Sunday, January 4, 2015

Chaga Tea Benefits

Chaga tea benefits have long been known by people in the Russian, Polish, Baltic and Siberian regions. Chaga is taken as a health and longevity tonic by people from these regions and its health benefits are derived from the remarkably high concentration of antioxidants in this mushroom.

The healing properties of the chaga mushroom have been written in text by the Chinese herbalist Shen Nong in the 1 st century B.C. However, it is in the Russian and Baltic regions where these properties have been used extensively and the tea made from the chaga mushroom has been embraced as a tonic for various ailments.

Chaga is an irregularly-shaped polypore fungus (most commonly known as mushroom) that grows on the wounds of birch trees and occasionally on elm trees, alder trees and ironwood trees. The chaga mushroom resembles the appearance of charred wood. The interiors of the chaga mushroom have a rusted brown color while its veins are white or cream colored. It has a craggy texture and is known to hold much less water than other types of mushrooms.

The active constituents of the chaga mushroom are the following: polysaccharides, flavonoids, triterpenes, germanium, betulinic acid, saponins, amino acids, lignins, iron, chromium, magnesium and beta-glucan. This rich antioxidant content is what imbues the chaga with considerable amounts of healing properties and makes the mushroom potentially valuable in the search for ways to heal and treat many of today's acute ailments.

Chaga tea has attained a considerable following in the Russian and Baltic regions. This tea is typically made by shredding the chaga mushrooms and then softening it in cold water for about five hours. Then get the softened mushrooms but save the liquid. Add heated water to the softened mushrooms and let it stand for about 2 days. When ready to drink, mix the resultant chaga tea with the saved liquid from the softening process as it contains a rich amount of antioxidants. Chaga tea may be drunk thrice a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to chaga tea:

Chaga tea may help boost and strengthen the immune system.

Chaga tea may be helpful in the treatment of various stomach diseases.

Chaga tea may be helpful in expelling intestinal worms.

Chaga tea may be helpful in the treatment of liver problems.

Chaga tea may be helpful in the treatment of certain heart ailments, including hypertension.

Chaga tea may be helpful in fighting tumors and lowering the risk of certain cancers, like                     those involving the breast, liver, uterus and stomach.

Chaga tea may be helpful in the treatment of diabetes.

Chaga tea may have actions against HIV.

Chaga tea may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Centaury Tea Benefits

Centaury Tea Benefits have been known for a long time in the annals of traditional herbal medicine. The centaury plant is touted to have potent diaphoretic, digestive, emetic, febrifuge, hepatic, homeopathic, poultice, stomachic, tonic, liver stimulating, and nervine properties.

The centaury is flowering plant of the gentian family that is commonly found in Europe, northern Africa, western Asia and eastern Australia. Known by its official name of centaurium erythraea, the centaury is a biennial herb which, standing erect, reaches 0.5 meter in height. It boasts of a leafy, erect stem with branches. It is triangular-shaped leaves found on opposite sides of the stem. From June to September each year, pinkish flowers with yellow anthers bloom. The fruit takes the form of a cylindrical capsule.

Centaury has a very bitter taste and it is often used to flavor bitter liqueurs, and is an ingredient in vermouth.

The active constituents of centaury are secoiridoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids, triterpenes, xanthone derivatives and triterpenes. To make centaury tea, place 1 teaspoon of the dried herb in 1 cup of boiling water. Let the mix steep for up to 10 minutes. Due to its bitter taste, only ½ cup is to be taken.

The following are the health benefits attributed to centaury tea:

Centaury tea may help in purifying the blood.

Centaury tea may help in lowering blood pressure.

Centaury tea may help in enhancing the digestive functions. It can be of use in fighting                         constipation, and gastritis.

Centaury tea may help in fighting anemia.

Centaury tea may help in the treatment of diabetes.

Centaury tea may help in the treatment of various liver diseases.

Centaury tea may be beneficial in the treatment of kidney diseases.

Centaury tea may help stimulate the appetite if taken before meals. Centaury tea may help                   fight heartburn and dyspepsia if taken after meals.

Celandine Tea Benefits

Celandine Tea Benefits have been known for a long time as being potent against kidney and liver ailments. In the ancient times, Roman scholar Pliny cited the healing and detoxifying properties of celandine in his works. In the 14 th Century, celandine was taken as a blood tonic and was thought to enhance the eyesight. Herbalists have also long employed celandine to remove warts and soften calluses.

Celandine is a perennial herb in the poppy family with stems that grow up to 2½ feet high. Also known by its official name of chelidonium majus, it has been traditionally found in Europe, Asia and North America . The celandine plant has smooth, deeply divided blue-green leaves with lobed leaflets spread alternately along the lower stem. It has bright yellow colored flowers that bloom from April to September. The flowers yield a pod-like fruit that has an unpleasant odor and a bitter and pungent taste.

The active constituents of celandine are berberine, sanguinarine, chelidonine, protopine, coptisine, and stylopine. To make celandine tea, place a half teaspoon of chopped celandine herbs in a cup of boiling water. Let the mix steep for ten minutes. A dosage of two to three cups of celandine tea per day is recommended to be taken between meals.

Celandine has been shown to exhibit mild analgesic, cholagogic, antimicrobial, oncostatic, cytostatic and sedative properties. However, this herb ought to be used only under the supervision of qualified physicians as an overdose can result in serious health problems. Pregnant and nursing women should not use this herb.

The following are the health benefits attributed to celandine tea:

Celandine tea may help increase bile production and flush out gallstones.

Celandine tea may help fight jaundice, scurvy and gout.

Celandine tea may help in the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis.

Celandine tea may help may help fight stomach cramps and other gastrointestinal problems.

Celandine tea may help relieve toothaches.

Celandine tea, applied topically, may help clearing out warts and other skin problems.

