Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Forsythia Tea Benefits

Forsythia Tea Benefits have been known for generations as a potent antibiotic and a "heat-lowering" agent. In fact, the forsythia is considered to be one of fundamental herbs in the annals of traditional Chinese herbology.

The forsythia is a deciduous shrub that belongs to the olive family. It is native to China but now grows almost anywhere in the world.
The shrub is named in honor of 18th century English gardening expert William Forsyth, who was one of the founders of the Royal Horticulture Society.

Forsythia is widely known as a garden plant, but its dainty flowers may also be used as cutflower. It has an upright form, grows vigorously, and has arching branches. The forsythia shrub typically reaches a height of up to 9 feet. It possesses bright yellow flowers that have four-lobed corollas and produces lactose. The fruit is a capsule that contains several seeds.

The fruit contains the healthy constituencies of the forsythia plant. Among these are phenylethanoids, oleanolic acid, lignans and phyllirin.
To make forsythia tea, place the fruit in boiling water, let it soak for a few seconds, and take the water out of the heat.
Let stand for a further 3 to 5 minutes, strain and drink.

The forsythia is often combined with other herbs like the honeysuckle to combat ailments that are "heat-related" such as upper respiratory tract infection and the flu.
Pregnant women are advised not to use forsythia.

The following are the health benefits attributed to forsythia tea:

Forsythia Tea may help fight the virus and help relieve colds, fever and cough.

Forsythia Tea may help in fighting influenza.

Forsythia Tea may help fight allergies.

Forsythia Tea may help decrease inflammations.

Forsythia Tea is believed to help relieve tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Forsythia Tea may help improve cholesterol levels.

Forsythia Tea may help aid cardiovascular functions.

Gotu Kola Tea Benefits

Gotu Kola Tea Benefits have been quite well-known in the annals of Indian Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The Gotu Kola herbs have gained a reputation for enhancing brain and memory functions.

Due to its reported health benefits, gotu kola has often become a feature in many Asian legends. In the myth of the Tai Chi Chuan master Li Ching-Yun, gotu kola was said to be one of the Chinese herbs he used to reach the purported age of 256. Meanwhile, a popular Sri Lankan folk tale from Sri Lanka speaks of the legend of King Aruna who claimed that Gotu Kola provided him with energy and stamina to satisfy his 50-woman harem.

Also known as Indian Pennywort, gotu kola is popularly used as leafy green food in Bangladesh, Thailand and Sri Lanka.
Gotu Kola has nevertheless been internationally recognized within many countries pharmacopoeias and has been a valid, recognized, botanical medicine since 1884.

Gotu kola is a mild adaptogen, is mildly antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, anxiolytic, a cerebral tonic, a circulatory stimulant, a diuretic, nervine and vulnerary.

Gotu Kola's constituents consist mainly of triterpenoid saponins and sapogenins.

To prepare gotu kola tea, boil about 200 mg (about ½ teaspoon) of dried gotu kola herbs in about one cup of water for a few minutes. Then strain out the solid particles.
Gotu Kola Tea is typically consumed three times a day.

Some of the benefits being attributed to gotu kola tea are:

Gotu Kola Tea may help strengthen brain and memory functions. Subject to more testing, it                 may have huge potentials in treating such disorders as Alzheimer's Disease.

Gotu Kola Tea may help the body overcome stress and fatigue.

Gotu Kola Tea may help sedate the central nervous system.

Gotu Kola Tea may help the body fight bacteria.

Gotu Kola Tea may help relieve hemorrhoids.

Gotu Kola Tea may help in strengthening the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, and hence                   may be a big help in treating ulcers.

Gotu Kola Tea may help in strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It may also improve                     blood flow, may help prevent dangerous blood clots, and may keep veins in good condition.

Goldenseal Tea Benefits

Goldenseal Tea Benefits have been recognized especially in the northeastern Native American tribes. It has been known as an effective antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.

Goldenseal's official name is hydrastis Canadensis and is also known by other names such as orange root, yellow root, wild curcuma, turmeric root, eye root, indian paint and warnera.
Goldenseal has also been dubbed as "the poor man's ginseng" due to its reputation for being a cure-all.

Goldenseal was known to have been introduced outside of its habitat in the 1700s. There was wide acceptance for goldenseal during those days such that exports of the native American plant reached 200,000 to 300,000 pounds annually.
However, goldenseal was declared an endangered species in 1996.

The active constituents of goldenseal tea include hydrastine, berberine, berberastine, canadine, candaline, and hydrastinine, fatty acids, resin, polyphenolic acids, meconin, chlorogenic acid, phytosterins and small amounts of volatile oil.

