Sunday, January 4, 2015

Burdock Tea Benefits

Burdock tea health benefits are slowly being recognized the world over.

Burdock is an herb whose roots, leaves and seeds may be alternatively used as an infusion, decoction, extract, tincture and ointment.

The presence of high amounts of inulin and mucilage, as well as bitter constituents in the roots, are what explains many of Burdock tea's health-giving properties.

Among these health benefits are:

     Burdock tea has a soothing effect on the skin and gastrointestinal tract;

     Burdock tea is known to improve appetite and digestion;

     Burdock tea has been shown to possess anti-microbial agents that may help reduce liver damage;

     Burdock tea also has the ability to mildly lower blood sugar (hypoglycemic effect);

     Burdock tea is an excellent agent in blood-purifying;

     Burdock tea is very useful in fighting the effects of rheumatism;

     Burdock tea helps in the treatment of some kidney disorders;

    Burdock tea helps counter bronchial cough and other irritations of the pulmonary tract.

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