Cedar Berry Tea Benefits

Cedar berry tea benefits are varied and are especially known to many Native American tribes as being potent for respiratory and tumor-related ailments. Even while the therapeutic effects of the cedar berry has yet to be officially and scientifically established, studies already completed on the cedar berry suggest that it may possess antibiotic and antiseptic properties.

The cedar berry comes from the evergreen coniferous shrub that typically abounds in the Western areas of North America, particularly in the U.S. states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and in the northern areas of Mexico.

Bearing the scientific name of juniperus monosperma (one-seed juniper), the cedar berry tree can grow to a height of up to 25 feet. It possesses flat, scale-like leaves.

The cedar berry commonly has a dark bluish-green hue with a dull blue-white waxy bloom. It is actually a modified cone that has a soft resinous flesh, and has a shape that is either subglobose to ovoid. The cedar berry contains a single seed and becomes mature in about 6 to 8 months from pollination.

The cedar berry is typically available commercially in the form of dried herb. It may be used as flavoring agent in cooking and also as a natural food preservative. The cedar berry may also be eaten as food, though it has a strong and unusual flavor that may be an acquired taste.

The active constituents of the cedar berry are the following: alcohols, cadinene, camphene, flavone, flavonoids, glycosides, podophyllotoxin, vitamin C, volatile oils, resin, sabinal, sugar, sulfur, tannins, and terpinene. Podophyllotoxin is the substance that is known to imbue the cedar berry with its anti-tumor properties.

Cedar berry tea can be made either as an infusion or a decoction. As an infusion, the berries are usually steeped in a cup of newly-boiled water for about 3 to 5 minutes. As a decoction, the berries may be soaked in boiling water for up to 15 minutes.

Pregnant or nursing women should avoid the use of cedar berry tea as it may promote contractions. Drinking the tea infusion or decoction or eating the berry should not be taken on an extended period as it may prove toxic. It should also not be used by people with kidney or urinary tract problems.

The following are the health benefits attributed to cedar berry tea:

Cedar berry tea may help in the treatment of cough, tuberculosis and other respiratory                         ailments.

Cedar berry tea may help in the treatment of fever.

Cedar berry tea may aid in alleviating pain from rheumatism and arthritis.

Cedar berry tea may help in lowering risk of developing tumors.

Cedar berry tea may help promote menstruation.

Cedar berry tea may help contribute to strengthening the immune system.

Cedar berry tea may help fight muscle stiffness.

Calamus Tea Benefits

Calamus Tea Benefits have been known since the olden days. Calamus was first mentioned in ancient Chinese medical text as being able to "open the orifices" allowing the inner spirit to reach out to the world. This was thought to refer to the plant's ability to melt phlegm, as well as pent-up emotional and physical stress.

Calamus is a perennial semi-aquatic plant that grows in such wetlands as marshes and muddy streams. Its sharp leaves and rhizomes have strong scents. Known by its scientific name of acorus calamus, the plant is thought of as native to India but is also found across Europe, Russia, East and South Asia, and the United States and Canada.

Calamus has been a fixture of medicine and trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Calamus has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its scent makes the plant's essential oil valued in the perfume industry.

In the late 1960s, the Asian variety of calamus was found to contain large amounts of the cancer-causing compound called isoasarone. The European variety had small contents of the compound while the American variety was free from it. Consequently, the use of the Asian variety of calamus was prohibited in the United States.

Still, the variety that grew in the United States was thought to have many health benefits. In India, the herb was used for so long and reportedly had not had any documented instances of cancer development so far.

Calamus tea can be made to derive said benefits. To make calamus tea, pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the calamus root and leave it to steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. It is recommended to be taken an hour before eating.

The following are the health benefits attributed to calamus tea:

Calamus Tea may help treat chest congestion.

Calamus Tea may help in treating digestive problems such as flatulence and bloating. It                       may also help relieve stomach spasms and enhance the appetite.

Calamus Tea, combined with platycodon, may help treat laryngitis.

Calamus Tea is said to be helpful in fighting the desire for tobacco.

Calamus Tea, combined with lycii fruit and chrysanthemum flowers, may be used as an                       eyewash.

Calamus Tea may help in fighting fever.

Calendula Tea Benefits

Calendula Tea Benefits have been quite known especially to American physicists, applying the herb to treat bruises, cuts and minor skin infections.

Also called 'marigold', the calendula is an orange or yellow-colored flower typically found in northern Mediterranean countries. Calendula has a tendency to bloom once a month or every new moon. Calendulas, or marigolds, are often used in Roman Catholic events honoring the Virgin Mary.

The calendula is typically used in households as flavoring and coloring agent for such foods as cereals, rice, and soups.

Calendula has the following components: calendulin, beta-carotene, other carotenoids, isoquercitrin, narcissin, rutin, amyrin, lupeol, sterols, and volatile oils. The calendula flowers also contain complex polysaccharides with immunostimulant properties.

Calendula Tea is made by steeping dried calendula flowers in boiling water for about 5 minutes.

Some of the health benefits attributed to calendula tea are the following:

Calendula Tea is thought to be anti-inflammation and anti-bacterial.

Calendula Tea is also thought to be immuno-stimulant.

Calendula Tea may be helpful in ear infections.

Calendula Tea or washes may help in treatment of conjunctivitis.

Calendula Tea may help stimulate the production of collagen.

Calendula Tea may be gargled to help relieve sore throat and inflammations of the mouth.

Calendula Tea may help detoxify the body after an operation.

Calendula Tea may be beneficial to those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.                               Calendula may protect the stomach and intestine linings of the stomach and intestines by                     inhibiting the prostaglandin E1 (PGE). Calendula Tea also may help limit the effects the                     bacteria associated with gastritis, peptic ulcers, and stomach cancer.

Calendula Tea may help regulate the menstruation cycle.