Goldenseal should not be used by pregnant women, as well as those suffering from heart conditions. There are evidence that suggest goldenseal may raise blood pressure.

To unlock and derive the benefits from the active constituents, Goldenseal Tea is made by infusing the dried goldenseal root or powder in near boiling water for about 6 to 10 minutes.
Goldenseal Tea can then be taken orally or applied topically as an antiseptic.

The following are the benefits attributed to Goldenseal Tea:

Goldenseal Tea may help promote healthy glandular function, and may have a tonic and                       detoxifying effect on the entire system.

Goldenseal Tea is said to be effective in treating respiratory infections and mucous                               membrane infections.

Goldenseal Tea may be helpful in treating diarrhea.

Goldenseal Tea may be helpful in relieving intestinal infections.

Goldenseal Tea may be helpful in overall fight against diabetes.

Goldenseal Tea may help in relief of yeast infections.

Goldenseal Tea may be helpful in combating canker sores and periodontal diseases.

Goldenseal Tea may be helpful in treating eye diseases like trachoma and staph.

Goldenseal Tea may helpful in treating liver problems in alcoholics.

Goldenseal Tea may also be helpful in digesting fat.

Gynostemma Tea Benefits

Gynostemma Tea Benefits are legendary in the annals of traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese regard the gynostemma herb as being a potent balancing agent of the 5 major body systems: cardiovascular, digestive, immune, nervous and reproductive systems.
Consequently, gynostemma is said to contribute to optimum well-being and longevity. And practitioners of ancient Chinese medicine have come to regard gynostemma as an immortality herb.

Gynostemma broke into the consciousness of health practitioners from all over when in the 1970s, a nationwide census in China revealed that in a certain mountainous area, there lived a large amount of people that reached the age of 100 years and above. Research into the lifestyle of the people revealed one common dietary element: they all drank gynostemma tea on a regular basis.

Gynostemma, also known as jiaogulan by the Chinese, is a herbaceous vine  that is indigenous to the southern China, southern Korea and Japan.
It possesses leaves that most often are divided into five leaflets – usually with a larger leaflet at the end of the leaf stem surrounded by leaflets of decreasing size on either side.
Gynostemma is of the same family of plants as cucumbers and melons.
It produces small dark berries that follow light yellow flowers.

Gynostemma is best known as an herbal medicine reputed to have powerful antioxidant and adaptogenic effects.

The chemical constituents of gynostemma include the triterpenoid saponins gypenosides, which are closely structurally related to the ginsenosides from ginseng.

Pregnant and breast-feeding women, as well as small children are advised not to take gynostemma tea or extracts. This is because so little is known about its possible long-term effects. Caution should also be taken by those who are taking medication and herbs that affect blood clotting as the herb is known to delay clotting.

To make gynostemma tea, simply place a handful of dried gynostemma leaves and roots in a pot of newly-boiled water. Let the mix stand for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drain the mix, then drink. Drinking about 2 to 3 cups of gynostemma tea per day is recommended.

The following are the health benefits attributed to gynostemma tea:

Gynostemma tea may be helpful in fighting tumors and cancer.

Gynostemma tea may be helpful in boosting the immune system.

Gynostemma tea may be helpful in treating asthma.

Gynostemma tea may be helpful against migraine headaches.

Gynostemma tea may help lower cholesterol.

Gynostemma tea may be useful against disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Gynostemma tea may be useful against bronchitis and other disorders of the respiratory                       system.

Gynostemma tea may be useful against depression, anxiety, stress, and other disorders of                     the nervous system.

Gynostemma tea may help in weight loss.

Goldenrod Tea Benefits

Goldenrod Tea Benefits have been acknowledged for a long time as being particularly potent on kidney-related disorders.

The goldenrod plant is a yellow-colored flowering perennial plant that grows up to 3 feet in height. It possesses alternating elliptical-shaped leaves and panicles of golden flowers on top.

Known by its official name of solidago gigantean, goldenrod is mostly found in North American woodlands, dunes and rocks. The goldenrod is frequented by many types of crawling insects and butterfly species. The goldenrod depends on the wind to disperse its seeds.

The active constituents of goldenrod are saponins, tannins, flavonoids and essential oil.

To make an infusion of goldenrod tea, place two to three teaspoonfuls of the dried herb in one cup of boiling water. Let the mix steep for ten to fifteen minutes.
The tea can be drunk thrice daily as a treatment for a variety of disorders.

The following are the health benefits attributed to goldenrod tea:

Goldenrod tea may help in the treatment of kidney and bladder stones.

