Monday, January 5, 2015

Eyebright Tea Benefits

Eyebright Tea Benefits have been known since olden days as being especially effective in the treatment of visual, as well as some respiratory problems.
Eyebright possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-allergenic properties.

Eyebright is an attractive and elegant plant that grows in pastures, meadows and fields in temperate regions.
Eyebright has deeply-cut leaves and numerous, small, white, light-red or purplish flowers, often with purple lines or yellow dots on them.
Eyebright's botanical name is euphrasia officinalis is borrowed from the name of the Greek grace Euphrosyne (gladness), who was known for her joy and mirth.

Eyebright is actually a parasitic plant that must attach its roots to those of other plants for survival. Today, nearly all of the eyebright sold on the market is produced in Europe .
In Elizabethan times, "eyebright ale" was a popular remedy for eye problems of all sorts.

The active constituents of eyebright include acubin, caffeic acid, tannins and ferulic acid.

These constituents can be derived via infusing dried leaves, stem and flowers of the eyebright herb (usually about 2,000 mgs) into boiling water (about 5 ounces), and then soaking it for about 10 minutes. The resultant eyebright tea should be strained in preparation for drinking.

The following health benefits are attributed to eyebright tea:

Eyebright Tea may be used to ease eye redness, swelling and visual disturbances due to                       conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Eyebright Tea may help alleviate eyestrain.

Eyebright Tea may help relieve colds, cough, sinus infections, bronchitis and sore throat.

Eyebright Tea may help in easing symptoms of various allergies due to its ability to reduce                 mucus secretions that relieves irritation and firms the tissues.

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