Pygeum bark tea benefits have been known for thousands of years, particularly amongst the peoples of Africa.
In that continent, the pygeum bark has become a traditional treatment for what is termed as "old man's disease" or prostate swelling and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
In Europe, the pygeum bark only gained popularity in the 18th century.
The pygeum tree is an evergreen tree belonging to the rose family that grows in central and southern Africa.
It typically grows up to a height of 150 feet at elevations of 3,000 feet or higher.
According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the pygeum tree has become endangered due to the large demand for its bark for remedies.
The fruit typically ripens in June, July, and August in Northern Africa, and later in Southern countries.
It is used for food by people as well as animals.
Meanwhile, the wood from the pygeum tree is sturdy that makes it useful for buildings and tools, as well as fuel.
Among the active constituents of the pygeum bark are beta-sitosterol, ursolic and oleanic acids and ferulic acid nesters.
Pygeum bark tea is typically made either of two ways, either by immersing the chopped bark in boiling water for about 10 to 15 minutes or letting the powdered form of the pygeum bark infuse for about 3 to 5 minutes.
It is said that the chopped bark may be more effective for treating prostate infections while the bark powder may be slightly more effective for treating prostate enlargement.
Pygeum bark tea typically tastes bitter.
The following are the health benefits attributed to pygeum bark tea:
Pygeum bark tea may be helpful in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is likewise thought to be promising against prostitis.Pygeum bark tea may be helpful in increasing the urinary function.
Pygeum bark tea is thought to be helpful in the treatment of urinary tract infection.
Pygeum bark tea may be helpful in the treatment of male infertility by increasing the number and enhancing the quality of sperms.
Pygeum bark tea may be helpful in fighting fever.
Pygeum bark tea is thought to be promising as a treatment for hair loss.
Pygeum bark tea is thought to be promising in enhancing sexual performance.
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