Goldenrod tea may help relieve inflammation in the urinary tract.

Goldenrod tea may help in the treatment of sore throat.

Goldenrod tea may help ease whooping cough.

Goldenrod tea may help in the treatment of influenza.

Goldenrod tea may help in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

Goat's Rue Tea Benefits

Goat's rue tea benefits have been recognized throughout the centuries by different civilizations.
The Europeans traditionally used it to help break fevers and treat infections from parasites and snakebite.
The native Americans utilized the herb as an aphrodisiac and to help with male impotence.
Even the roots of the goat's rue plant were used in teas and given to children as it is believed that it will make them grow strong and muscular.

Goat's rue is a perennial shrub native to Europe, Eastern Russia, Iran and some parts of Asia. It possesses smooth and erect branching floral stems that can grow up to five feet in height.
Goat's rue plant has green leaves that are made up of several lance-shaped leaflets, each leaflet measuring one to two inches in length.
It bears white to slightly pink flowers that grow in spikes.
The flowers form seedpods in autumn with each seedpod bearing two to six kidney-shaped seeds.

Known by its scientific name of galega officinalis, goat's rue plant has been extensively cultivated as a forage crop, an ornamental, and as a bee plant.

The following are the active constituents of goat's rue: galegine, saponins, tannins, bitters, glycosides, alkaloids and chromium.

Goat's rue tea can be made by placing 1 teaspoonful of the dried goat's rue leaves, stems and aboveground parts in 1 cup of newly-boiled water.
Let the mix stand for about ten to fifteen minutes before it is strained and cooled. The goat's rue tea may be taken twice daily for supplemental purposes.

The following are the health benefits attributed to goat's rue tea:

Goat's rue tea may help in the treatment of rheumatism.

Goat's rue tea is thought to help lower blood sugar and may be helpful in the treatment of                     diabetes.

Goat's rue tea may help in the treatment of certain bladder problems.

Goat's rue tea may help in fighting fever.

Goat's rue tea may help fight coughs.

Goat's rue tea may help in the treatment of irregular menstruations.

Goat's rue tea may help facilitate the proper flow of breast milk.

Goat's rue tea has been traditionally used as treatment for snakebites and intestinal                               parasites.

Goji Tea Benefits

Goji Tea Benefits have been recognized for centuries. Goji has been mentioned in the traditional Chinese medicinal records as being an augmentor for the yin, as well as a tonic for general well-being.

In recent years, goji berries have often been included in the list of so-called "superfoods" or foods that combine nutrient richness with appealing taste and antioxidant strength.

Goji is a spiny and spiky, deciduous perennial shrub that is extensively cultivated in the northwestern provinces of China such as Ningxia, Qinghai and Gansu, as well as in Mongolia and the Himalayas.

Also known by its official names of lycium barbarum and lycium chinense, as well as its common name wolfberry, the goji is cultivated primarily due to its fruit, the goji berry. The goji berry is a bright red, chewy, ellipsoid fruit with a pleasantly sweet and tangy taste. Each berry contains anywhere from 20 to 60 tiny yellow seeds. The goji berries become ripe between the months of July and October.

In the past few years, the use of goji juice has become popular in the United States and many Western countries. Marketers often cite the numerous health benefits of goji juice, although there have been few published clinical trials in humans.
However, goji berries have traditionally been eaten raw, made into liquid extracts, added to soups, made into goji tea, and often mentioned as a "cooling tonic" in the annals of Chinese traditional medicine.

The active constituents of the goji berry are beta-sitosterol, carotenoids (beta-carotene and zeaxanthin), betaine, niacin, pyridoxine, and ascorbic acid. To make goji tea, toss a handful of the dried red goji berries into a cup of boiling water. Then let the mix stand for up to 5 minutes.
Drink the goji tea and then chew the remnants of the dried berries.

The following are the health benefits attributed to goji tea:

Goji tea may help promote overall well-being and longevity.

Goji tea may help strengthen the kidneys.

Goji tea may help clear the eyesight.

Goji tea may help protect the liver.

Goji tea may help boost the immune function.

Goji tea may aid in improving blood circulation.

Goji tea may help enhance sexual functions and fertility, especially among men.

Gentian Tea Benefits

Gentian Tea Benefits have been acknowledged in the annals of the herbal medicine sphere for quite some time now.

Gentian has been used in European herbal medicine throughout the 2,200 years since its discovery. Gentian is also mentioned in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia, recommending it for anorexia and sluggish digestion.

