Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Psyllium Tea Benefits

Psyllium Tea Benefits are known in many parts of the world as being potent in their laxative action.

The psyllium plant is an annual short-stemmed herb.

The leaves of the psyllium are arranged alternately and clasp the stem in an almost strap-like manner.
Psyllium flowers are colored white, are erect and are ovoid, or have cylindrical spikes which give them a peculiar shape.

The Psyllium has an ovate fruit.
The seeds on the other hand, are covered in a thin, white-colored or semi-transparent husk that is odorless and tasteless.
They enlarge in size when soaked in water, a property which is the main reason for their use in herbal medicine.

The primary constituent of psyllium is fiber.

It can be found mostly in the husk and the seeds.
The fiber can be derived by drinking 1 to 3 teaspoons of psyllium seeds or husks with a tall glass of cold water.

Alternatively, psyllium tea can likewise be made by placing the same quantity of psyllium seeds or husks in a medium-sized to tall glass of hot water.

It is imperative to drink lots of water with the psyllium husks because the materials swell up and absorb the liquid.

They form a gel which absorbs stuck matter and toxins from the sides of the intestines.

Psyllium should not be taken with other stimulant laxatives such as senna, buckthorn and rhubarb.

Also, psyllium should be taken at least 2 hours before taking any other supplements as the fibers interfere with the absorption of nutrients from these supplements.

The following are the health benefits attributed to Psyllium tea:

Psyllium tea may help treat chronic constipation.

Psyllium tea may help treat diarrhea.

Psyllium tea may be helpful in treating hemorrhoids.

Psyllium tea may be helpful in treating diabetes.

Psyllium tea may help reduce bad cholesterol.

Psyllium tea may help in the treatment of urethritis.

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