Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Drinking black tea may help smokers fight emphysema risk, experts say!

Black tea may have the ability to help chronic smokers fight increased risk for emphysema, experts at a recent conference on tea health benefits in Delhi said.

According to Koustubh Panda, head of the department of biotechnology in Calcutta University and director of West Bengal Biotech Development Corporation (WBBDC), antioxidants found in black tea may make it useful as a preventive measure for smokers who are at risk of contracting emphysema.

Emphysema is a progressive ailment that afflicts the lungs. It causes shortness of breath. This disease is classified under a group of ailments called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. It is called such because the lung tissues around smaller sacs of the organ, called alveoli, are destroyed thus making these air sacs unable to hold their functional shape upon exhalation. As the physical shape of the lungs is destroyed, the functions of the lungs are likewise impaired.

Emphysema is often caused by smoking and long-term exposure to air pollution. It is reportedly the fourth major killer disease around the world.

According to Panda, 90% of emphysema victims are cigarette smokers. He said that antioxidants abundant in black tea prevent cigarette smoke-induced oxidants of lung protein from wreaking havoc, thereby protecting against emphysema.

"(Black tea) can act as a saviour for those who lack the willpower to kick the butt. However, this research does not encourage people to take up smoking," he added.

The daylong conference in Delhi entitled 'Health and Longevity Through Chai: The Wonder Beverage' was organized by the International Life Sciences Institute-India (ILSI-India) and supported by the Tea Board, the National Institute of Nutrition and the National Tea Research Foundation.

Researchers from across the globe that have been conducting extensive research on tea and its medicinal properties presented papers and participated in the discussions.


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