Monday, January 5, 2015

Fringe Tree Bark Tea Benefits

Fringe tree bark tea benefits have long been known in America as being potent for liver and gallbladder disorders.
The Native Americans and later, the European settlers made extensive use of the fringe tree bark in their herbal remedies.

The fringe tree is a deciduous tree or shrub that can grow up to a height of forty feet. Naturally found in North America, it has a thin odorless bark on which can be found its characteristic reddish brown colored scales.
The fringe tree leaves are thick and oval shaped.
Each one is about six inches long. The fringe tree bears fragrant white flowers during the summer. It also bears fleshy, round, and dark blue colored fruits

The active constituents of the fringe tree bark are the bitters, saponins, phyllyrin, and chionanthin. Fringe tree bark tea is made by infusing two teaspoonsful of fringe tree bark into a cup of boiling water and letting it stand for about ten to fifteen minutes.
Discard the dried bark and let the infusion cool. This drink is normally taken thrice daily as remedy for liver disorders.

Other herbs like barberry, dioscorea and wild yam may be combined with the fringe tree bark tea as treatment for liver problems.
However, this infusion should be avoided when a gallstone attack is happening as it will increase the release of bile and build pressure on the stones.

The following are the health benefits attributed to fringe tree bark tea:

Fringe tree bark tea may help release the flow of bile, thus making it an effective laxative.

Fringe tree bark tea may help in the treatment of gallbladder ailments and jaundice.

Fringe tree bark tea may help strengthen and support liver health.

Fringe tree bark tea, applied topically, may help in the treatment of skin wounds, bed sores                 and other external infections.

Fringe tree bark tea is believed to help lower sugar levels in the urine, although this needs                   to be supported by scientific studies.

Fringe tree bark tea may help improve the appetite.

Fringe tree bark tea may be used to alleviate headache.

Fringe tree bark tea may be used to relieve pain from rheumatism.

Fo-ti Root Benefits

Fo-ti root tea benefits have been so entrenched in the annals of traditional Chinese medicine that the herbs have always figured in many longevity tonics taken usually by elderly people.

The Fo-ti plant originated in China but is now also found in Taiwan and Japan. It possesses distinctive red stems, heart-shaped leaves and flowers that are colored either white or pink. The root of the plant is the part used in traditional Chinese and Eastern medicine. Fo-ti has a unique taste that combines sweetness and bitterness

In traditional Chinese medicine, the root is typically boiled, soaked and cured in a liquid made from black beans. This mix is known as red fo-ti. Meanwhile, the unprocessed root is called white fo-ti.

Fo-ti is called he shou wu in Chinese. This means "black-haired Mr. He" in Chinese. This name was taken from the famous legend of an older villager named Mr. He who took fo-ti and restored his black hair, youthful appearance, fertility and vitality.
As this legend spread throughout the length and breadth of China , the fo-ti root soon became widely-used as treatment for ailments that mostly affect the elderly.
These include premature aging, physical weakness, vaginal discharge, and erectile dysfunction.

Among the active constituents of fo-ti root are the following: chrysophanic acid, chrysophanol, emodin. The beneficial effects of these substances can be derived through fo-ti root tea.
To prepare the tea, place a teaspoon of root in a 250 ml cup cup of newly-boiled water for 10 minutes. Drink at least 3 cups daily.

Fo-ti is an estrogen stimulant in women, hence making it appropriate for treating a variety of undesirable symptoms in menopause. Pregnant women should avoid the use of fo-ti root tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to fo-ti root tea:

Fo-ti root tea may help in the treatment of insomnia.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body, as well as                             decreasing the incidences of artery-hardening in the body. The plant thus also may help in                   lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Fo-ti root tea may help in strengthening the immune system.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help in rejuvenating the nerves and the brain cells.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help in detoxification.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help fight fatigue, sagging spirits, and consequently restore                         youthful energy.

Fo-ti root tea may help fight eczema, sores and other skin problems.

Flax Tea Benefits

Flax Tea Benefits have been recognized by generations as being potent for a variety of ailments. The flax is a known anti-inflammatory and laxative agent and has been extensively used in the civilizations of the Near East.
Flax has been mentioned prominently in Biblical writings.

Flax is a small herbaceous annual plant that is native to the eastern Mediterranean region to the Indian subcontinent.
Known by its official name of linum usitatissimum, flax typically possesses a single smooth, erect stem that may reach a height of 1 to 2 feet when it is fully grown.
The stem has alternate rows of slender leaves that can reach up to an inch in length.
The flax plant has striking pale blue blossoms with five petals.
It has a fruit that is a round, dry capsule that serves as a vessel for the glossy brown flax seeds.

The flax seeds and fibers are the main reasons for the plant's cultivation since the olden days.
The flax seeds contain high concentrations of the Omega-3 fatty oils and lignans that are largely responsible for the plant's health benefits.
It is said that the flax seeds contain up to 800 times the lignan content found in other foods.
The fibers of the flax plant, on the other hand, have been used for centuries in the production of linen.

Flax seeds are usually ground to make capsules, and are added to bread, cereals and muffins. The oil of the flax seeds is also extracted to be used as additions to one's diet.

Flax tea can be made by infusing about 1 teaspoon of flax seeds in 1 cup of boiling water. Then let the mix steep for about 15 minutes.
The flax tea may be flavored with a dash of cinnamon or lemon juice and sweetened with cane juice or honey.

Flax should not be used for long periods of time. When using flax as laxative, adequate water should be taken with it as it is bulk-forming.

The following are the health benefits associated with flax tea:

Flax tea may help enhance cardiovascular functions by lowering cholesterol levels and                         protecting against atherosclerosis.

Flax tea may be useful in fighting tumors, and hence, certain types of cancer.

Flax tea may be helpful in stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Flax tea may be helpful against disorders of the digestive system such as constipation and                   gastritis.

Flax tea may be helpful in prevention of colon damage.

Flax tea may be helpful in alleviating pain and tissue damage from such conditions as                           rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and diverticulitis.

Flax tea may be helpful in the treatment of cough, sore throat, bronchitis, and pleurisy.

Figwort Tea Benefits

Figwort Tea Benefits have been traditionally recognized as being a potent diuretic and detoxifier. It is known as a cleansing herb and in China, has been traditionally paired with salt as a tonic for the body's 'yin' energy. In eons past, the figwort was used to combat the so-called "King's Evil" or 'scrofula' which was essentially tuberculosis of the lymph glands. Nowadays, figwort tea is commonly used to treat skin problems.

