Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Spikenard Tea Benefits

Spikenard Tea Benefits have been known to generations of Americans for a long time.

The American-Indians prized the spikenard for its anti-microbial actions and used it as an expectorant and as a pain reliever.

The spikenard is a perennial bush that bears white-green flowers and dark red fruits.

It bears large leaves and can grow up to ten feet in height.

The American spikenard is typically found in the Eastern regions of the United States and has been prized by the American Indian tribes for a long time.

The spikenard is closely related to ginseng and sarsaparilla.

The roots have a pleasant scent and have a spicy, earthy flavor which makes them perfect additives to teas and root beer.

The active constituents of the spikenard are tannins, volatile oils and diterpene acids.

To unlock the medicinal properties of spikenard, a tea can be made. Place a handful of spikenard roots into a teapot.

Then pour boiling water into the pot, cover and let it stand for about 5 minutes.

The use of spikenard is not recommended for pregnant women.

The following are the health benefits attributed to spikenard tea:

Spikenard Tea is believed to help in the treatment of cough, asthma and chest pains.

Spikenard Tea is believed to help alleviate certain aches and pains, like those afflicting the                   back.

Spikenard Tea is believed to help in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.

Spikenard Tea is believed to help in the treatment of menstrual problems in women.

Spikenard Tea is believed to help in the treatment of syphilis.

Spikenard Tea, when applied topically, may help in the treatment of wounds, swellings and                 burns.

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