Monday, January 5, 2015

Fo-ti Root Benefits

Fo-ti root tea benefits have been so entrenched in the annals of traditional Chinese medicine that the herbs have always figured in many longevity tonics taken usually by elderly people.

The Fo-ti plant originated in China but is now also found in Taiwan and Japan. It possesses distinctive red stems, heart-shaped leaves and flowers that are colored either white or pink. The root of the plant is the part used in traditional Chinese and Eastern medicine. Fo-ti has a unique taste that combines sweetness and bitterness

In traditional Chinese medicine, the root is typically boiled, soaked and cured in a liquid made from black beans. This mix is known as red fo-ti. Meanwhile, the unprocessed root is called white fo-ti.

Fo-ti is called he shou wu in Chinese. This means "black-haired Mr. He" in Chinese. This name was taken from the famous legend of an older villager named Mr. He who took fo-ti and restored his black hair, youthful appearance, fertility and vitality.
As this legend spread throughout the length and breadth of China , the fo-ti root soon became widely-used as treatment for ailments that mostly affect the elderly.
These include premature aging, physical weakness, vaginal discharge, and erectile dysfunction.

Among the active constituents of fo-ti root are the following: chrysophanic acid, chrysophanol, emodin. The beneficial effects of these substances can be derived through fo-ti root tea.
To prepare the tea, place a teaspoon of root in a 250 ml cup cup of newly-boiled water for 10 minutes. Drink at least 3 cups daily.

Fo-ti is an estrogen stimulant in women, hence making it appropriate for treating a variety of undesirable symptoms in menopause. Pregnant women should avoid the use of fo-ti root tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to fo-ti root tea:

Fo-ti root tea may help in the treatment of insomnia.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body, as well as                             decreasing the incidences of artery-hardening in the body. The plant thus also may help in                   lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Fo-ti root tea may help in strengthening the immune system.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help in rejuvenating the nerves and the brain cells.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help in detoxification.

Fo-ti root tea is thought to help fight fatigue, sagging spirits, and consequently restore                         youthful energy.

Fo-ti root tea may help fight eczema, sores and other skin problems.

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