The figwort is a perennial plant commonly found in the cooler areas of Europe, North America and Central Asia. Growing up to 150 centimeters tall, the figwort possesses thick, square stems that branch out from a horizontal rootstock.

The leaves of the figwort have tooth-like margins and are quite sharply-shaped at the tip.
The flowers are of a globular nature, have green or violet petals that are surrounded by five sepals. The figwort plant thrives in wet and damp places, such as in open woodland. It is gathered in the summer when it is in bloom.

Figwort contains saponins, antioxidant flavonoids, organic acids, resins and sugars.
It also consists of cardioactive glycosides that are known to help strengthen the heart and slow down its beating.
As such, the use of figwort is cautioned for those who possess abnormal heartbeats and other heart conditions.
Pregnant women are also cautioned on the use of figwort.

To make figwort tea, simply place about two teaspoons of dried figwort herbs in a cup of boiling water. Take it out of the heat, and let the mix stand for about 10 to 15 minutes.
It is recommended to be taken thrice a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to figwort tea:

Figwort tea may help stimulate the lymphatic system.

Figwort tea may help stimulate the blood and circulatory system.

Figwort tea may help in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

Figwort tea may help expedite the healing of burns.

Figwort tea may be used as a treatment for hemorrhoids and ulcers.

In some parts of Europe, figwort tea is believed to possess anti-tumor capabilities.

Feverfew Tea Benefits

Feverfew Tea Benefits have been known in the field of herbal medicine treatment for a long time. The traditional uses of feverfew have been those associated with treatment of migraine headaches, as well as reducing fever and relieving arthritic pain.

Feverfew is a daisy-like plant that is a relative of dandelions and marigolds. Feverfew has dainty white flowers and fresh-smelling leaves. Feverfew acts as a bee repellent.

The active constituents of feverfew leaves and flowering heads are sesquiterpene lactones that include parthenolide, volatile oils and tannins.

These constituents imbue the feverfew herbs with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, aperient, bitter, carminative, emmenagogue, sedative, stimulant, stings, stomachic, vasodilator and vermifuge properties. Feverfew also contains nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, niacin, and iron.

It is recommended that the use of feverfew be avoided if there is allergic reaction to ragweed, daisies, chamomile, chrysanthemums, or yarrow. Pregnant women are also enjoined not to use feverfew.

The health benefits can be derived by drinking feverfew tea. Feverfew tea is made by pouring one teaspoon of the dried feverfew herbs in 5 to 8 ounces of water. Allow the mix to boil for 5 to 10 minutes.
Then strain the herbs from the tea and drink as much tea as preferred. The feverfew tea can also be applied to the skin to work as an insect repellent.

The health benefits attributed to feverfew tea are the following:

Feverfew Tea may help in the prevention and treatment of migraine headaches.

Feverfew Tea may help relieve pain related to menstrual cramps and arthritis.

Feverfew Tea may help in the treatment of fever.

Feverfew Tea may help in the treatment of psoriasis.

Feverfew Tea may help counter toothaches.

Feverfew Tea may help in the treatment of asthma.

Fenugreek Tea Benefits

Fenugreek Tea Benefits have been recognized for centuries mainly in the Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilizations, and is now making its way to the mainstream of health consciousness.

Fenugreek is commonly found in the Mediterranean regions of southern Europe, where both the seeds and leaves are used primarily as a culinary spice. In India, fenugreek is an important ingredient in curry powder.

Fenugreek seeds are an effective nutritional supplement and have also been used by herbalists for many centuries for the health benefits it provides.

The fenugreek plant has active components of alkaloids, lysine and L-tryptophan. Other compounds found in fenugreek are mucilaginous fiber and saponins that are seen to impart the plant's health-giving benefits.

These components can be derived through fenugreek tea which is prepared by soaking 500 mg of the fenugreek seeds in about 5 ounces of cold water for at least 3 hours. The seeds are then strained out of the fenugreek tea and the tea can be taken either hot or cold.

The chemical compounds found in fenugreek tea have the ability to aid the digestive process.

However, as with any herb, fenugreek should not be taken by pregnant women except with the advice of a physician.

Among the purported fenugreek tea benefits are:

Fenugreek Tea may help regulate blood sugar levels and may induce production of insulin.

Fenugreek Tea may help lower the bad cholesterol levels.

Fenugreek Tea is said to be an effective laxative.

Fenugreek Tea may help in treatment of beri beri.

Fenugreek Tea may be an important component in the overall treatment of kidney ailments.

Fenugreek Tea may help expel phlegm.

Fennel Tea Benefits

The Fennel herb is a traditional element of Chinese, Arab, Indian and Western pharmacopoeias. It had been such due to the observed health benefits that it had imparted over the centuries.

Meanwhile, fennel seeds are a common cooking spice worldwide, popular with fish and curries. Fennel is an element of Chinese five spice powder, and is part of innumerable traditional Mediterranean, Arabic, Iranian, Indian and European recipes. Fennel's sweet earthy taste enhances meat dishes, fish, breads, pickles and vinegar.

The main active constituents of fennel, which include the terpenoid anethole, are found in its volatile oil. Anethole and other terpenoids may have mild estrogen-like activity, which inhibit spasms in smooth muscles, such as those in the intestinal tract.

In fact, fennel was formerly an official drug in the United States and was listed as being used for indigestion.

Fennel seeds are usually ground or crushed and steeped in boiling water to produce tea for internal use.

The following are some of the health benefits that fennel tea has been observed to possess:

Fennel tea can aid in treatment of dyspepsias such as mild, spastic gastrointestinal                                 afflictions, fullness and flatulence;

Fennel tea can fight catarrh of the upper respiratory tract;

Fennel tea also helps in stimulating milk flow in women;

Fennel tea acts as an antispasmodic;

Fennel tea has been shown to possess diuretic, choleretic (bile-producing), pain-reducing,                   fever-reducing, and antimicrobial actions.

Eyebright Tea Benefits

Eyebright Tea Benefits have been known since olden days as being especially effective in the treatment of visual, as well as some respiratory problems.
Eyebright possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-allergenic properties.

Eyebright is an attractive and elegant plant that grows in pastures, meadows and fields in temperate regions.
Eyebright has deeply-cut leaves and numerous, small, white, light-red or purplish flowers, often with purple lines or yellow dots on them.
Eyebright's botanical name is euphrasia officinalis is borrowed from the name of the Greek grace Euphrosyne (gladness), who was known for her joy and mirth.

