Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Red Clover Tea Benefits

Red Clover Tea Benefits have been recognized in the field of traditional herbal medicine for ages. Most of the conditions associated with the herb red clover have something to do with reproductive functions and menopause.

Red clover is a perennial plant that grows wild in most temperate climates. It gets its name for its purple-pink flower.

Red Clover, with the latin name of trifolium pratense, is also known as purple clover, trifolium, sweet clover, and cow clover.

Red clover is said to be one of the world's first agricultural crops.

Red clover can be applied topically to help treat psoriasis, as well as to promote healing of skin wounds.

Red clover is known to contain a high concentration of phytoestrogens, which mimic the action of female hormones in the body.

Modern science has recently isolated isoflavones from red clover plants that are similar in shape and action to estrogen.

People with conditions that prohibit them from taking estrogen supplements shouldn't take red clover as supplement.

Red clover should always be taken in moderate amounts as miscarriage, certain birth defects, infertility, and growth disorders may be linked to high dosages of red clover.

Likewise, people taking birth control pills, and anyone with a history of heart disease or stroke should not take red clover without approval from their doctors.

The beneficial essences from red clover may be extracted and taken through red clover tea.

Red Clover Tea is typically made by adding 1 tablespoon of dried or fresh clover flowers to a cup of hot water.

It is recommended to be taken three times a day.

Some of the health benefits attributed to red clover tea are the following:

Red Clover Tea may help relieve symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome in pre-menopausal                 women.

Red Clover Tea appears to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Red Clover Tea may limit the development of benign prostate hyperplasia.

Red Clover Tea may help reduce the build-up of plaque that contributes to heart disease.

Red Clover Tea may help in the flow of blood to the arteries and to the veins.

Red Clover Tea may help delay bone loss due to osteoporosis.

Red Clover Tea may help in the overall efforts to treat tuberculosis and some sexually-                         transmitted diseases like syphilis.

Red Clover Tea may help in treating inflammation and infection.


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