Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Assam Tea Benefits

Assam tea benefits are well-known throughout the world.
They are derived from the antioxidant content of the tea leaves.

Assam tea is a type of black tea known for its robust body, briskness, tart, malty flavor, and bright color.
It is typically marketed as "breakfast" teas and some of its common generic names are English breakfast tea, Irish breakfast tea and Scottish breakfast tea.

Assam tea is made from the leaves of the camellia sinensis (assamica) plant.
The leaves are dark green in color and are glossy and fairly wide compared to those of the Chinese tea plant.

Furthermore, this variety of the tea plant produces delicate white blossoms.

Assam tea named after the Assam region of India where it is produced at or near sea levels.
The Assam region is found next to the Brahmaputra River and borders Bangladesh and Myanmar ( Burma ).
It is considered the world's largest tea-growing region. It has a long tea-growing season.
Though Assam black tea is the best known type produced in the region, it has also been producing smaller quantities of green and white tea types.

The Assam region is known to experience high precipitation; and can get up to 12 inches of rain during the monsoon region.
The daytime temperature rises to about 103°F, which is extremely and hot.
This tropical climate contributes to the distinctive malty taste of Assam tea.

The perfect cup of Assam tea is best achieved by placing cold water first in the tea kettle.
Take the water to a boil and remove it from the heat shortly thereafter.
Place about 1 teaspoon of tea leaves into a pot and pour in the freshly boiled water.

Let the mix stand about three to five minutes then strain the leaves and drink.

Assam tea gives a variety of health benefits to the drinker by virtue of the rich antioxidant flavonoid and polyphenol content of the camellia sinensis (assamica) plant where it comes from.

However, due to the relatively extensive oxidation process it undergoes, assam tea has a lower antioxidant content than its green or white counterparts.

Those who add milk to the tea further erode the health benefits as milk is said to diminish the potency of the antioxidants.

The following are the health benefits of assam tea:

  • Assam tea may help decrease the risk for heart attacks.
  • Assam tea may help decrease the risk for strokes.
  • Assam tea may help enhance the immune system and lessen the risk for cell damage which in turn may lead to cancer.
  • Assam tea may help relieve tension and soothe the nerves. It may also help decrease the risk of brain function disorders like Alzheimer's disease.
  • Assam tea may help strengthen teeth and fight cavities.
  • Assam tea may help improve blood circulation.

Assam Tea Benefits Trivia:

Did you know that:

Antioxidants in assam tea help fight the damages wrought by free radicals which are viewed as the source of many of today's debilitating diseases. Did you know that aside from the catechins that are so abundant in tea,

Assam tea is abundant in the antioxidant compound known as quercetin. Quercetin is a plant-based chemical, or phytochemical, known as a flavonoid. Its proponents say that quercetin helps in protecting against heart attacks, strokes and cancer.

Aside from black tea, the flavonoid quercetin can also be found in such fruits as apples, vegetables such as onions, and drinks such as red wine.

Assam tea has a high magnesium content. Magnesium is a water-insoluble mineral that aids in helps in forming healthy bones and teeth. It also may help reduce the severity of asthma attacks. 

Assam tea contains a good amount of caffeine, though not as much as coffee. A cup of black tea is said to yield only about a half or a third of caffeine as a similar cup of black coffee. While caffeine is believed to help sharpen and improve brain performance, it is also known to contribute to palpitations and insomnia when taken in large amounts.

 Assam tea has a considerable content of Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin that enables the body to use its carbohydrate intake for energy-use. It also helps enhance blood circulation. 

The quality of the water used to brew the tea is very important. It is believed that the water used must be free of contaminants and contain enough oxygen to enhance the natural flavor of the tea. Teas made with pure water yield a crisp flavor and a clear brew that is aesthetically pleasant.

Check out these Related Topics to  Assam Tea Benefits:

  • Amino Acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Folic Acid
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Quercetin
  • Sodium
  • Tea for Cancer
  • Tea for Diabetes
  • Tea for Heart Disease
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

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