Eyebright is actually a parasitic plant that must attach its roots to those of other plants for survival. Today, nearly all of the eyebright sold on the market is produced in Europe .
In Elizabethan times, "eyebright ale" was a popular remedy for eye problems of all sorts.

The active constituents of eyebright include acubin, caffeic acid, tannins and ferulic acid.

These constituents can be derived via infusing dried leaves, stem and flowers of the eyebright herb (usually about 2,000 mgs) into boiling water (about 5 ounces), and then soaking it for about 10 minutes. The resultant eyebright tea should be strained in preparation for drinking.

The following health benefits are attributed to eyebright tea:

Eyebright Tea may be used to ease eye redness, swelling and visual disturbances due to                       conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Eyebright Tea may help alleviate eyestrain.

Eyebright Tea may help relieve colds, cough, sinus infections, bronchitis and sore throat.

Eyebright Tea may help in easing symptoms of various allergies due to its ability to reduce                 mucus secretions that relieves irritation and firms the tissues.

Eucommia Tea Benefits

Eucommia tea benefits are widely known throughout China and parts of East Asia. Eucommia bark tea is known to possess anti-hypertensive, analgesic, diuretic, hepatic, aphrodisiac, tonic and hypotensive properties. For its part, eucommia leaf tea is believed to have antioxidant, sedative and anti-mutagenic qualities.

Eucommia is a small tree that naturally grows in China. It usually grows up to a height of 15 meters. It possesses ovate deciduous leaves that average about 12 centimeters long. The veins of the leaves exude latex that solidify into rubber. It has small green flowers that are not readily noticeable. It also has fruits that typically appear between the months of March and May.

Known by its scientific name of eucommia ulmoides, this rubber-producing tree is widely grown for its bark and leaves which are both highly regarded in Chinese traditional medicine. In fact, eucommia is included in the list of fundamental herbs in Chinese herbal medicine.

While it is cultivated for medicinal purposes in China, it can likewise be found in small gardens in North America and Europe.

Eucommia tea benefits are derived from the active constituents found in its bark and leaves. Among the chemical constituents of the bark are geniposidic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, iridoids, aucubin, catechin, epicatechin, rutin and tetracosanoic-2. On the other hand, among the active constituents isolated from the leaves are glycoside, astragalin and several sub-strains of the flavonols quercetin and kaempferol.

Eucommia bark tea can be made by placing some raw or stir-fried bark in a pot of boiling water. Let it boil for about 15 to 20 minutes so that it extracts the healthy properties in the bark. Take it out of the fire and let it cool for about 7 minutes. An infusion from the leaves can be made by placing some chopped leaves in a mug of hot or newly-boiled water for about 5 to 7 minutes.

Eucommia tea from the bark or leaves is also available in teabag format. These can also be obtained in powdered extract or capsule format. The powdered extract is simply placed in hot water, mixed, and enjoyed as tea.

The following are the eucommia tea benefits attributed to this brew:

Eucommia tea from the bark and leaves may help lower blood pressure and fight high                        cholesterol.

Eucommia bark tea may help support the kidney and the liver.

Eucommia tea from the bark may help fight pain, particularly in the lower back and the                       knees.

Eucommia bark tea may help fight impotence.

Eucommia tea from the bark may help counter a threatened abortion.

Eucommia bark tea may aid in fighting headache.

Eucommia tea from the bark may help fight weakness in the lower parts of the body.

Eucommia tea from the leaves is believed to help in the treatment of diabetes in Korea.

Eucommia leaf tea is thought to aid in countering stress in China.

Eucommia leaf tea may help strengthen the immune system.

Eucommia tea from the leaves may be helpful in lowering the risk for tumors and cancer.

Eucommia leaf tea is believed to help improve sleep.

Eucalyptus Tea Benefits

Eucalyptus Tea Benefits have been recognized by generations as being particularly effective in acting on the nerve receptors of the nose that causes de-clogging and the release of mucus.
The anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties of eucalyptus have been widely utilized in the form of teas, oils, steams and aromatherapy to combat a host of ailments and disorders.

The eucalyptus is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs in the myrtaceae family. Eucalyptus can be naturally found in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is also cultivated in the Americas, England, Africa, the Middle East, China and South Asia.

The eucalyptus tree is one of the quickest growing tree species on Earth. It is also among the world's biggest and tallest trees, with some sub-species able to reach a height of up to 250 feet. The eucalyptus is also able to grow successfully in varied environs.

Eucalyptus trees have bluish white bark that is easily shed. The eucalyptus leaves are lance-shaped and possess a smooth texture.
They also have a strong pungent scent that is due to the aromatic oils contained therein. Crushing the leaves give off the eucalyptus scent.

The eucalyptol, also known as 1,8-cineol, comprises 70% of the volatile oil in eucalyptus leaves. Other active components are pinene, limonene, alpha-termineol and linalool.

Eucalyptus oil must NOT be taken orally. Eucalyptus tea can be made by taking a single eucalyptus leaf and chopping it into fine bits. Then place the bits into a tall cup of hot water and let it stand for about 5 minutes.

The following are the health benefits attributed to eucalyptus tea:

When inhaled, the steam from the eucalyptus tea can help alleviate chest infections and a                      host of respiratory and pulmonary ailments like colds, emphysema, whooping cough and                      asthma.

Eucalyptus tea (or essential oil combined with water), when gargled, can help fight throat                     infections and used as a general antiseptic mouthwash.

Eucalyptus tea, when rubbed in the chest area, may help relieve bronchitis, asthma and                         colds.

Essiac Tea Benefits

Essiac Tea health and supposed cancer-fighting benefits to its drinkers have been undergoing scrutiny ever since this brew was said to have been made by Canadian nurse Renee Caisse back in 1922. 'Essiac' is Caisse spelled backward.

Essiac Tea, which many have nicknamed the 'Tea of Life', is a special combination of major herbs namely:
Burdock root
Slippery Elm inner bark
Sheep sorrel
Rhubarb root

This blend for Essiac Tea was said to have been provided to Caisse by one of her patients who was cured from advanced breast cancer. The formula for Essiac Tea was said to have been given to the patient by a native Indian medicine man.

Caisse in turn reportedly treated her aunt's stomach cancer with the Essiac Tea. Subsequently, she opened a clinic and began to offer treatment to cancer patients using Essiac Tea as a cornerstone for such treatments.
Up until her death at the age of 90 in 1978, Caisse swore to the efficacy of Essiac Tea in combating cancer.

Essiac Tea is said to prevent new cancer cells from developing and is said to destroy already-existing cancer cells.
Among the types of cancer that Essiac Tea is said to be quite effective in combating are prostate cancer, advanced bladder cancer and advanced breast cancer.