Calendula Tea can be stored in the refrigerator and be used as a soothing skin treatment. It                   can be swabbed directly on inflamed skin (acne, hemorrhoids, etc.)

California Poppy Tea Benefits

California Poppy Tea Benefits have long been regarded by early North Americans as being effective for simple headaches and stomachaches. They also have been noted for their apparent sleep-inducing properties.

California poppy is a tender annual or perennial plant that possesses light green leaves and can grow up to two feet in height. Flourishing during spring until midsummer, the bell-shaped, orange-yellow flowers tend to reach a width of 2 to 4 inches and typically open under the bright sun and close on cloudy days and at night. Its fruit is a slender capsule that's 3 to 9 centimeters long, which splits in two parts to release numerous small black or dark brown seeds.

The California poppy is the state flower of the Golden State and can typically be found along the hills of the Pacific coast, as well as in the inner grasslands of the state. The elevated dessert topography of much of these areas is what the plant needs to grow in.

Due to its inherent beauty, landscape artists and gardeners have shown much appreciation for the California poppy plant. Many people grow these plants in nurseries and greenhouses.

The California poppy is also one of the olest North American remedies for stress-caused illnesses. Native Americans in California accorded them value by using the green parts as vegetables.

The active constituents of California poppy are alkaloids (primarily cryptopine, protopine and chelidonine) and flavone glycosides. The health benefits of the plant are typically derived through a tincture. It is also encapsulated as food supplements.

California poppy tea can also be made by placing the aboveground parts (flowers, stems, leaves) of the plant in boiling water for about 10 minutes. This decoction is ideally taken during bedtime. Pregnant women and children should not take this tea as its safety to them has not been clinically established.

The following are the health benefits attributed to California poppy tea:

       California poppy tea may help fight insomnia by ushering in restful sleep.

       California poppy tea may help fight anxiety.

       California poppy tea is said to help fight headaches, toothaches and stomachaches.

      California poppy tea may help fight skin sores and ulcers.

Caraway Tea Benefits

Caraway Tea Benefits have been known for generations as possessing potent diuretic, carminative, tonic and antispasmodic properties.

Caraway is a biennial plant with an erect branching stem that grows up to 2 feet in height. The leaves of the caraway plant grow from the stem in opposite pairs or in groups of threes. The caraway plant grows wild in Europe, North Africa and Asia.

Caraway is famed for its long, brownish and ribbed seeds which are very aromatic and often used as a condiment to flavor soups, pasta, breads, cheeses, cakes, biscuits, rice and seafoods. Caraway is said to have been used in Europe longer than any other condiment. Fragrant, flavorful and bitter, caraway is a key ingredient to many Indian, Dutch, German, Russian, and Scandinavian dishes.

Carvones and caveols are responsible for giving caraway its distinct aroma. Compounds found in caraway seeds are oil, carbohydrate, polysaccharides, antioxidant flavonoids, and protein.

The benefits of these constituents can be derived through an infusion of caraway tea. To make caraway tea, simply infuse 1 teaspoon of crushed caraway seeds into a cup of boiling water. Allow the mix to steep for 10 to 15 minutes. The caraway tea is recommended to be taken three times a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to caraway tea:

Caraway tea may help soothe the digestive tract and thus relieve colic, cramps and                               flatulence.

Caraway tea may help promote gastric secretion and improve the appetite.

Caraway tea may help fight diarrhea.

Caraway tea may help ease menstrual cramps, as well as gallbladder spasms.

Caraway tea may help fight bronchitis and cough.

Caraway tea may help increase the production of breast milk.

Caraway tea may help freshen the breath.

Cardamom Tea Benefits

Cardamom Tea Benefits have been acknowledged in the annals of folk medicine and in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for a long time.

Cardamom is an evergreen plant with thick rhizomes and erect stems bearing pointed leaves. It is grown in plantations mostly in Guatemala and India. Cardamom has white flowers with pinkish-violet striped lip. The flowers stay for eight to nine months per year. Cardamom also has three-celled capsules, usually colored pale green to beige, which contain about 15 to 20 sweetly aromatic seeds.

With its warm and pungent aromatic flavor, cardamom seeds are often used to flavor baked goods, coffee, curries, pickles, desserts and mulled wine. Cardamom is one of the basic ingredients in Middle Eastern and Scandinavian cuisines. Cardamom is typically combined with cloves and cinnamon. Cardamom also lends its flavor to chai.

Cardamom contains the following constituents: a-terpineol, myrcene, limonene, menthone, b-phellandrene, 1,8-cineol, sabinene, and heptane.

As with the use of any other herb, consultation with medical practitioners is recommended before using cardamom to treat ailments and other disorders.

Cardamom Tea is typically made by infusing about 3 teaspoons of black tea leaves, 3 pods of peeled cardamom pods in about 6 cups of boiling water. About 1 cup of milk and some sugar are then added.

Among the health benefits attributed to cardamom tea are the following:

Cardamom Tea may help treat indigestion, prevent stomach pain, and relieve flatulence.

Cardamom Tea may help relieve nausea and vomiting.

Cardamom Tea may be effective in fighting pulmonary disease with copious phlegm, and                   may be useful as an expectorant.

Cardamom Tea may help detoxify against excessive caffeine.

Cardamom Tea may be helpful in fighting irritation during the menstrual period.

Through preliminary research, it has been found that cardamom tea may help in preventing                 colon cancer. However, more research is needed to fully prove this benefit.

Carob Tea Benefits

Carob Tea Benefits is known to have been in the consciousness of the ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations for eons. Carob tea was used medicinally to help treat such inflictions as eye infections, stomach pain and disorders of the digestive tract.

