Sunday, January 4, 2015

Boswellia tea benefits

Boswellia tea benefits are notable for their anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties. The herb is also believed to possess analgesic, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities.

Boswellia refers to medium-sized trees and shrubs that come from the tropical areas of Africa and Asia. These are large, branching plants that reach up to twelve feet in height and can be found in dry hilly areas, as well as in low evergreen tropical and subtropical forests. Boswellia plants grow in small groups. They possess long leaves with serrated sides. Its flowers contain an equal number of distinct, imbricate petals and some 4 to 5 connate sepals. Its fruit is a drupe that has up to 5 pits.

The trunk of the boswellia tree yields a gummy resin that has been used both in ancient and modern herbal preparations for the relief of inflammatory conditions. In fact, an Ayurvedic herbal combination of boswellia serrata, ashwagandha and curcumin has been used to reduce the severity of pain in patients with osteoarthritis.

Boswellia tea benefits come from the active constituents of the plant, which are mainly the boswellic acids and their derivatives. Other compounds found in the herb are borneol, carvone, caryophyllene, farnesol, geraniol and limonene. Boswellia tea can be made in a variety of ways. Boswellia extract powder can be combined with a black tea base to make a tasty brew. There are also ready-made teabags with bits of boswellia gum resin that can be infused in a cup of newly-boiled water and steeped for about 5 to 7 minutes.

Pregnant and nursing women should avoid the use of boswellia tea as its safety for them has yet to be conclusively established. It also should not be used on a long-term basis as its full effects have yet to be fully ascertained.

The following are the boswellia tea benefits believed to be imparted by this brew:

Boswellia tea may help fight arthritis and other pains related to inflammation. It may be quite             helpful against osteoarthritis of the knee and other joints.

Boswellia tea may help lower the risk for certain types of cancer, including leukemia.

Boswellia tea may help fight bronchial asthma.

Boswellia tea may help fight ulcerative colitis.

Boswellia tea may be helpful in fortifying the immune system.

Boswellia tea may be helpful in fighting gout.

Boswellia tea may aid in fighting carpal tunnel syndrome.

Boswellia tea may helpful against Crohn's Disease.

Boswellia herb is believed to help rejuvenate the skin by encouraging new cells to develop and           promote oil production in dry skin.


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