Although there have been many positive testimonials to this end, it is important to point out that there have been no clinical trials conducted that has tested and affirmed the effectiveness of Essiac Tea. Essiac
Tea has not been tested by the FDA and has not been approved by the FDA as a treatment or cure for any health problem, including cancer.

Nevertheless, there seems to be an enduring idea that indeed, Essiac Tea may have some health benefits.

 Among these claims are the following:

Essiac Tea may enhance the immune system, fight free radicals and detoxify the body.

Essiac Tea may help in shrinking tumors

Essiac Tea may help in cleansing the blood

Essiac Tea may promote cell repair

Essiac Tea may help restore energy levels

Essiac Tea may help remove excess mucuous in organs

Essiac Tea may help improve the appetite

Essiac Tea may help reduce the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Epimedium Tea Benefits

Epimedium Tea Benefits have been well-known in the records of traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, the use of epimedium is mentioned in Shen Nong's Canon of Medicinal Herbs, compiled around 400 A.D.

Epimedium is an ivy-like shrub native to the higher and drier areas of China and Tibet. Epimedium is a member of the buttercup family.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, epimedium is used to increase the Yang (outwardly directed energies) when there is not a deficiency of Yin (containing energies).

Laboratory studies with animals suggest that the benefits of epimedium have something to do with increasing the production of the pleasure chemical dopamine and decreasing production of the stress hormone cortisol. Epimedium is also known to help dilate the blood vessels, thus bringing about a host of circulatory system benefits, including contributing to enhanced sexual functions.

The constituents of epimedium are the following: fats, saponins, and essential oil, with trace amounts of epimedins, epimedosides, icariin, magnflorin, and quercetin.

Epimedium can be consumed internally as a tea infusion. To make epimedium tea, add one ounce of the cut epimedium leaves to a pint of hot water. Drink a cup of epimedium tea once to thrice per day. The epimedium tea should be taken with food.

As with most herbs, it is best to consult first with your physicians before trying out epimedium tea herbal remedy.

Some of the health benefits attributed to epimedium tea are the following:

Epimedium Tea may help counter low libido, sterility, erection problems and premature                       ejaculation.

Epimedium Tea may help fight asthma.

Epimedium Tea may help fight bronchitis.

Epimedium Tea may help combat cervical dysplasia.

Epimedium Tea may be used in the overall efforts to treat congestive heart failure and viral                 infections of the heart.

Epimedium Tea may be used in efforts to treat low white cell count.

Epimedium Tea may help enhance energy.

Epimedium Tea may contribute to optimal blood circulation.

Ephedra Tea Benefits

Ephedra Tea Benefits have been recognized in the annals of Chinese traditional and herbal medicine as being particularly potent in the treatment of various respiratory ailments.
However, there is also currently some controversy regarding the consumption of ephedra in large doses as there have been adverse findings on its side effects and reactions with other medication.

Ephedra is a plant known in China as Ma Huang and has been traditionally used to stop "leakages" that contribute to the loss of energy and vigor. It has been used in China for 5,000 years to treat asthma and upper respiratory infections.

The stems of ephedra have pungent and bitter taste that have diaphoretic, diuretic, pectoral, vasoconstrictive and vasodilative properties.

The main chemical constituent in ephedra is ephedrine. Ephedrine is a potent chemical that works by stimulating the nervous system, dilating bronchial tubes, elevating blood pressure, and increasing heart rate.

Due to these effects, ephedra became a favorite of athletes as it is believed that the herb enhances athletic performance. But several incidences of adverse effects on health and even death that may have been caused by excessive consumption of ephedra and ephedra supplements led the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban the sale of ephedra supplements in the United States in 2004. Currently, ephedra and ephedrine products are heavily regulated and those buying large quantities in frequent durations face penalties.

Nonetheless, ephedra remains widely used by athletes. A survey of college hockey players in 2006 found that nearly half had used ephedra in the belief it would enhance athletic performance.

Ephedra tea can be made by placing about 10 grams of ephedra herb in 2 cups of water and let it boil for 10 minutes. Filter out the herbs before drinking the ephedra tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to ephedra and ephedra tea.

Ephedra Tea may help alleviate such respiratory ailments as asthma, colds, coughs and hay                 fever.

Ephedra Tea may help expel exterior pathogens and regulate the proper functioning of the                   lungs.

Ephedra Tea, taken in a regulated and supervised manner, may be effective for short-term                   weight loss.

Ephedra Tea may help in alleviating various allergic symptoms.

Ephedra Tea, taken in a regulated and supervised manner, stimulates the central nervous                     system may help boost energy and enhance alertness.

Ephedra is best not used as a stimulant. Its long-term use is not recommended. It is always best to seek the advice of qualified health practitioners when using ephedra, especially those that have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid diseases, diabetes, prostate problems and other conditions. Pregnant and nursing women are advised against using ephedra, ephedra tea or other products with ephedra.

Epazote Tea Benefits

Epazote Tea Benefits have been known since ancient times, particularly to the Aztecs, as being potent for malaria, amenorrhea, parasitic problems and certain digestive ailments. Meanwhile, epazote is also cited as having antispasmodic and abortifacient properties.

Epazote is an annual or perennial green herb that is native to Southern Mexico, as well as Central and South America.
Epazote has been known as an invasive weed and typically grows to a height of 3 feet.
It is irregularly branched, and possesses oblong-lanceolate leaves up to 12 cm long.
Its flowers are small and green, produced in a branched panicle at the apex of the stem.

It is sometimes known by its nicknames: jesuits tea, wormseed, pigweed and Mexican Tea.

Also known by its scientific name of chenopodium ambrosioides, epazote is commonly used both as a medicinal herb and as a spice for traditional Mexican dishes.
It is typically added to black beans for flavor and to help avoid the gastric discomfort that sometimes occurs after eating beans.
It is widely acknowledged to be an "acquired taste" and its flavor has been described as something like gasoline, kerosene, citrus, camphor and even minty.

Epazote possesses a pungent taste and smell. The Aztecs had a long history of using the herb as a culinary additive, but the word that they used for it, epazotl, translated as "smelly animal".

The leaves and stems are where the healing benefits of epazote are found.
 To make epazote tea, simply add about one teaspoon (or 8 stems of the plant) to about 2 quarts of boiling water. Let the mix simmer for 2 minutes.
Then remove it from the heat and let it steep for a further 3 minutes. Strain the herbs and drink.

Epazote is said to be toxic when taken in large doses so its intake should be moderated.