The carob is a tree in the same plant family as beans and peas. It is a flowering shrub that is commonly found in the Mediterranean area. Its seed pods have been used for food for about 5,000 years. Known by its scientific name of ceratonia siliqua, the carob tree reaches a height of up to 30 feet. It has a thick trunk with brown rough bark and sturdy branches. The carob leaves are typically about 15 centimeters long and is frost-tolerant.

The fruit of the carob is a long pod. The unripe pods are often bright green in color and when they ripen after a year, they become black to brownish in color and can be elongated, compressed, straightened or curved, and thickened at the sutures. The ripe pods eventually fall to the ground and are eaten by various mammals, thereby dispersing the seed.

The carob is often considered a good substitute for chocolate. The dried and roasted form of carob has a slightly sweet taste and is used as an ingredient in cakes and cookies. Carob powder was also once deemed essential in saving the voices of singers.

Carob has a host of active constituents. It contains polyphenols, tannins, sucrose, cellulose and many other compounds.

Carob tea can be made by slicing the carob pods into smaller pieces, then placing them all in a mug of hot water. Let the mix stand for about 30 minutes. As time progresses, you will see the water turn brown from the carob. The sweetness of the carob pod will also be dispersed into the water. The carob tea can be drunk either hot or cold.

The following are the health benefits attributed to carob tea:

Carob tea may help treat prostatis and prostate infections.

Carob tea may help relieve diarrhea in infants.

Carob tea is believed to help alleviate problems in the digestive tract.

Carob tea is believed to strengthen bones.

Carob tea, when applied topically, may help remove warts.

Carob tea may help in weight loss.

Cascara Sagrada Tea Benefits

Cascara Sagrada Tea Benefits have long been known to the indigenous peoples of the northwestern U.S. as a laxative natural medicine. In fact, the use of the cascara sagrada bark was accepted into the medical practice in the United States in the late 17th century as a laxative remedy.

Cascara Sagrada is a deciduous species of the buckthorn commonly found in the Northwestern region of the United States, ranging from California to Alaska, also from Idaho to Montana.
The cascara sagrada occasionally grows up as a large shrub or a small tree up to a height of 15 meters. It has a trunk measuring 20 to 50 centimeters in diameter. Its tiny flowers bear five greenish yellow petals and its fruit is a deep purple or black berry that has three seeds.

Also known by its official name of rhamnus purshiana, the plant is often found in moist forests below 5,000 feet. The cascara sagrada herb is harvested in the form of quills and pieces of bark. Cascara sagrada is not meant to be used fresh and must typically be aged for at least 1 year before use in laxative preparations. This is so that its active anthrone chemicals should be broken down.

Cascara Sagrada Tea is known as a potent laxative. The active constituents in cascara sagrada are known to act on the nerves in the intestinal tract, numbing the nerves that hold back stool, and then stimulating the nerves that propel stool downward.

Cascara sagrada is quite bitter in taste so a lot of people with constipation opt to take it in the form of capsules or extracts.

Cascara Sagrada is not recommended for people suffering from appendicitis, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis. It is also not recommended for children under the age of 12, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Cat's Claw Tea Benefits

Cat's Claw Tea Benefits have been acknowledged by many jungle tribes of the Amazon region for centuries.

Cat's Claw, also known as uncaria tomentosa or una de gato, is a woody rainforest herb found in the tropical jungles of South and Central America. Belonging to the Rubiaceae family, the herb gets its name from its claw-shaped thorns.

The Cat's Claw is typically seen clinging to more than 100-foot trees by virtue of its thorns. Cat's Claw has been traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating natural medicine.

Cat's Claw Tea is made by combining near-boiling water with the ground inner bark of the Cat's Claw plant. Cat's Claw Tea is then allowed to stand for about 20 minutes, this is the amount of time needed to transfer the extract of the Cat's Claw's alkaloids, sterols, glycosides, procyanidins into the brew.

Women are cautioned to avoid use of Cat's Claw when trying to get pregnant. Those suffering from chronic health condition resulting from over-stimulation of the immune system, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, or Show-gren's syndrome, are also cautioned to avoid the use of this herb.

Cat's Claw Tea acts as a tonic with the following benefits:

Cat's Claw Tea balances and enhances the immune system's ability to fight viruses, bacteria, and          intestinal parasites.

Cat's Claw Tea is reported to also possess anti-cancer properties via the stimulation of the                    immune system.

Cat's Claw Tea is used to combat stomach ulcers, gastritis and eczema.

Cat's Claw Tea has traditionally been used to combat rheumatoid arthritis.

Cat's Claw Tea is said to lower blood pressure by improving blood circulation.

Cat's Claw Tea has been used to aid patients during convalescence and general weakness.

Cat's Claw Tea is used to treat certain allergies.

Cat's Claw Tea has been applied to treat sufferers of dysentery.

Catnip Tea Benefits

Catnip Tea Benefits are recently being discovered and the herb is slowly gaining familiarity amongst the populace.

Catnip is also known as catmint, catswort, and field balm. It is a member of the mint family of herbs and is now to be found in the milder climates of the Northern Hemisphere.

Catnip plants bloom during the summer and have fuzzy, grayish-green leaves and small, white flowers. Catnip flowers, leaves and stems are cut while the plants are in full flower and then dried for use in herbal preparations.

Catnip usually attracts cats who often run up to the herb, paw it, roll in it, meow loudly, and then suddenly lose interest in the herb for hours or days until sensitivity to the herb comes back.

Catnip contains a substance called nepetalactone and essential oils. Nepetalactone has a sedative effect in humans. It also can be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and muscle-relaxing. The essence of the catnip herbs can be extracted through catnip tea, which is produced by steeping the aerial parts of the catnip for about 10 minutes in hot water which has been boiled and then removed. Catnip Tea can be consumed 2 to 3 times per day. Expectant mothers are advised to avoid drinking catnip tea.

