Thursday, January 15, 2015

Apple Tea Benefits

Apple tea benefits are numerous and are basically derived from both its tea component and its apple fruit component.

Apple tea is typically made from robust and brisk black tea enhanced with flavor from apples and sometimes accompanied by dried apple pieces and occasionally some spices. Other fruits such as blueberries, lemon and oranges may also be added to give a zesty tang to the basic apple-flavored tea.

Apple tea is particularly popular in Turkey where it is called Elma Çay and is considered somewhat of a national staple drink. Apple tea is almost always available from street vendors, restaurants, tea gardens, and even carpet shops. It is also widely used in households to accompany meals and as drink to be served to guests. It is typically drunk to warm the body during the cold season and served with ice during the hot summer months.

Apple tea can be enjoyed either of several ways:

  1. Simply place about a teaspoon of readily-made Turkish apple tea or gourmet apple tea loose leaf mix in a mug of newly-boiled water and allow to steep for about 3 to 4 minutes. Discard the leaves and drink. Adding a hint of honey or sugar can be made to sweeten the tea.
  2. Home-made apple tea can also be made by placing 1 teaspoon of loose-leaf black Ceylon tea or one black tea bag in a mug of hot water for about 3 to 4 minutes. Discard the leaves or the bag then add fresh apple juice to the mix. The strength of the apple flavor will be dependent on the quantity of the juice.
  3. Dried slices of apple fruit may also be added to freshly-brewed black tea. Simply brew the tea in the manner mentioned in #2. The fruits should be added while the tea is still hot so that the nutritious benefits of the apple can be unlocked and combined with that of the tea.

Apple tea benefits are mainly obtained from the healthy constituents of the black tea leaves as well as from the apple flavoring and fruit component.

Black tea is rich in antioxidants like (catechin, quercetin), amino acids, minerals (such as magnesium, sodium, potassium) and vitamins (like vitamins B, C and E). On the other hand, apples are also rich in vitamin B and C, fiber, and antioxidants and these contribute substantially to the health benefits of the entire brew.

The following are the potential apple tea benefits that may be derived from this flavorful brew:

  • Apple tea may help reduce the risk for certain cancers, particularly those involving the colon, lung and prostate, due to its quercetin content.
  • Apple tea may help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body and hence may contribute to lower risk for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Apple tea may help prop up the immune system and enhance the body's resistance from bacteria and viruses.
  • Apple tea may help in fighting arthritis and other forms of inflammation.
  • Apple tea may help in the general maintenance of health and well-being.

Flavored Tea Benefits

Flavored tea benefits are quite varied. However, almost all of them carry the basic common health benefits of their black or green tea base.

Flavored tea generally refers to tea leaves that have been imbued with additional - mostly fruit - flavoring and oftentimes garnished with dried pieces of fruits, flowers, spices, nuts and herbs. The most popular tea varieties used as base for flavored tea are green tea and black tea, although oolong and rooibos tea leaves are also increasingly used to make these teas.

In many places, flavored teas are enjoyed cold as their fruity essences are thought to be great substitutes for refreshing fruit juice drinks.

Flavored tea benefits are typically derived from the healthy constituencies found in the tea leaf base as well as from the fruit, nut or herb garnishes that are used to accompany and flavor the tea.

The black or green tea base typically contains the following constituents: antioxidants (polyphenols and theaflavin), vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, manganese and potassium.

The accompanying fruits and herbs also contain some of these nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. Working in tandem and unlocked by hot water, all of these contribute to flavored tea benefits that are of vital importance to the health of its drinkers.

The tradition of giving flavor to tea leaves goes a long way. According to old Chinese legend, flavored tea started when growers of the tea plant camellia sinensis planted a variety of fruit-bearing trees near tea plants to provide these with moisture and protection from the sun. When the apricot, plums and peach trees bloomed and blossomed, the young buds and sprouts of the nearby tea gardens absorbed their essences and aromas, which were then passed on to those who drank the infusions.

Nowadays, there exists a considerable array of technologies that allow tea manufacturers to make flavored teas using almost any ingredient of their choosing. As such, the collection of flavored teas available in the market at present is quite staggering.

Some of these include:

apple tea
apricot tea
banana tea
blueberry tea
chocolate tea
cherry tea
lychee tea
mango tea
orange tea
passionfruit tea
pineapple tea
pomegranate tea
strawberry tea

Many people who do not particularly like to drink tea in their normal form typically take a liking to flavored tea first as these have fruity tastes that are more palatable to tea beginners. Flavored tea is known to mask the smoky taste of plain black tea or the vegetal and grassy taste of green tea as the leaves absorb other flavors quite easily.