The following are the health benefits attributed to epazote tea:

Epazote tea may be helpful in treating malaria.

Epazote tea is thought to be helpful in treating amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.

Epazote tea may be helpful against asthma.

Epazote tea may be helpful in expelling worms.

Epazote tea is thought to be helpful in preventing flatulence.

Epazote tea may be helpful against certain nervous disorders, such as hysteria.

Eleuthero Tea Benefits

Eleuthero Tea Benefits are quite renowned, especially in the field of traditional Chinese and Siberian medicine, as well as those of other areas in the Asian northern hemisphere.

Eleuthero is a woodland plant native to the Far Eastern Taiga region, which includes southeastern Siberia, northern China, Japan and the Korean peninsula. 
Eleuthero has also adapted to the damp forests of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and northern California.

Also known as eleutherococcus senticosus, eleuthero is related more famous red ginseng.

Eleuthero became a widely cultivated herb after its properties as an adaptogen (a herb that helps the body adapt to stress) was discovered by a Soviet scientist named Brekhman in the 1940s. 
In fact, eleuthero was distributed to entire cities in Siberia in early winter to prevent colds and flu, and used as a treatment for radiation exposure after the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

Eleuthero was also a favorite training tonic of the Soviet Olympic Team. Its beneficial effects on physical endurance was highly recognized and prized.

The adaptogenic properties of eleuthero appear to stem from its ability to regulate the activity of the adrenal cortex in response to stress.

The dried roots of the eleuthero plant are typically prepared as tea. 
To make eleuthero tea, take about an ounce of eleuthero root and place it in a cup of boiling water. Keep it boiling for 15 to 20 minutes. Then sip slowly while hot.

The following are the health benefits attributed to eleuthero tea:

Eleuthero Tea stimulates the immune system, especially during times of strenuous physical                 exertion and stress.

Eleuthero Tea is may help enhance mental alertness.

Eleuthero Tea may have antioxidant properties that help fight cancer.

Eleuthero Tea may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Eleuthero Tea may have beneficial effects on the liver.

Eleuthero Tea may help boost physical endurance and strength.

Eleuthero Tea may help the body burn fat faster through exercise.

Elderberry Tea Benefits

Elderberry Tea Benefits have long been recognized by the native Americans as being especially potent for fevers and joint pains.
In recent years, there have been breakthroughs in research toward the treatment of virus-caused diseases like flu that involve the use of elderberries.

Also known by its scientific name of sambucus nigra, the elder is a deciduous shrub-like plant that can reach 4 to 6 meters in height. It is native to Europe and the western regions of the African continent.
The elderberry leaves are arranged in opposite pairs stretching from 10 to 30 centimeters long. They have white flowers that have five petals.
The elderberry fruit is of a dark purple to black hue, 3 to 5 mm in diameter, and are found in drooping clusters.

The elderberry flowers and fruits are made into such things as wine, jams, pies and syrups, and are sometimes used as flavoring for softdrinks.
The elderberry plant is also sometimes used as an ornamental plant. The stems and leaves of the elderberry are considered poisonous.

The active constituents of elderberry flowers and fruits include sambucin, sambunigrin, potassium nitrate and sugars. Elderberry tea can be made by infusing 3 to 5 grams of the dried flowers in about 250 ml cup of boiled water. Let the mix steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. Cool, strain then drink thrice a day during the treatment period.

The sambucus nigra specie of the elderberry is the recommended specie to use as some of the other elderberry species are known to be poisonous.

The following are the health benefits attributed to elderberry tea:

Elderberry tea may help treat influenza and fevers.

Elderberry tea may help alleviate conditions such as colds, asthma and bronchitis, where                     there is accumulation of phlegm or mucus in the air passageways.

Elderberry tea may help in the treatment of various types of allergies.

Elderberry tea may help enhance functional effectiveness of the kidney by helping get rid                     of toxins in the system.

Elderberry tea may be helpful in the quick recovery of patients with eruptive diseases                           caused by viruses like measles and chicken pox.

Elderberry tea may be helpful in the treatment of arthritic and rheumatic pain.

Elecampane Tea Benefits

Elecampane Tea Benefits have been chronicled in traditions and legends in centuries past. Today, the benefits of elecampane are being realized and utilized by a whole new generation.

Elecampane is also called wild sunflower scabwort, and horseheal. Its latin name is inula helenium. Elecampane gets its Latin name from the legend of Helen of Troy, who was supposed to have carried a bouquet of elecampane as she was being abducted from Sparta .
Elecampane has been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to treat indigestion, sciatica, bronchitis, asthma, and to ease feelings of melancholy.

Elecampane is a perennial garden flower that has been traditionally used by Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine practitioners for a variety of ailments like bronchitis and asthma. Elecampane is native to southern and eastern Europe but naturalized around the world.
Elecampane is a 6-to 8-foot tall plant with large, pointed leaves with downy gray undersides, and yellow summer flowers.

Elecampane has constituents of alanto-lactones and up to 45% inulin. These can be derived by brewing elecampane tea. Elecampane Tea is made by steeping ¼ teaspoon of powdered elecampane root in a cup of hot water.
Elecampane Tea can be taken up to three times a day. As the taste of elecampane is bitter, it is recommended that the elecampane tea be flavored with something else.

Elecampane Tea should not be taken by people with diabetes, as well as pregnant women. Elecampane Tea should also not be taken in large doses as it might cause discomfort and certain conditions.

Here are some of the health benefits attributed to Elecampane Tea:

Elecampane Tea can treat bronchial congestion. It can be used as an expectorant for those                   suffering from cough.

Elecampane Tea can be used to treat asthma and other respiratory ailments.

Elecampane Tea is said to improve digestion.

Elecampane Tea is said to help kill intestinal parasites.

Elecampane Tea may help uplift the mood.

Elecampane Tea can be used to treat yeast infections.

Elecampane Tea may help ease stress to the heart. As such, it may prove to be a helpful                       component in the overall efforts to treat cardiovascular diseases.

Echinacea Tea Benefits

Echinacea is an herb found in scattered patches in rich prairie soil or sandy soil. In the Unites States, Echinacea is most abundant in the areas from Texas to Alabama, and in the heartland from Kansas to Nebraska.

Echinacea grows to a height of 2 to 3 feet. The color of the flowers of the echinacea range from whitish rose to pale purple. It has brown fruiting heads that are conical, stiff, and chaffy. The plant has a thick, blackish root.
The two most potent species of this plant include Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea.