When taken, Catnip Tea has the following benefits:

Catnip Tea has a calming effect, may help relieve stress, and may help treat anxiety and                        nervousness.

Catnip Tea may help alleviate insomnia.

Catnip Tea may also be used to help lessen migraine headaches.

Catnip Tea may also relieve stomach complaints such as colic, cramps, gas, and indigestion.

Catnip Tea may be used in treating fever.

Catnip Tea may help in treating toothaches.

Catuaba Tea Benefits

Catuaba Tea Benefits have been known for generations of South Americans as being a potent aphrodisiac. It is also known as a stimulant and fortifier of the nervous system.

Catuaba is a small to medium-sized flowering leafy tree found in Brazil's Amazon jungle. Catuaba is related to the coca plant but doesn't possess the alkaloids found in cocaine. Catuaba has a thick, knotty trunk and a root system that is mostly found above-ground. The tree bears orange and yellow flowers that produce small, oval, yellowish-brown fruits that are inedible.

Catuaba contains such constituents as bitter substance, alkaloids, tannins, aromatic oils, fatty resins and phytosterols among others.

The role of catuaba in South American sexual lore is legendary. In the Brazilian state of Mina, there is even a saying that goes that a son born to a man after the age of 60 is definitely brought about by the catuaba.

To make catuaba tea, infuse about a teaspoon of the dried catuaba bark in a cup of boiling water. Take it out of the heat and let it stand for about 5 to 7 minutes.

The following are the health benefits attributed to Catuaba tea:

Catuaba tea may help enhance the sexual libido. It is said to herald the onset of sexual dreams             and proceed to improve the person's interest in sexual intercourse.

Catuaba tea may help combat prostatis and impotence in men.

Catuaba tea may be used to help fight HIV.

Catuaba tea may help calm the nervous system.

Catuaba tea may help in enhancing memory.

Catuaba tea is said to promote healthy sleep.

Catuaba tea may help improve the mood.

Butternut Bark Tea Benefits

Butternut Bark Tea Benefits have been known to the early inhabitants of America as being effective in the areas of parasite elimination and digestive disorders. It also has cathartic, astringent and purgative properties.

The butternut, also known by its scientific name of juglans cinerea and by its nicknames white walnut or oilnut, is a small tree possessing leaves much like the black walnut but has a grayish, deeply furrowed bark. It is commonly found in the Midwestern and Northeastern regions of the United States. It usually grows on hillsides and streambanks. The butternut tree may reach a height of 100 feet, a diameter of about 3 feet and a breadth of 50 feet. It bears dark green, hairy leaves and fruits (nuts).

Though the butternut tree is more valued for its nuts than for lumber, it nevertheless offers good material for wood fixtures, cabinets and other woodworks.

The butternut extract - the oil - has been used by the Native Americans for centuries, as a form of toothache relief. Meanwhile, the early settlers pickled the kernels.

The inner bark of the root is the best for medicinal use and should be collected in May or June. The bark is generally found in quills, and is deep brown in color. It has a slightly aromatic odor and is bitter tasting. The active constituents of butternut bark are the following: juglandic acid, juglone, and tannins.

Butternut bark tea may be made by boiling a teaspoon of the bark in a cup of water and letting it steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Alternatively, butternut bark can also come in powdered form and it can be taken with cold water.

The following are the health benefits attributed to butternut bark tea:

Butternut bark tea may help relieve constipation.

Butternut bark tea may help expel parasites.

Butternut bark tea may help in the treatment of gallbladder disorders.

Butternut bark tea may help in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Butternut bark tea may be helpful against certain skin diseases.

Butternut bark tea may have liver-protecting properties.

Butternut bark tea may help cleanse the blood.

Butterbur Tea Benefits

Butterbur Tea Benefits have been known for centuries. It is said that the early Greeks used the herb to help relieve inflammations and respiratory problems. It was used in Europe in the Middle Ages to help combat bubonic plague. Native Americans were said to have used the butterbur to fight headaches.

The butterbur is a plant belonging to the daisy family and is characterized by thick, creeping underground rhizomes and large rhubarb-like leaves. The short spikes of flowers are usually green, flesh-colored or white.

Known by its scientific name of Butterbur is found in the wetlands and marshes of Europe, Northern Asia, and the Scandinavian countries. It typically grows in places covered by shades, in waterways, in ditches and in wet meadows.

The beneficial compounds in butterbur are concentrated in the roots. Among these compounds are alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, mucilage, sesquiterpenes and others.

To make a nice cup of butterbur tea, simply place about one teaspoon of butterbur roots in a cup of room-temperature water. Let this mix stand for about 12 hours. Then heat the water to boiling. Once it boils, take it off the heat and let it stand for about 5 minutes. Strain and drink. Drinker may add some sugar to enhance the taste of the tea.

It is best to consult with a qualified health practitioner if you decide to take butterbur tea. Please note that butterbur contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids and extracts of the butterbur has been linked to liver damage. The tea should not be used by pregnant or nursing women. Drink the tea sparingly and DO NOT drink it for extended periods.

The following are the health benefits attributed to butterbur tea:

Butterbur tea may help in alleviating migraine headaches.

Butterbur tea may help in the treatment of hay fever.

Butterbur tea may help in easing menstrual cramps.

Butterbur tea may help in the treatment of some respiratory diseases, such as asthma.

Butterbur tea has been traditionally used as a stimulant for the heart.

Butterbur tea has been traditionally used to treat kidney problems and stones in the urinary tract.

Butterbur tea has been traditionally used to expel intestinal worms.

Butcher's Broom Tea Benefits

Butcher's Broom Tea Benefits have been known as being potent for blood flow problems. In addition, traditional medicine practitioners have long recommended the butcher's broom for its laxative and diuretic properties.

