Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thyme Tea Benefits

Thyme tea has been known to impart many health benefits for centuries.

Thyme grows all over the world and it's many differing varieties can be found from Greenland to Asia.

As with many herbs most thyme can be found in the Mediterranean area.

In medieval times, women would often give knights and warriors gifts that included thyme leaves as it was believed to bring courage to the bearer.

Thyme was also used as incense and placed on coffins during funerals as it was supposed to assure passage into the next life.

There are many varieties of thyme. Here is a handful of these:

  • Doerfleri thyme - Thymus doerfleri
  • Archers Gold thyme - Thymus Citriodorus
  • Annie Hall Thyme - Thymus Serpyllum
  • Lemon Curd Thyme - Thymus serpyllum

Below are some of the renowned thyme tea benefits:

Thyme tea can be used as a mouthwash to treat a sore throat or infected gums;

Thyme tea helps ease rheumatic pain;

Thyme tea is thought to cut down on too much flatulence;

Thyme tea battles headaches;

Thyme tea has been shown to be beneficial in treating coughs related to colds and flu as                       well as whooping cough;

Thyme tea can also be used to treat anemia, bronchial ailments, intestinal problems;

Thyme tea is also an anti fungal that supposedly helps with athlete's foot and skin parasites.

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