Echinacea is used as a traditional herbal treatment for problems in proper immune system functioning. The Native American Indians have used the Echinacea herb for several hundred years.

Echinacea Tea is prepared by simply infusing the leaves, stems, flowers and roots of the Echinacea plant in hot water.
The natural healthy properties of the herb, principally the polysaccharides and echinaceoside, are transferred to the Echinacea tea during the infusion process.

In times of stress, in harsh environments or seasons, whenever the body is in need of reinforcement, Echinacea
Tea may be used to supply the boost required to maintain the body's resistance to infection, to mend injured tissue, and to stimulate healthy body functioning.

The following are Echinacea Tea's more well-known health benefits:

Echinacea Tea can be used to treat the common cold, influenza outbreaks and mild to moderate infections of all kinds. This is due to echinacea's actions in boosting the immune system.

Echinacea Tea has antiseptic properties and hence can be used to treat septicaemia and other impurities of the blood.

Echinacea Tea can be used to treat sore throat due to colds.

Echinacea Tea can be used as a supplement to the treatment of cancer and syphilis.

Echinacea Tea can be used to supplement treatment for haemorrhoids, as well as diphtheria and putrid fevers.

Dong Quai Tea Benefits

Dong Quai Tea Benefits have been known since ancient times as being potent as a female reproductive tonic. Its name dong quai means "state of return" and is known to refer to the hormonal and emotional balance that women return to after taking the herb.

Dong Quai is a perennial aromatic herb that grows in China and Japan. Dong quai has a round, hollow stem that grows as high as 7 feet.
It has large leaves that look like those of carrot or celery. The leaves emerge from dilated sheaths surrounding a bluish-colored stem that is branched at the top.
Dong quai flowers are honey-scented, with a greenish hue that bloom between May and August.

Also known as angelica sinensis, dong quai's active constituents are sequiterpenes, dihyrophthalic anhydride, ligustilide and beta-sitosterol, among others.
Dong quai is rich in vitamins A, C and E, cobalt, iron, vitamin B complex, magnesium, and potassium.

Dong quai has analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-coagulant, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

Pregnant and lactating women, and people who are on blood thinning medicine are advised not to use dong quai.

Tea infusion, capsules, and extracts are often used to derive the health benefits of dong quai. To make dong quai tea, place about 1 to 2 grams of the dried dong quai root or powder into a cup of water that's simmered for 2 to 5 minutes.
Then remove the mix from the heat and let stand for a further 5 to 10 minutes. One to three cups of dong quai tea may be taken per day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to dong quai tea:

Dong Quai Tea may help reduce pre-menstrual syndrome, as well as menstrual pains.

Dong Quai Tea may help alleviate difficulties associated with menopausal symptoms such                   as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, insomnia and mood changes.

Dong Quai Tea may be a helpful complement in the treatment of ovarian cancer.

Dong Quai Tea may help in the treatment of fatigue, anemia and high blood pressure in                       both sexes.

Dong Quai Tea may help relieve pain caused by poor circulation, neuralgia and arthritis in                   both sexes.

Dong Quai Tea stimulates the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout                     the body.

Dong Quai Tea may help relieve emotional distress and irritability.

Dogbane Tea Benefits

Dogbane tea benefits have long been recognized in Chinese traditional medicine as being potent for hypertension and liver imbalance.
In fact, they have formulated a popular tea called luobuma tea from the extract of dogbane leaves and this herbal tea has been quite popular in China and the Far East.

Dogbane refers to various plants that belong to the genus apocynum that typically grow in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
There are seven species of this plant but the most noteworthy of them are the apocynum venetum, which is widely popular as a medicinal herb in China for its anti-hypertensive and anti-aging properties; and the apocynum cannabinum which has been used as a source of dietary fiber by Native Americans.

The dogbane tea to be discussed on this page is the Chinese medicinal herbal tea that comes from the leaves of apocynum venetum. It is also sometimes known as bluish dogbane tea. Apocynum venetum is a perennial plant that grows up to 1 foot.
It is a hardy plant that blooms in August. Its flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs).

The leaves of the apocynum venetum dogbane plant are long and somewhat lanceolate in shape. These are typically gathered during the summer months, dried in the sun, and then cut into smaller pieces.

Dogbane tea benefits are derived from the active constituents of the leaves of the dogbane plant apocynum venetum. Among these are ionone glucosides, kaempferol, vanillic acid, baimaside, daucosterol, rutin, d-catechin, quercetin, and kaempferol-3-O-beta-D-glucoside.

Dogbane tea can be obtained through ready-made teabags. Simply place a teabag in a cup of newly-boiled water and let it steep for about 5 minutes.
Dogbane tea is somewhat sweet, partly bitter, and astringent.

There are species of dogbane that contains cymarin which is a type of toxin that is believed to cause cardiac arrhythmia in humans.
As such, it is important to consult first with herbalists before consuming tea or any extract derived from dogbane plants.

The following are the dogbane tea benefits attributed to this medicinal brew:

Dogbane tea may help fight hypertension.

Dogbane tea may help relax the blood vessels.

Dogbane tea may help fight anxiety and depression.

Dogbane tea is believed to help combat liver hyperactivity and its attendant symptoms such                 as insomnia, irritability, headaches, vertigo, dizziness and palpitations.

Dogbane tea is believed to assist in better blood flow to the kidney.

Dogbane tea may help detoxification by inducing diuresis.
Dogbane tea is believed to help fight complications from diabetes.

Dogbane tea may help fight edema due to kidney or heart dysfunction.

Dill Tea Benefits

Dill Tea Benefits have been known to many generations since the ancient times. It was a favored remedy for colic in children, as well as for indigestion in older people. The dill is reputed to be one of the oldest known culinary herbs.
In fact, it is still used to a great degree in the culinary dishes of many cuisines around the world. Dill is also used in the manufacture of herbal medications.

The dill is an annual aromatic herb that grows up to a height of about thirty inches. The plant has feathery leaves borne on an erect stem and bears a large number of yellow colored flowers in umbels on the stem.
The dill grows best in places that are exposed to sunlight, and have cold climates.

Dill has a sweetly pungent and sharp taste. The dill leaves usually impart a wonderful flavor to green salads and to fish dishes.
Dill seeds are often used to flavor vegetables, meat stews, various sauces, and some breads.

Dill seeds contain volatile oil, flavonoids, coumarins and triterpenes. Dill leaves (weed), on the other hand, contain carvone, limonene and monoterpenes.

To make dill tea, infuse 2 teaspoons of mashed dill seeds in 1 cup of boiling water. Allow the mix to steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to three cups of dill tea a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to dill tea:

Dill tea may help soothe the stomach and improve digestion.

