Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tribulus Tea Benefits

Tribulus Tea Benefits have been known to many quarters as being a potent aphrodisiac.

While the tribulus plant is considered a pest weed in many parts of the world, indigenous populations have often used a tea from the plant to improve sexual functioning.

Tribulus is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows in warm temperate areas of southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Known by its scientific name of tribulus terrestris, the tribulus plant features stems that branch out from the crown.

The flowers are typically 6 to 10 millimeters wide and have five petals that are lemon-yellow in color.

The fruit has nutlets or "seeds" that are hard. These possess sharp spines that may puncture tires.

The leaves of the tribulus plant are pinnately compound with leaflets less than a quarter-inch long.

The tribulus plant contains compounds called steroidal sapoins which are mainly found in the leaves.

Tribulus seems to work by increasing the levels of luteinizing hormone.

This hormone sends a signal through the body to produce testosterone which is why it has become popular herbal remedy to increase libido and as an herb to improve fertility naturally.

To make tribulus tea, place a teaspoon of powdered trubulus into a cup of boiling water.

Let the mix stand for about 20 minutes then drink.

Adding honey as a sweetener is permissible.

Those with stomach disorders, ulcers, digestive problems should not use tribulus.

People with breast or prostate cancer or other hormone-dependent conditions should also not use tribulus.

The following are the health benefits attributed to tribulus tea:

Tribulus tea is said to help enhance the libido.

Tribulus tea is said to help improve fertility.

Tribulus tea may help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Tribulus tea is said to help in increasing muscle mass.

Tribulus tea may help lower blood cholesterol.

Tribulus tea may help lower blood pressure.

Tribulus tea may have anti-tumor properties.

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