Monday, January 5, 2015

Essiac Tea Benefits

Essiac Tea health and supposed cancer-fighting benefits to its drinkers have been undergoing scrutiny ever since this brew was said to have been made by Canadian nurse Renee Caisse back in 1922. 'Essiac' is Caisse spelled backward.

Essiac Tea, which many have nicknamed the 'Tea of Life', is a special combination of major herbs namely:
Burdock root
Slippery Elm inner bark
Sheep sorrel
Rhubarb root

This blend for Essiac Tea was said to have been provided to Caisse by one of her patients who was cured from advanced breast cancer. The formula for Essiac Tea was said to have been given to the patient by a native Indian medicine man.

Caisse in turn reportedly treated her aunt's stomach cancer with the Essiac Tea. Subsequently, she opened a clinic and began to offer treatment to cancer patients using Essiac Tea as a cornerstone for such treatments.
Up until her death at the age of 90 in 1978, Caisse swore to the efficacy of Essiac Tea in combating cancer.

Essiac Tea is said to prevent new cancer cells from developing and is said to destroy already-existing cancer cells.
Among the types of cancer that Essiac Tea is said to be quite effective in combating are prostate cancer, advanced bladder cancer and advanced breast cancer.

Although there have been many positive testimonials to this end, it is important to point out that there have been no clinical trials conducted that has tested and affirmed the effectiveness of Essiac Tea. Essiac
Tea has not been tested by the FDA and has not been approved by the FDA as a treatment or cure for any health problem, including cancer.

Nevertheless, there seems to be an enduring idea that indeed, Essiac Tea may have some health benefits.

 Among these claims are the following:

Essiac Tea may enhance the immune system, fight free radicals and detoxify the body.

Essiac Tea may help in shrinking tumors

Essiac Tea may help in cleansing the blood

Essiac Tea may promote cell repair

Essiac Tea may help restore energy levels

Essiac Tea may help remove excess mucuous in organs

Essiac Tea may help improve the appetite

Essiac Tea may help reduce the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

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