Monday, January 5, 2015

Fenugreek Tea Benefits

Fenugreek Tea Benefits have been recognized for centuries mainly in the Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilizations, and is now making its way to the mainstream of health consciousness.

Fenugreek is commonly found in the Mediterranean regions of southern Europe, where both the seeds and leaves are used primarily as a culinary spice. In India, fenugreek is an important ingredient in curry powder.

Fenugreek seeds are an effective nutritional supplement and have also been used by herbalists for many centuries for the health benefits it provides.

The fenugreek plant has active components of alkaloids, lysine and L-tryptophan. Other compounds found in fenugreek are mucilaginous fiber and saponins that are seen to impart the plant's health-giving benefits.

These components can be derived through fenugreek tea which is prepared by soaking 500 mg of the fenugreek seeds in about 5 ounces of cold water for at least 3 hours. The seeds are then strained out of the fenugreek tea and the tea can be taken either hot or cold.

The chemical compounds found in fenugreek tea have the ability to aid the digestive process.

However, as with any herb, fenugreek should not be taken by pregnant women except with the advice of a physician.

Among the purported fenugreek tea benefits are:

Fenugreek Tea may help regulate blood sugar levels and may induce production of insulin.

Fenugreek Tea may help lower the bad cholesterol levels.

Fenugreek Tea is said to be an effective laxative.

Fenugreek Tea may help in treatment of beri beri.

Fenugreek Tea may be an important component in the overall treatment of kidney ailments.

Fenugreek Tea may help expel phlegm.

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