Also known as Gentiana lutea, wild gentian or yellow gentian, and as gentiana in English-language commentaries on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gentian is an herb that typically grows in the highly-elevated pastures of the Alps and the Himalayas. 
Gentian roots take 7 to 10 growing seasons to mature.

The beneficial components in Gentian are the bitter principles amarogentin, gentiopicroside and gentiobiose. These are said to be very helpful in digestion, encourage the flow of bile, and aid the intestines to absorb fat.

The dried roots of the Gentian plant are typically used to make Gentian Tea. Gentian Tea is typically made by simmering one teaspoon of shredded Gentian root in two cups of water for 20 minutes. The tea is then allow to cool to room temperature and then strained. 
Gentian Tea is normally drunk 15 to 30 minutes before eating. Since Gentian Tea is so bitter, many manufacturers combine it with other more pleasant-tasting herbs but does not diminish the tea benefits whatsoever.

Caution in the use of Gentian Tea is given to those suffering from peptic or duodenal ulcers.

Here are some of the health benefits derived from drinking Gentian Tea:

Gentian Tea aids in better digestion and calms an upset stomach.

Gentian Tea purifies the blood and is an excellent remedy for liver problems, including                       enlarged liver.

Gentian Tea improves circulation of the blood to all parts of the body.

Gentian Tea enhances the appetite.

Gentian Tea helps alleviate fever and helps in the treatment of common cold.

Ginger Tea Benefits

Ginger tea benefits are quite well-known in many parts of the world, especially in Asia.

Revered around the world for its pungent taste, ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a natural spice that is also widely prized for its medicinal properties.
Since ancient times, traditional healers in a diverse array of cultures have used this plant primarily to help settle upset stomachs.

Chinese herbalists have relied on ginger as a medicine and flavoring for more than 2,500 years. The early Greeks mixed it into breads (hence the first gingerbread), and North American colonists sipped nausea-quelling ginger beer, the precursor of modern ginger ale.
Today, many cultures continue to rely on ginger for controlling nausea and also for reducing inflammation.

A botanical relative of marjoram and turmeric, the ginger plant is indigenous to southeast Asia and is now also extensively cultivated in Jamaica and other tropical areas.
It's the plant's aromatic rhizome (or underground stem) that's used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Below are some of the known ginger tea benefits:

Ginger tea relieves nausea

Ginger tea combats motion sickness

Ginger tea helps digestive processes

Ginger tea combats inflammation

Ginger tea reduces dizziness

Ginger tea limits flatulence

Ginger tea controls chronic pain

Ginger tea eases the pain of muscle aches and rheumatoid arthritis

Ginger tea minimizes symptoms of the common cold, allergies, and other respiratory                           conditions

Ginkgo Biloba Tea Benefits

Ginkgo Biloba tea’s health benefits have been analyzed by scientists and medical practitioners for a long time. Ginkgo biloba is a natural herb that has a long history in Chinese medicine.

Ginkgo Biloba comes from the ginkgo tree that grows in the Zhejiang region of Eastern China. The tree has a history that dates back to over 200 million years.

Western herbal medicine typically uses the leaves, either cut or whole, to make ginkgo biloba tea infusions.

Ginkgo biloba tea contains several key flavonoids found in the infused leaf. Among these are: quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetine.
Ginkgo biloba tea also contains sufficient amounts of glycosides, non-flavonoid terpenes, carotenoids, and ginkolides A, B and C.

The following are ginkgo biloba tea’s more well-known health benefits:

Ginkgo biloba tea stimulates blood and peripheral arterial circulation;

Ginkgo biloba tea reduces lethargy and improves sense of well-being;

Ginkgo biloba tea may help improve the memory;

Ginkgo biloba tea is used to treat hearing disorders like tinnitus;

Ginkgo biloba tea may improve disturbed equilibrium;

Ginkgo biloba tea may help improve mental alertness;

Ginkgo biloba tea may be used as supplement for Alzheimer's disease

Gastrodia Tea Benefits

Gastrodia tea benefits have been known to practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine for at least 1,900 years as being potent for "wind" in the liver, as well as convulsive ailments. The roots of the gastrodia herb, known in China as tian ma, are noted for their carminative, cholagogue, analgesic, sedative and antispasmodic qualities while the stem is known for its tonic and aphrodisiac properties.

Scientifically known as gastrodia elata, this herb is a perennial that belongs to the Orchidaceae family.
It is native to a wide swath of the Asian continent, from Japan, China, North Korea and the Siberian region in the east and northeast Asia to Bhutan, Nepal and Northern India.