Dill tea may also help stop flatulence.

Dill tea may help ease colic in infants and children.

Dill tea may help stop diarrhea.

Dill tea may help fight bad breath.

Dill tea may help in the treatment of cough, colds and flu.

Dill tea may help alleviate menstrual pain.

Devil’s Club Tea Benefits

Devil’s Club tea benefits have long been known as being potent for respiratory ailments. The plant is also believed to have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that made it a popular remedy amongst native American tribes.

Devil's club is a large shrub that can largely be found in the cold forests of western North America, particularly in areas of Alaska, Oregon, Alberta and Montana.
These may also be found in the fringes of the western shores and islands of Lake Superior.

Known by its official name of oplopanax horridum, devil's club is closely related to the American ginseng.
However, the marketing of devil's club as a ginseng-like herb has been outlawed in an effort to protect the population of the plant as it has experienced rapid declines in the last few years.

Devil’s club possesses large palm-like leaves and straight, woody stems with brittle spines. It typically reaches a height of up to 4 feet.
The flowers of the devil's club plant are produced in dense umbels of about 10 to 20 centimetres. Each flower is small and has five greenish-white petals. Its fruit is a small red, shiny drupe measuring about 6 millimeters in diameter.

The following are the active constituencies of devil's club: nerolidol, torreyol, dodinene, bulnesol, dodecenol, cadenene, cedrol, araliasides and panaxosides.

Devil’s club tea is usually prepared by scraping off the outer scaly bark, then peeling the inner bark until the harder wood is reached. The bark of the stem roots and true roots may also be used. Place the bark strips in a saucepan filled with water and bring the mix to a boil. Take it out of the heat and let simmer for about 5 minutes.

The red fruits of the devil's club are poisonous and should not be eaten or consumed. The leaves and stems should likewise not be consumed if the thorns have already hardened.
People with diabetes and those being treated for the ailment should consult with their physician before taking devil's club tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to devil's club tea:

Devil’s club tea may help soften phlegm so it is easier expelled. It may also help increase                     bronchial secretions.

Devil’s club tea is believed to help inhibit tuberculosis microbes.

Devil’s club tea may help fight rheumatoid arthritis.

Devil’s club tea may help in the treatment of insulin-resistant diabetes.

Devil’s club tea was used by the native Americans as a treatment for tumors.

Devil's Claw Tea Benefits

Devil's claw tea benefits have long been associated with anti-arthritic and anti-rheumatic properties.

Devil's claw is a plant that is native to the southern regions of Africa, particularly Namibia, Madagascar and South Africa. It got its name from the peculiar appearance of its fruit, which resembles that of several grappling hooks.
The inner capsule of the fruit splits open at one end and becomes two curved horns or claws. The claw-like roots are used in medicines.

In the early part of the 20th century, devil's claw was introduced in Europe.
Devil's claw tea was then used to help improve digestion, as its bitter taste had been thought to help stimulate digestive juices.

The active ingredient of devil's clawis believed to be iridoid glycosides, which can be found in the secondary root.
Other constituents are the following: aluminum, calcium, chlorogenic acid, chromium, kaempferol, luteolin, magnesium, oleanolic acid, selenium, tin, and zinc.

To make an infusion of devil's claw tea, place a teaspoon of the chopped and dried devil’s claw roots into 2 cups of boiling water. Let the mix soak for about 20 minutes.
Then strain the mix and cool to drink. Up to three cups of the tea may be taken per day.

Those taking Coumadin (warfarin) or Plavix should refrain from taking devil’s claw tea.
Also, those undergoing surgery should inform their surgeons that they are taking devil’s claw.
Pregnant and nursing women should avoid taking devil’s claw as safety for them has not yet been ascertained.
 Lastly, those suffering from stomach problems, ulcers, or digestive disorders should avoid taking this tea.

The following are the health benefits associated with devil’s claw tea:

Devil's claw tea is believed to help relieve joint pains related to osteoarthritis and                                 rheumatoid arthritis.

Devil's claw tea is believed to help relieve muscle pains.

Devil's claw tea is believed to help alleviate neck pains and back pains.

Devil's claw tea is believed to help relieve pains related to tendonitis.

Devil's claw tea, applied topically as an ointment, may help relieve certain skin disorders,                   like boils.

Devil's claw tea may help relieve fever.

Devil's claw tea may help in the treatment of certain disorders of the liver and kidneys.

Devil's claw tea may help improve the digestive process.

Devil's claw tea is said to help stimulate the appetite.

Dandelion Tea Benefits

Dandelion Tea's health benefits are slowly getting the attention of health enthusiasts the world over. The common dandelion is an exceptionally nutritious food.
While many consider the dandelion to be an aesthetic nuisance to a well-balanced garden, its defenders swear to the efficacy of its health benefits.

Dandelion leaves and roots contain substantial levels of vitamins A, C, D, and B complex as well as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, choline, calcium, boron, and silicon.
These elements are transferred to dandelion tea when the leaves and roots are infused in hot water.

The medicinal actions of dandelion tea seem to target the digestive and eliminative systems of the body.
The dandelion leaf, for example, is an agent for stimulating the release of bile from the liver into the gallbladder, hence aiding in the digestion of fat.

The following are Dandelion Tea's more well-known health benefits:

Dandelion Tea is an agent for keeping optimum liver, kidney and gallbladder functions.

Dandelion Tea enhances detoxification by stimulating urination, as well as replacing the                     potassium lost to the increased volume of urine.

Dandelion Tea is used to help in the health maintenance of those suffering from Type-1 and                 Type-2 diabetes.

Dandelion Tea can be used for treatment of such liver disorders as hepatitis and jaundice.

Dandelion Tea can be used for purifying the blood and cleansing the system.

Dandelion Tea can help in relieving digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhea.

Dandelion Tea has properties that can help cleanse and improve the skin.

Damiana Tea Benefits

Damiana Tea Benefits have been well-known principally by the peoples of the Central and South American regions where it is a native of.
They regard damiana as an aphrodisiac and drink damiana tea to enhance romance and lovemaking, as well as to boost sexual potency.

Also known as turnera aphrodisiaca, Damiana is a small shrub that has small yellow flowers that give off a chamomile-like aroma. It reaches a height of 4 to 6 feet and has fruits that taste like figs. Damiana blossoms in early to late summer.

The leaves of the damiana plant have long been used as a flavoring in liqueur, and for other medical, recreational, or spiritual purposes.

