Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Solomon's Seal Tea Benefits

Solomon's seal tea benefits have been known for generations.

The solomon's seal herb has long been used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat lung and stomach disorders. It is said to be of great help in "moistening dryness", as well as in "extinguishing wind".

Meanwhile, many regard solomon's seal as an adaptogenic agent, an herb that helps the body and mind adapt to different kinds of stress.

Known by its scientific name of polygonatum biflorum, solomon's seal belongs to a specie of flowering plants within the family ruscaceae.

It possesses dangling, tubular white flowers and arching stems.

The flowers turn into a radiant yellow in autumn.

These attributes make solomon's seal a favored component of many shade gardens.

This plant probably got its name from the star-like markings on its rootstock, which remind many of the Star of David.

The active constituents of solomon's seal tea are the following: convallamarin, convallarin, quercitol, and vitamin A.

These are mostly found in the rhizome of the plant, which should ideally be long and thick.

To make the tea, simply place a handful of the dried rhizomes in a pot of newly-boiled water.

Let the mix infuse for about 7 to 10 minutes. Strain then drink.

The rhizome has a sweet taste and is cooling and moistening to the body.

Solomon's seal may also be taken either as capsule or extract.

Those suffering from nervous stomach or other digestive disorders are advised not to use solomon's seal tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to solomon's seal tea:

Solomon's seal tea may help relieve symptoms associated with menopause in women.

Solomon's seal tea may help combat indigestion.

Solomon's seal tea may help fight diabetes.

Solomon's seal tea may help alleviate kidney pains.

Solomon's seal tea may help soothe the mucuous membranes of the lungs, thus helping to                     relieve coughs and other respiratory ailments.

Solomon's seal tea may help fight insomnia.

Solomon's seal tea, taken with mint, may help fight allergies and asthma.

Solomon's seal tea, when applied topically, may help hasten the healing of broken bones,                     cuts. and bruises. It may give quick relief of black eye and may also fasten loosened teeth.

Solomon's seal tea, when applied topically, may give relief for torn muscles, tendons,                           ligaments and joints.

Solomon's seal tea, when applied topically, may help relieve skin irritations and                                   inflammations.

Solomon's seal tea, when applied topically, may help fight acne.

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