The gastrodia orchid plant is characterized by an upright orange-colored leafless stem that grows up to a height of 2 meters. It has lance-shaped floral bracts that are about 1 centimeter long. It has a petal and sepal that produce a slanting perianth tube.
The labellum or mouth of the flower is typically white and circular. The pistil column is about 7 millimeters long.
Gastrodia flowers usually bloom during the months of June and July while the fruits appear during the subsequent months.

Meanwhile the roots of the plant, where the bulk of its medicinal properties can be found, is about 10 centimeters long and has a diameter of about 5 centimeters.
Gastrodia tea benefits can be derived from the active constituents of the roots including 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde and gastrodine.

Gastrodia tea is typically made by boiling the dried roots for about 20 to 25 minutes. Let it cool off for about 7 minutes, discard the roots, then drink.
If the roots already come in powdered form, making the tea is as simple as placing a handful of the powder in a mug of newly-boiled water.
Let it stand for about 5 minutes before drinking. Powdered gastrodia roots may be taken in doses of 1-1.5 grams per day each time, twice or thrice each day.

The gastrodia elata plant historically grew in the wild but due to its useful medicinal properties, Chinese herbalists endeavored to cultivate the plant.
However, they were not successful in doing so until biologists discovered that the plant needs two fungi in order to survive and reproduce.
It needs the soil fungi called Armillaria mellea (typically found in rotting wood) for nutrition; and requires a second fungus called Mycena osmundicola to create the edible tuber and occasionally produce flowering stems.

The following are the gastrodia tea benefits attributed to this herbal brew:

Gastrodia tea may be helpful against ailments with convulsions such as tetanus and                               epilepsy.

Gastrodia tea may help fight pains such as headaches and rheumatoid arthritis.

Gastrodia tea may help fight dizziness and vertigo.

Gastrodia tea might be helpful in the treatment of mild vascular dementia and moderate                       cognitive impairment.

Gastrodia tea may also be used to find numbness.

Galangal Tea Benefits

Galangal Tea Benefits have been recognized for a long time for their potency in the digestive arena.

Galangal is a shrub that is native to East Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia.
The plant, which belongs to the ginger family, possesses long and sharp leaves, iris-like flowers, and reddish brown, woody rhizomes.

The rhizomes or roots are the medicinal parts of the galangal plant and they branch out into different pieces. Each piece is typically cylindrical in shape.
The galangal rhizomes have a strong aromatic odor, and a spicy or pungent taste.

The active constituents of galangal, concentrated in the roots, are resins, galangol, tannins, quercetin, and pinene, among others.

To make galangal tea, infuse about 1 teaspoon of powdered root in a cup of boiling water. Take the water out of the heat and let the mix stand for about 10 to 15 minutes.
A cup of galangal tea can be taken thrice in a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to galangal tea:

Galangal Tea may help alleviate abdominal pain.

Galangal Tea may help alleviate digestive problems like bloating, constipation and                               excessive gas.

Galangal Tea may help ease hiccups, belches and burps.

Galangal Tea may help fight diarrhea.

Galangal Tea may help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Galangal Tea may help in the treatment of sore gums and canker sores.

Galangal Tea may help in the treatment of motion sickness.

Fumitory Tea Benefits

Fumitory Tea Benefits have been well-known since ancient times as being "a bringer of long life". Fumitory was once used as an herb to stop the hiccups, and as a tool to expel evil spirits.

Fumitory is an annual, climbing herb that can reach up to 30 inches, with slender stems, deeply indented triangular leaves, limp branches and pinkish flowers with purple or white tops.

Also known as fumaria officinalis, fumitory is a weed that is native to Europe and North Africa, but is also found in Australia, Asia and North America.

Fumitory is a diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and anti-spasmodic agent. The active constituents of fumitory are the flavonoid glycosides, and isoquinolones alkaloid.

The health benefits of fumitory can be derived either as tea infusion, tincture, capsule or extract form.

To make fumitory tea, simply place 1 to 2 tablespoons of dried fumitory herbs (use the above-ground flowering parts of the fumitory) in a cup of boiling water.
Then let the tea soak for about 10 to 15 minutes.

The following health benefits are attributed to fumitory tea:

Fumitory Tea may help in the treatment of eruptive skin problems such as eczema and                         acne.

Fumitory Tea is said to help in the treatment of liver and kidney problems.

Fumitory Tea may help in the treatment of arthritis.

Fumitory Tea may help in the fight against gallstones.

Fumitory Tea may help alleviate indigestion, and may help relieve hiccups, belches and                       burps.

Fumitory Tea, when applied externally through eyewashes, may help in the treatment of                       conjunctivitis.