of Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin that enables the body to use its carbohydrate intake for energy-use. It also helps enhance blood circulation.

The quality of the water used to brew the tea is very important. It is believed that the water used must be free of contaminants and contain enough oxygen to enhance the natural flavor of the tea. Teas made with pure water yield a crisp flavor and a clear brew that is aesthetically pleasant.

Check out these Related Topics to Orange Spice Tea Benefits:

  • Amino Acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Folic Acid
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Quercetin
  • Sodium
  • Tea for Cancer
  • Tea for Diabetes
  • Tea for Heart Disease
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

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