Monday, January 5, 2015

Figwort Tea Benefits

Figwort Tea Benefits have been traditionally recognized as being a potent diuretic and detoxifier. It is known as a cleansing herb and in China, has been traditionally paired with salt as a tonic for the body's 'yin' energy. In eons past, the figwort was used to combat the so-called "King's Evil" or 'scrofula' which was essentially tuberculosis of the lymph glands. Nowadays, figwort tea is commonly used to treat skin problems.

The figwort is a perennial plant commonly found in the cooler areas of Europe, North America and Central Asia. Growing up to 150 centimeters tall, the figwort possesses thick, square stems that branch out from a horizontal rootstock.

The leaves of the figwort have tooth-like margins and are quite sharply-shaped at the tip.
The flowers are of a globular nature, have green or violet petals that are surrounded by five sepals. The figwort plant thrives in wet and damp places, such as in open woodland. It is gathered in the summer when it is in bloom.

Figwort contains saponins, antioxidant flavonoids, organic acids, resins and sugars.
It also consists of cardioactive glycosides that are known to help strengthen the heart and slow down its beating.
As such, the use of figwort is cautioned for those who possess abnormal heartbeats and other heart conditions.
Pregnant women are also cautioned on the use of figwort.

To make figwort tea, simply place about two teaspoons of dried figwort herbs in a cup of boiling water. Take it out of the heat, and let the mix stand for about 10 to 15 minutes.
It is recommended to be taken thrice a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to figwort tea:

Figwort tea may help stimulate the lymphatic system.

Figwort tea may help stimulate the blood and circulatory system.

Figwort tea may help in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

Figwort tea may help expedite the healing of burns.

Figwort tea may be used as a treatment for hemorrhoids and ulcers.

In some parts of Europe, figwort tea is believed to possess anti-tumor capabilities.

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