Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ginkgo Biloba Tea Benefits

Ginkgo Biloba tea’s health benefits have been analyzed by scientists and medical practitioners for a long time. Ginkgo biloba is a natural herb that has a long history in Chinese medicine.

Ginkgo Biloba comes from the ginkgo tree that grows in the Zhejiang region of Eastern China. The tree has a history that dates back to over 200 million years.

Western herbal medicine typically uses the leaves, either cut or whole, to make ginkgo biloba tea infusions.

Ginkgo biloba tea contains several key flavonoids found in the infused leaf. Among these are: quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetine.
Ginkgo biloba tea also contains sufficient amounts of glycosides, non-flavonoid terpenes, carotenoids, and ginkolides A, B and C.

The following are ginkgo biloba tea’s more well-known health benefits:

Ginkgo biloba tea stimulates blood and peripheral arterial circulation;

Ginkgo biloba tea reduces lethargy and improves sense of well-being;

Ginkgo biloba tea may help improve the memory;

Ginkgo biloba tea is used to treat hearing disorders like tinnitus;

Ginkgo biloba tea may improve disturbed equilibrium;

Ginkgo biloba tea may help improve mental alertness;

Ginkgo biloba tea may be used as supplement for Alzheimer's disease

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