Sunday, January 4, 2015

Catnip Tea Benefits

Catnip Tea Benefits are recently being discovered and the herb is slowly gaining familiarity amongst the populace.

Catnip is also known as catmint, catswort, and field balm. It is a member of the mint family of herbs and is now to be found in the milder climates of the Northern Hemisphere.

Catnip plants bloom during the summer and have fuzzy, grayish-green leaves and small, white flowers. Catnip flowers, leaves and stems are cut while the plants are in full flower and then dried for use in herbal preparations.

Catnip usually attracts cats who often run up to the herb, paw it, roll in it, meow loudly, and then suddenly lose interest in the herb for hours or days until sensitivity to the herb comes back.

Catnip contains a substance called nepetalactone and essential oils. Nepetalactone has a sedative effect in humans. It also can be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and muscle-relaxing. The essence of the catnip herbs can be extracted through catnip tea, which is produced by steeping the aerial parts of the catnip for about 10 minutes in hot water which has been boiled and then removed. Catnip Tea can be consumed 2 to 3 times per day. Expectant mothers are advised to avoid drinking catnip tea.

When taken, Catnip Tea has the following benefits:

Catnip Tea has a calming effect, may help relieve stress, and may help treat anxiety and                        nervousness.

Catnip Tea may help alleviate insomnia.

Catnip Tea may also be used to help lessen migraine headaches.

Catnip Tea may also relieve stomach complaints such as colic, cramps, gas, and indigestion.

Catnip Tea may be used in treating fever.

Catnip Tea may help in treating toothaches.

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