The current edition of the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia recommends damiana for "anxiety neurosis with a predominant sexual factor, depression, nervous dyspepsia, atonic constipation, and coital inadequacy."
But as with most herbs, it is best to consult first with your physicians before trying out damiana tea herbal remedy.

Damiana has a complex chemical composition. The identified constituents of damiana include volatile oils, flavonoids, gonzalitosin, arbutin, tannin and damianin.
It also contains essential oils, cyanogenic glycosides, thymol and trace amounts of phosphorus.

Damiana tea is typically prepared by taking 2 grams of dried damiana leaves and stems, crushing it into powder, and then adding it to heated water at sub-boiling temperatures.
Let steep for about 15 to 30 minutes.

It is thought that large quantities of Damiana taken internally may cause insomnia and headaches and in some cases liver damage. Pregnant women should also avoid use of damiana.

Some of the health benefits attributed to damiana tea are the following:

Damiana Tea can help enhance sexual stimulation in both sexes. It may help counter                           importence for men and frigidity in women.

Damiana Tea may help increase energy and combat lethargy.

Damiana Tea may help fight nervous dyspepsia and other digestive problems.

Damiana Tea may help fight asthma.

Damiana Tea may help enhance the mood and fight depression.

Damiana Tea may help fight neurosis.

Damiana Tea may help lower blood sugar.

Damiana Tea may help fight menstrual disorders.

Damiana Tea may help suppress cough, and may help in fighting bronchitis.

Curculigo Tea Benefits

Curculigo tea benefits are numerous, so much so that this brew has been recognized in the annals of Chinese traditional medicine as well as Indian Ayurvedic medicine and Kampo Japanese traditional medicine.
This herbal tea is noted for its immunostimulant, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anti-cancer, aphrodisiac, rejuvenative, carminative and tonic properties.

Curculigo orchioides is the full scientific name of this perennial flowering plant species that grows in parts of India and Sri Lanka, as well as parts of China, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. It is also known by names such as golden eye-grass, kala musli, black musli and xian mao. Its flowers have about 6 or more petals and possess a bright golden-yellow color.
It also possesses a few long, lance-shaped blades of grass that are bright green in color.

Its roots are harvested commercially and this is typically done during the early spring. The roots are then cleaned, dehydrated and then cut into slices.

The active constituents of the herb that may help contribute to curculigo tea benefits are largely found in the roots or rhizomes and include mucilage, saponins, resin, tannin, calcium oxalates, and phenolic glycosides like curculigosides which contain curculigoside A, B, C and D which may be helpful in countering the aggregation of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease.

These phytochemicals present in the curculigo herb have allowed it to be included in the cocktail of ingredients of certain commercial brands that aim to treat ailments and physical conditions.
The androgenic supplement Natadrol, for example, includes curculigo due to its sexual stimulatory effect. Curculigo supplements are now available in pill, capsule, and ointment forms.

Curculigo tea can be made by boiling the chopped roots for about 20 minutes in a vat of water and then letting it simmer down for a further 7 minutes. Sip slowly.
Alternatively, the powdered version of the roots can be infused in hot water for about 5 to 7 minutes and then drunk.

It is important to note that curculigo may be mildly toxic and as such, it should NEVER be used for extended periods of time. Individuals with "yin" insufficiency and heat should also not use curculigo tea and other related products.

The following are the curculigo tea benefits attributed to this brew:

Curculigo tea may help lower the risk for tumors and cancer due to the presence of                               antioxidant compounds that may help fight damage caused by free radicals.

Curculigo tea may help lower the risk for diabetes due to the compounds present in the                         herb.

Curculigo tea may be helpful in strengthening the immune system.

Curculigo tea may be helpful in supporting kidney and liver health. It may thus be helpful                   in fighting jaundice and hepatitis.

Curculigo tea may help fight diarrhea and indigestion.

Curculigo tea may help ease respiratory congestion and assist in the relief of asthma and                     bronchitis.

Curculigo tea may be helpful in stimulating sexual drive due to compounds found in the                       herb. It may help fight impotence and erectile dysfunction. As such, it is considered as an                     aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic medicine.

Curculigo tea may help reinvigorate flagging spirits and energy due to its rejuvenative                         properties.

Curculigo tea may help ease joint pains.

Cubeb Tea Benefits

Cubeb tea benefits are numerous and the drink has been used for varied purposes since olden days. This strongly-flavored and aromatic brew is known to possess antiseptic, expectorant, carminative, diuretic and antiflatulent properties. It is also often used as an aphrodisiac and as remedy for certain sexually-transmitted diseases.

Cubeb is a plant in the genus Piper that is grown for its berries and essential oil. Known by its scientific name of Piper cubeba, the plant is typically grown in the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. The plant reaches up to 20 feet in height. It has oval-shaped leaves that are green in color. The leaves are oval shaped and green in color.

Cubeb berries look similar to black pepper but with stalks attached – hence its other nickname 'tailed pepper'. They grow from the small flowers of the cubeb plant. The pericarp of the cubeb berry is wrinkled and ranges in color from dark gray to black. The seed of the cubeb berry is hard, white and oily. It has a pungent and slightly bitter taste and a strong aroma.

Cubeb berry is typically used as a flavoring in food and tobacco. It is often used as a spice substitute for peppers. Its agreeable aroma makes it a good choice for use as fragrance in soaps and perfumes.

The active constituents of dried cubeb berries are the essential oil consisting of monoterpenes (such as sabinene, α-thujene, and carene) and sesquiterpenes (such as caryophyllene and copaene, α- and β-cubebene), the oxides 1,4- and 1,8-cineole and the alcohol cubebol.

Cubeb tea can be prepared in a variety of ways. The simplest way is to infuse the dried cubeb berries in a cup of hot water for about 3 to 4 minutes. Another way is to add the cubeb herbs to a black tea base, thus giving the brew a spicy twist.

Cubeb berry and cubeb tea should not be used by those who have inflammation of the digestive tract.

The following are the health benefits attributed to cubeb tea:

Cubeb Tea may help in the treatment of bronchitis and other related respiratory ailments as                 it is known to help thin mucus.

Cubeb Tea may help fight infections in the urinary tract.

Cubeb Tea may help relieve flatulence and bloating of the digestive tract.

Cubeb Tea is said to be a remedy against infertility. It is also said to help enhance the                           pleasures of the sexual intercourse.

Cubeb Tea may help fight fever.

Cubeb Tea may help fight cough and loss of voice.

Cubeb Tea may help combat halitosis and other mouth and oral problems.