Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Gentian Tea Benefits

Gentian Tea Benefits have been acknowledged in the annals of the herbal medicine sphere for quite some time now.

Gentian has been used in European herbal medicine throughout the 2,200 years since its discovery. Gentian is also mentioned in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia, recommending it for anorexia and sluggish digestion.

Also known as Gentiana lutea, wild gentian or yellow gentian, and as gentiana in English-language commentaries on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gentian is an herb that typically grows in the highly-elevated pastures of the Alps and the Himalayas. 
Gentian roots take 7 to 10 growing seasons to mature.

The beneficial components in Gentian are the bitter principles amarogentin, gentiopicroside and gentiobiose. These are said to be very helpful in digestion, encourage the flow of bile, and aid the intestines to absorb fat.

The dried roots of the Gentian plant are typically used to make Gentian Tea. Gentian Tea is typically made by simmering one teaspoon of shredded Gentian root in two cups of water for 20 minutes. The tea is then allow to cool to room temperature and then strained. 
Gentian Tea is normally drunk 15 to 30 minutes before eating. Since Gentian Tea is so bitter, many manufacturers combine it with other more pleasant-tasting herbs but does not diminish the tea benefits whatsoever.

Caution in the use of Gentian Tea is given to those suffering from peptic or duodenal ulcers.

Here are some of the health benefits derived from drinking Gentian Tea:

Gentian Tea aids in better digestion and calms an upset stomach.

Gentian Tea purifies the blood and is an excellent remedy for liver problems, including                       enlarged liver.

Gentian Tea improves circulation of the blood to all parts of the body.

Gentian Tea enhances the appetite.

Gentian Tea helps alleviate fever and helps in the treatment of common cold.

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