Butcher's Broom is a small-leafed shrubby evergreen plant native to and cultivated in the Mediterranean, Africa, the Middle East and Southern Europe. It is a member of the lily family. Both the root and stem of the plant are used in herbal preparations.

Pliny the Elder has already noted back in 60 C.E. that the butcher's broom herb was potent for the treatment of the swelling of veins. The highly respected German Commission E has been approved as a supportive therapy for chronic venous insufficiency. It is a condition causing pain and swelling in the calves and is related to varicose veins.

However, the maximum safe doses of butcher's broom have not yet been established for young children, pregnant or nursing women, and persons with liver or kidney diseases. Consequently, patients interested to use butcher's broom tea should first consult with a physician before taking this.

Active contituents of butcher's broom include ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, chromium, magnesium, manganese, selenium and zinc. Butcher's broom also contains certain steroidal saponins that are believed to be responsible for the herbs medicinal effects.

Butcher's broom tea can be made by placing a teaspoon of the chopped roots in a cup of boiling water and allowed to stand in a closed teapot for about 10 minutes. Strain the mix before drinking.

The following are the health benefits attributed to butcher's broom tea:

Butcher's broom tea may help relieve constipation.

Butcher's broom tea may help improve blood circulation to the brain, legs and hands.

Butcher's broom tea may help ease varicose veins.

Butcher's broom tea may also contribute to the overall efforts to treat atherosclerosis.

Butcher's broom tea may help lessen the pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism.

Butcher's broom tea may help relieve water retention.

Butcher's broom tea may help alleviate hemorrhoids.

Butcher's broom tea may help as a mild detox agent.

Burdock Tea Benefits

Burdock tea health benefits are slowly being recognized the world over.

Burdock is an herb whose roots, leaves and seeds may be alternatively used as an infusion, decoction, extract, tincture and ointment.

The presence of high amounts of inulin and mucilage, as well as bitter constituents in the roots, are what explains many of Burdock tea's health-giving properties.

Among these health benefits are:

     Burdock tea has a soothing effect on the skin and gastrointestinal tract;

     Burdock tea is known to improve appetite and digestion;

     Burdock tea has been shown to possess anti-microbial agents that may help reduce liver damage;

     Burdock tea also has the ability to mildly lower blood sugar (hypoglycemic effect);

     Burdock tea is an excellent agent in blood-purifying;

     Burdock tea is very useful in fighting the effects of rheumatism;

     Burdock tea helps in the treatment of some kidney disorders;

    Burdock tea helps counter bronchial cough and other irritations of the pulmonary tract.

Bupleurum Tea Benefits

Bupleurum Tea Benefits have been well-known in the annals of Traditional Chinese Medicine for countless centuries. The bupleurum has been used since the ancient times to treat various allergies and infections.

Also known as bupleurum chinense, chai hu and thorowax root, bupleurum is a plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. The bupleurum plant resembled a dill. Bupleurum's medicinal roots are used in various healing concoctions in China and throughout East Asia.

The active constituents of bupleurum include: saikosaponin, bupleurumol, adonitol, spinasterol, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, quercetin, and rutin. The saikosaponins appear to account for much of the medicinal activity of bupleurum. Studies have shown that the said constituent are anti-inflammatory and may inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells.

Bupleurum makes up about 16% of the Japanese herbal medicine formula known as sho-saiko-to. It is in turn based on the traditional Chinese formula xiao-chai-hu-tang. The sho-saiko-to formula is used in Japan to treat liver cancer and hepatitis.

Bupleurum tea can be made by combining dried and chopped bupleurum roots and hot water. Extracts and capsules of the bupleurum herb are also available.

Bupleurum tea and sho-saiko-to are not recommended for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. It is best to consult first with your physicians before trying out bupleurum tea herbal remedy.

The following are the health properties attributed to bupleurum tea:

Bupleurum Tea may help treat liver problems like hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer.

Bupleurum Tea may help treat infections with fever.

Bupleurum Tea may help relieve chest congestion.

Bupleurum Tea may help treat indigestion.

Bupleurum Tea may be helpful in treating hemorrhoids.

Bupleurum Tea may help treat uterine and anal prolapse.

Bupleurum Tea may be useful in treating diarrhea.

Bupleurum Tea may be helpful in overall efforts to treat HIV.

Bugleweed Tea Benefits

Bugleweed Tea Benefits are quite known in the field of modern alternative medicine as being effective against thyroid problems, as well as breast pain.

Bugleweed is a low-growing flowering plant belonging to the mint family. Also known as lycopus virginicus or sweet bugle, the bugleweed typically grows in marshlands and is native to Europe.

The bugleweed possesses oval-shaped leaves that shine and resemble spinach leaves. Bugleweed flowers grow in clusters and have colors ranging from white to pink to blue. Their stems connect to the leaves of the plant.

Bugleweed has a fresh, mild, mint-like aroma and contains such compounds as glycosides, organic acids, volatile oils, lithospermic acid and tannins. The above-ground parts of the bugleweed such as the leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes.

Bugleweed tea is made by adding one teaspoonful of dried bugleweed herbs to a cup of boiling water. This mixture is then allowed to steep for 10-15 minutes. Bugleweed tea may be taken three times a day. Aside from tea, bugleweed can also be applied topically either as tincture or as poultice.

The following are the health benefits associated with bugleweed tea:

Bugleweed Tea may be helpful in the overall efforts to treat hyperthyroidism. However, it is
        necessary for people with this ailment to consult with their physicians before taking bugleweed           tea.

Bugleweed Tea may be helpful in alleviating cyclic breast pain in women by moderating                     estrogen levels. Consultation with qualified medical practitioners is recommended before taking         this.

Bugleweed Tea may help sedate and calm the nerves.

Bugleweed Tea may help in suppressing cough and fighting tuberculosis and other disorders of           the lungs.

