Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Red Root Tea Benefits

Red Root tea benefits have long been known in the North American continent, particularly the early indigenous American tribes.
This is due mainly to the astringent, sedative, antispasmodic and expectorant properties possessed by the herb.

Red root is a long branching root that is native to North America .
It is a deciduous shrub that typically grows up to five feet in height.
It has slender stems and possesses profuse clusters of white flowers that bloom during the summer. The leaves of the red root plant are ovate in shape, are irregularly toothed, and are typically 2 to 3 inches long. The bark of the red root is thin, and its wood is tough and has a light brownish-red hue.

Red root has an astringent, somewhat bitter taste with no odor.
Red root tea was used as a substitute for real tea during the American Revolution as the taste of this infusion was almost a replica of that of black tea.

Due to their abundance in many parts of the United States , the Cherokee tribe traditionally used red root to treat skin disorders such as skin cancer and skin sores.

Red root has a strong concentration of alkaloids and tannins in its root bark.
Red root tea is made by placing a teaspoon of the dried red root bark or powder in a cup of newly-boiling water.
Let the mix stand for about 10 to 15 minutes.
This can be taken 3 times in a day.

Pregnant and nursing women should avoid the use of red root tea.
This herb should be not taken at the same time as iron supplements as these may inhibit the absorption of iron.

The following are the health benefits attributed to red root tea:

Red root tea may help relieve problems associated with respiratory ailments such as cough,                 asthma and bronchitis.

Red root tea may help relieve sore throat and tonsillitis when gargled and used as a                               mouthwash.

Red root tea may help in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea.

Red root tea may help in fighting flu and fever.

Red root tea may help alleviate some symptoms of urinary tract infection.

Red root tea may help in the treatment of gonorrhea and gleet.

Red root tea may help reduce dental plaque.

Red root tea may have beneficial effects against enlarged spleen.

Red root tea may help lower blood pressure.

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  • Red Root Tea Benefits Red Root tea benefits have long been known in the North American continent, particularly the early indigenous American tribes. This is due mainly to the astringent, sedative, antispasmodic and expectorant properties posse… Read More


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