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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Green Tea: Fat Buster?

Heavyweight and obese persons might be getting a new best friend. Another diet perhaps? A new weight loss regimen? Well, it's a little bit more basic and uncomplicated that these. The fat person's new best friend could be none other than the lowly but potent green tea. Yes, that ancient brew seems to have manifested a new health property...that of fighting fat. Now...

Tea Cola created by Indian scientists!

A new concoction, referred to as the "tea cola", has recently been developed by Indian scientists.  The tea cola combines tea extracts from traditional Assamese tea with cola. Two varieties of the tea cola have been developed - one made from the extracts of black tea and the other from green tea. The tea cola is likely to be available in retail outlets in six...

Flavored iced tea comes of age as trendy and healthy alternative to coffee!

There's a new craze sweeping America. These are flavored iced tea which are typically basic black tea that's jazzed with fruit or herbal infusions, and drank cold from tall glasses. The ready-to-drink iced tea segment in the past 15 years has grown from $200 million to over $2 billion in annual sales, said Joe Simrany, president of the New York-based Tea Association of...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tea health benefit awareness increases tea drinking!

Ready-to-drink teas have recorded the largest boom in business, according to a report from the Tea Association of the USA Inc. Sales have increased more than 12 times since 1990, topping out at an estimated US$2.41 billion in 2005. The overall numbers reveal an increase in four market areas: the ready-to-drink tea, and traditional markets - including stores - food...

Tea drinking and a healthy diet helps keep chronic diseases away!

Drinking tea, especially as part of a health promoting nutritional diet, low in total fat and salt, with adequate vegetables and fruits, bran cereal insoluble fibre and sources of soluble fibre, may be a useful dietary habit to assist in lowering the risk of a number of chronic diseases, says Dr N Ghosh Hajra, Project Director, Darjeeling Tea Research and Development...

It's official - A cup of tea is good for you!

A research reported in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has confirmed that tea is a healthier drink than water. Apparently, tea doesn't dehydrate the drinker, but rather rehydrates just as well as the equivalent quantity of water would. Tea can also protect against heart disease and some cancers. Desk research conducted by Dr. Carrie Ruxton, a public health...

Drinking lots of tea may do the body good!

A growing number of studies suggest that drinking tea imparts a lot of health benefits to the drinker. Such potential benefits from tea include improved mental alertness, lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduced blood pressure, lower risk of breast, colon, lung, ovarian and prostate cancer, as well as possible protection again Type 2 diabetes and maybe...

Hot Tea believed to improve general well-being!

A cup of hot tea is believed to impart several health benefits to drinkers. Hot tea is believed to improve the heart, reduce cancer risk, help the skin and contribute to general well-being.  Experts have said that tea has better health benefits if it is heated. The heat acts as an instrument to transfer the antioxidants in the tea leaves to the water. Although...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Green Tea and Shaddock can fight Bird Flu? No concrete findings yet!

The China Times Express reported that researchers in the University of Hamburg in Germany ordered green tea and white shaddock from Taiwan to help fight bird flu. According to the report, researchers in the German university imported 100,000 shaddock and green tea pills from Nantou. A food-processing factory owner, who happens to be a licensed herb doctor, was quoted...

Green Tea Slows Down Aging Process?

Discoveries about green tea's healing properties show no signs of abating as more and more health benefits are being attributed to this lowly beverage. The latest buzz surrounding green tea is its purported ability to slow down the aging process. According to recent findings, green tea extract has been shown to maintain cellular DNA and membrane structural integrity,...

Green Tea May Help Explain 'Asian Paradox'

While smoking is a well-known cause of heart disease and lung cancer, the rates of these diseases have remained inexplicably low in Asian countries where smoking is common. But researchers say there is growing evidence that green tea is one piece of the puzzle. Writing in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Yale University researchers detail the body of...

Green Tea Debate Heats Up!

A green tea debate currently rages. On one hand of the debate, health nuts and newly-converted adherents proclaim that green tea is the nearest thing to a cure-all beverage that man has ever encountered. On the other hand, official health authorities have been quite guarded and cautious in contributing to the praises sung in behalf of this lowly Asian brew. Since...

Green Tea Health Benefits Too Strong To Ignore!

Green tea is slowly but surely being recognized as a potent source of health benefits for the common man. Green tea, lowly as it may sound, is increasingly looking like the miracle drug of the modern age. Several researches have shown that green tea combats a variety of ailments and diseases. For some time now, green tea has been known to tame the cholesterol...

Matcha Tea found to be potentially more potent than regular Green Tea!

Matcha tea has been found to potentially possess more antioxidants and other health benefits than regular green tea, tea observers have pointed out. Most are familiar with matcha tea as this is the type of green tea featured in the elaborate and exquisite Japanese tea ceremony, called chanoyu. Matcha tea is also used in the preparation of such delectable treats as green tea ice cream, soba noodles and green tea cakes. Matcha tea is frequently...

Green tea prolongs life, Japanese study finds!

A study conducted in Japan on more than 40,000 men and women has found that those who drink a lot of green tea live longer, researchers said on Tuesday. The investigation by Dr. Shinichi Kuriyama and colleagues at the Tohoku University School of Public Policy, Sendai, Japan, found the beverage was particularly effective in fighting heart disease but did not reduce the death rate due to cancer, as some earlier animal studies had suggested. Polyphenols...