Bugleweed Tea may help in moderating a rapid heart rate.

Bugleweed Tea may help in removing excess fluid in the body and promoting better circulation.

Bugleweed Tea may be applied topically to help in accelerating the healing of bruises and other           wounds.

Buckthorn Tea Benefits

Buckthorn Tea Benefits have been known for so long as being effective in easing constipation and promoting the excretion of bowels.

The buckthorn is a shrub or small tree that grows up to 25 feet tall. It has slender branches with sharp spines on their tips. The leaves of the buckthorn have sharp edges and have either an elliptical or oval shape. Also known as rhamnus frangula, buckthorn has flowers that produce fruits that are similar to berries.

The bark of the buckthorn is typically used for its medicinal properties. The constituents of buckthorn are derivatives of anthraquinone, vitamin C, tannins and antioxidant flavonoids.

The health benefits of buckthorn herbs may be unlocked by making and drinking buckthorn tea. Proper aging of buckthorn bark is required to allow its primary active constituent, anthrone, to oxidize and prevent intestinal cramping when taken as buckthorn tea. The recommended age is usually 1 year.

Buckthorn tea is prepared by adding one spoon of mashed buckthorn bark to a cup of boiling water, covered for 15 minutes, and then further boiled for another 15 minutes. The brew must be filtered while it' s hot and is ideally taken before bedtime.

The right dose should be strictly observed. Taking buckthorn tea should not be taken on a long-term basis. Pregnant or nursing women should consult a health care provider before using buckthorn tea. Discontinue use in the event of diarrhea or watery stools.

Buckthorn Tea benefits include the following:

Buckthorn Tea is primarily used as a laxative, to assist in moving bowels and to relieve                       constipation (particularly those caused by insufficiency of bile).

Buckthorn Tea may be helpful in the overall treatment of toxic shock.

Buckthorn Tea may be of help in treating liver disorders.

Buckthorn Tea may be helpful in treating rheumatism.

Buckthorn Tea may be useful in purging intestinal worms.

Buckthorn Tea may be topically applied to combat skin disorders associated with constipation.           These disorders include eczema, acne and psoriasis, among others.

Buchu Tea Benefits

Buchu Tea Benefits have been well-known for centuries among the tribes in southern Africa as being especially effective for urinary tract infections. Buchu has diuretic, antispasmodic, tonic, antibacterial and stimulant properties.

Buchu is a small green, woody plant that is native to South Africa. It has smooth, thick leaves that have the pungent aroma and fragrance of peppermint and black currant.

Also known by its official name of barosma betulina, buchu is grown for medicinal purposes. Buchu has been cited by the Complete German Commission E Monographs for its healing properties on the kidney, urinary tract and bladder. Buchu is also combined with other herbs to treat coughs, colds and to alleviate hangovers.

Among the active constituents of buchu are the anti-microbial Diosphenol, the soothing mucilages, diosmin and pugelone.

The health benefits of buchu can be derived through an infusion of the buchu leaves, or as tincture. Buchu tea can be made by immersing 2 teaspoons of dried buchu leaves into 18 ounces of boiling water. Let the mixture soak for about 10 minutes then drink. Drinking the tea can be repeated thrice a day when sick.

Due to the pleasant taste and aroma of the herb, buchu tea is among the infusions that are a treat to consume.

Buchu Tea health benefits are the following:

Buchu Tea may help in clearing urinary tract infection. It is said that buchu releases anti-                     bacterial oils that pass through the bladder and the urethra that destroy the bacterias and instantly         cleanses the urinary tract.

Buchu Tea may help in treatment of certain prostate disorders.

Buchu Tea may help regulate blood sugar.

Buchu Tea may help lower blood pressure.

Buchu Tea may be helpful in proper digestion. The herb may help in eliminating flatulence and           bloating due to its ability to reduce gas in the stomach.

Buchu Tea may be helpful in reducing inflammation, tightness and swelling of the joints. As               such, buchu tea may be a handy treatment against arthritis.

Brahmi Tea Benefits

Brahmi Tea Benefits are known in Indian Ayurvedic medicine as being particularly potent against motor and nerve disorders. Possessing a pungent and bitter flavor, brahmi has nervine, tonic, mild sedative and diuretic properties.

Brahmi is a perennial creeping herb with small white flowers. It grows on wetlands and muddy shores and is commonly found in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and increasingly in the southern parts of the United States.

Also known by its official name of bacopa monnieri, brahmi is grown for both medicinal and culinary purposes. Long known as a "food for the brain", brahmi has been used since the 6 th century in Ayurvedic medicine as a powerful cognitive enhancer. Brahmi is still widely used by students and schoolchildren in India to help in brain functions. The herb is also used extensively in Vietnamese dishes.

Among the active constituents of brahmi are compounds such as hersaponin and bacosides, which are known to help improve the transmission of nerve cells to the brain.

The health benefits of brahmi can be derived through an infusion of the herb. Brahmi tea can be made by immersing ½ teaspoon of dried brahmi herbs into one cup of boiling water. Let soak and steep for about 5 minutes then drink.

Brahmi Tea health benefits are the following:

Brahmi Tea may help improve the memory and enhance mental functions, agility and alertness.           It is particularly helpful in retention of new information.

Brahmi Tea may help to calm the mind and promote relaxation.

Brahmi Tea may help improve motor learning ability.

Brahmi Tea may help promote greater concentration and focus.

Brahmi Tea may be helpful in treatment of asthma.

Brahmi Tea may be helpful in the treatment of epilepsy.

Brahmi Tea may be helpful against indigestion.

Boswellia tea benefits

Boswellia tea benefits are notable for their anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties. The herb is also believed to possess analgesic, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities.

