Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Irish breakfast tea benefits

Irish breakfast tea benefits are gotten from the antioxidant content of the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of black tea come from.

Irish breakfast tea comes from a blend of black teas, primarily Assam tea and Ceylon tea. It is very similar to English breakfast tea and the main difference is that Irish breakfast tea contains a stronger amount of black tea than the former. As a result, Irish breakfast tea possesses a darker color and a deeper flavor than its English counterpart. Its taste may be described as somewhat citrusy and brisk with a slight touch of malty spiciness, owing to the blend of the Assam and Ceylon varieties of black tea. Irish breakfast tea contains a stronger amount of caffeine than its English counterpart.

Irish breakfast tea is typically enjoyed with milk and sugar although many prefer to take it without any addition. It also typically accompanies a breakfast containing bacon, sausage, eggs, bread, porridge and rolled oats.

Notwithstanding its name, this tea is enjoyed throughout the day in Ireland, where it is simply referred to as "tea".

The best Irish Breakfast tea is generally believed to come in loose leaf form as it usually contains the best parts of the tea plant. When it is brewed, the loose leaves slowly unfold to release its flavor. The tea should ideally be brewed loosely in a pot which will allow the tea to completely expand in the water.

An ideal steeping time for Irish breakfast tea is anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes.

The following are the Irish breakfast tea benefits attributed to this brew:

  • Irish breakfast tea may be helpful in lowering the risk for cardiovascular ailments such as heart attacks and stroke.
  • Irish breakfast tea may be helpful in strengthening the immune system and thus contribute to warding off diseases and ailments caused by viruses and bacteria.
  • Irish breakfast tea may be helpful in lowering the risk for cell damage which in turn may lead to cancer.
  • Irish breakfast tea may help in relieving tension, enhancing relaxation and soothing the nerves.
  • Irish breakfast tea may help in strengthening teeth and fighting cavities.
  • Irish breakfast tea may help in improving and enhancing blood circulation.

Irish Breakfast Tea Benefits Trivia:

     Did you know that:

Antioxidants in ancient forest tea help fight the damages wrought by free radicals which are viewed as the source of many of today's debilitating diseases. Did you know that aside from the catechins that are so abundant in tea.

Irish Breakfast Tea is abundant in the antioxidant compound known as quercetin. Quercetin is a plant-based chemical, or phytochemical, known as a flavonoid. Its proponents say that quercetin helps in protecting against heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Read more about quercetin here.

Aside from black tea, the flavonoid quercetin can also be found in such fruits as apples, vegetables such as onions, and drinks such as red wine.

Irish Breakfast Tea has a high magnesium content. Magnesium is a water-insoluble mineral that aids in helps in forming healthy bones and teeth. It also may help reduce the severity of asthma attacks. Go here for more info on magnesium.

Irish Breakfast Tea contains a good amount of caffeine, though not as much as coffee. A cup of black tea is said to yield only about a half or a third of caffeine as a similar cup of black coffee. While caffeine is believed to help sharpen and improve brain performance, it is also known to contribute to palpitations and insomnia when taken in large amounts.

Irish Breakfast Tea has a considerable content of Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin that enables the body to use its carbohydrate intake for energy-use. It also helps enhance blood circulation.

The quality of the water used to brew the tea is very important. It is believed that the water used must be free of contaminants and contain enough oxygen to enhance the natural flavor of the tea. Teas made with pure water yield a crisp flavor and a clear brew that is aesthetically pleasant.

Check out these Related Topics to Irish Breakfast Tea Benefits:

Amino Acids
Folic Acid
Tea for Cancer
Tea for Diabetes
Tea for Heart Disease
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin E

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  • Irish breakfast tea benefits Irish breakfast tea benefits are gotten from the antioxidant content of the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of black tea come from. Irish breakfast tea comes from a blend of black teas, primarily Assam t… Read More


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