Boswellia refers to medium-sized trees and shrubs that come from the tropical areas of Africa and Asia. These are large, branching plants that reach up to twelve feet in height and can be found in dry hilly areas, as well as in low evergreen tropical and subtropical forests. Boswellia plants grow in small groups. They possess long leaves with serrated sides. Its flowers contain an equal number of distinct, imbricate petals and some 4 to 5 connate sepals. Its fruit is a drupe that has up to 5 pits.

The trunk of the boswellia tree yields a gummy resin that has been used both in ancient and modern herbal preparations for the relief of inflammatory conditions. In fact, an Ayurvedic herbal combination of boswellia serrata, ashwagandha and curcumin has been used to reduce the severity of pain in patients with osteoarthritis.

Boswellia tea benefits come from the active constituents of the plant, which are mainly the boswellic acids and their derivatives. Other compounds found in the herb are borneol, carvone, caryophyllene, farnesol, geraniol and limonene. Boswellia tea can be made in a variety of ways. Boswellia extract powder can be combined with a black tea base to make a tasty brew. There are also ready-made teabags with bits of boswellia gum resin that can be infused in a cup of newly-boiled water and steeped for about 5 to 7 minutes.

Pregnant and nursing women should avoid the use of boswellia tea as its safety for them has yet to be conclusively established. It also should not be used on a long-term basis as its full effects have yet to be fully ascertained.

The following are the boswellia tea benefits believed to be imparted by this brew:

Boswellia tea may help fight arthritis and other pains related to inflammation. It may be quite             helpful against osteoarthritis of the knee and other joints.

Boswellia tea may help lower the risk for certain types of cancer, including leukemia.

Boswellia tea may help fight bronchial asthma.

Boswellia tea may help fight ulcerative colitis.

Boswellia tea may be helpful in fortifying the immune system.

Boswellia tea may be helpful in fighting gout.

Boswellia tea may aid in fighting carpal tunnel syndrome.

Boswellia tea may helpful against Crohn's Disease.

Boswellia herb is believed to help rejuvenate the skin by encouraging new cells to develop and           promote oil production in dry skin.

Borage Tea Benefits

Borage Tea Benefits have been well-known since ancient time for their potency in alleviating symptoms related to melancholy, depression and fatigue. Borage is known to have adaptogenic, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Borage is an herb that is originally native to Syria and other parts of the Middle East, but naturalized throughout the Mediterranean region, and also Europe and the United States.

Borage has a habit of growing indeterminately and has often been described as having a weed-like growth pattern. Borage grows to a height of 2 to 3 feet. It has hair all over the stems and leaves. The flowers of the borage plant have five narrow, triangular-pointed petals that have blue and purplish-pink colors.

Borage is often eaten as a fresh vegetable and used in salads or as a garnish. It is likewise cultivated for its medicinal features. It has active constituents of the following: beta-carotene, choline, mucilage, gamma-linoleic acid, fiber and trace minerals. Borage leaves contain vitamin C and are rich in calcium, potassium and mineral salts.

The use and intake of borage should be avoided by pregnant women. Its long-term use is also not recommended.

Borage Tea can be taken to derive the health benefits of borage. To make the tea, pour ¼ cup of dried leaves and flowers into a cup of boiling water. Allow the mix to steep and soak for five minutes, strain, and drink.

The health benefits attributed to borage tea are the following:

Borage Tea may help treat throat irritation, dry cough, asthma, bronchitis and colds.

        Borage Tea may be helpful in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis.

        Borage Tea may help alleviate fever.

        Borage Tea may have soothing effect that helps in the quick recovery of people suffering from           sadness, grief, depression and melancholy.

        Borage Tea may aid in fighting arthritis and rheumatism.

        Borage Tea may be effective against urinary tract disorders.

        Borage Tea may help support circulation to treat varicose veins.

        Borage Tea may help in cleansing and detoxifying the body.

        Borage Tea, applied topically, may aid in the treatment of such skin problems as boils and                   bodily rashes.

Boneset Tea Benefits

Boneset Tea Benefits have been known for a long time, particularly in the annals of Native American folk medicine, as being effective for colds and fever.

The plant acquired its name from its traditional use of treating dengue, or breakbone fever, which is a viral infection that produces muscle pain so intense that sufferers feel their bones will break. Boneset has long had a reputation as a very effective "cure-all".

Boneset is a daisy that usually grows anywhere from 2 to 4 feet. It possesses a long, hairy stem with white flower toppings. The flowers typically bloom during the months of July to September each year. Boneset usually grows in roadsides and in wet ground. Boneset is commonly found in the eastern part of North America.

Also known as eupatorium perfoliatum, boneset has diuretic, laxative, expectorant, emetic, anti-inflammatory and immuno-stimulant properties. The active constituents of boneset include sesquiterpene lactones (like euperfolin, euperfolitin, and eufoliatin), as well as polysaccharides and flavonoids like quercetin and rutin. These constituents may be derived through teas, tinctures and capsules.

Boneset is not recommended for long-term use as higher doses of the herb may cause damage to the liver or to the kidney. The herb should not be taken for longer than two weeks at a time. Overdose may be deadly. The safety of boneset for pregnant women and for children under 6 years of age has not been established.

To make boneset tea, place two to three teaspoons of dried boneset herbs (the above-ground parts like the leaves, flowers and stem are used) into a cup of boiling water. Then allow the mixture to stand for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Boneset Tea has a very bitter taste that's why honey or lemon is often added to it to make it more acceptable to the palate.

The following are the health benefits attributed to boneset tea:

  • Boneset Tea is used to treat colds, coughs and ailments in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Boneset Tea may help in the treatment of influenza, malaria and fever.
  • Boneset Tea may help relieve migraine headache.
  • Boneset Tea may help in relieving pain from arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Boneset Tea may help in the treatment of jaundice.
  • Boneset Tea may be helpful in fighting intestinal worms.