The following are the potential flavored tea benefits that may be derived from teas using black or green tea as base:

Flavored tea may help lower cholesterol levels

Flavored tea may help strengthen the immune system

Flavored tea may aid in lowering the risk for cancer and tumors

Flavored tea may help in reducing the risk for strokes

Flavored tea is believed to help lower blood pressure

Flavored tea may help facilitate good digestion

Flavored tea may help fight inflammation

Flavored tea may help in the maintenance of overall health and well-being.

Yucca Tea Benefits

Yucca Tea Benefits have been known and used by generations of native American Indians. The yucca has been used by them to treat a wide array of health disorders such as dandruff, skin sores, inflammation and even hair loss.

The yucca is a species of perennials, shrubs, and trees that belong to the agave family Agavaceae. The yucca is distinctive for its rosettes of evergreen, stiff, sword-shaped leaves and large terminal clusters of white or whitish flowers. The yucca plant is widely cultivated as decorative plants in gardens. The plant also bears edible parts, including fruits, seeds, flowers, stems and roots.

The yucca is native to arid areas spanning the entire continent of the Americas, as well as the West Indies.

The most active constituent of the yucca is its saponins, which are usually soluble in both fat and water. The saponins in the yucca are bitter to taste and have an irritating property. They are derived from steroids. Research suggests that these saponins are a precursor to cortisone, which inhibit the release of toxins from the intestines that restrict the growth of cartilage. As a result, the potentials of yucca in the treatment of such diseases as arthritis and other soft tissue inflammatory diseases are enhanced.

To derive the health properties of the yucca plant, yucca tea can be prepared by boiling ¼ ounce of the yucca root in a pint of water for 15 minutes. Three to five cups of the yucca tea may be taken daily. But if this dosage leads to loose bowel movement, the quantity of the roots in the yucca tea may be reduced.

The following are the health benefits attributed to yucca tea:

Yucca tea may help fight osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Yucca tea may help combat various types of inflammation.

Yucca tea may help in the treatment of asthma.

Yucca tea may help in treating headaches.

Yucca tea may help prevent blood clots.

Yucca extracts, applied topically, may help fight dandruff.

Yohimbe Tea Benefits

Yohimbe Tea Benefits have long been in the consciousness of Africans as being a potent aphrodisiac. Yohimbe tea made from the bark is commonly sold as an herbal supplement to improve erectile function.

Yohimbe is a small evergreen tree native to the central African nations of Cameroon, Gabon and Zaire. Its scientific name is pausinystalia yohimbe and belongs to the Rubiaceae family.

The main active chemical present in yohimbe bark is yohimbine HCl (indole alkaloid), found in the bark of the pausinystalia yohimbe tree. It also contains pigments and tannins.

To make yohimbe tea, boil about 6 teaspoons of shaved yohimbe bark in 1 pint of water for about 10 minutes. Strain the tea and then sip slowly. The desired effects of the yohimbe tea usually come after 30 minutes. These are said to include pleasant spinal shivers, psychic stimulation, enhanced emotional and sexual sensations and even spontaneous erections.

However, yohimbe tea is very bitter and unpleasant tasting. So chasers like mint leaves or lemon are often recommended after drinking the tea.

A tincture of the yohimbe bark can also be used and a dosage of 5 to 10 drops are often taken three times per day. A typical safe daily amount of yohimbine from any product is 15 to 30 mg.

It is best to use yohimbine, yohimbe and yohimbe tea under the supervision of a nutritionally-oriented doctor. Yohimbe / yohimbine are not recommended for people with high blood pressure, heart problems, kidney disease, peptic ulcer, anxiety and panic attacks. It should not be taken with any stimulant. Pregnant and nursing women are also cautioned against taking yohimbe.

The following are the health benefits attributed to yohimbe tea:

Yohimbe tea is said to stimulate sexual desire.

Yohimbe tea is said to enhance sexual performance.

Yohimbe tea is said to correct erectile dysfunction caused by tension, stress or fatigue.

Yerba Santa Tea Benefits

Yerba Santa Tea Benefits have long been known to Native Americans and people in the southwestern U.S. for their antibacterial, astringent and stimulant properties.

Yerba santa is a sticky-leafed evergreen shrub that grows in large numbers in the southwest area of the United States. The shrub grows up to a height of one to three meters. It has light purple flowers that grow in clusters. Its leaves are narrow, long and lance-shaped.

In the old days, the sticky leaves of yerba santa were used to help seal wounds until a more appropriate bandage is found. Spanish missionaries in the 17th century were quite amazed with the medicinal properties exhibited by the yerba santa herb as it was reported to have treated a host of respiratory ailments. Because of this, the herb was given its name which means "holy herb" or "holy weed" in English. Nowadays, there are some cough syrups that incorporate the yerba santa herb.

The active constituents of yerba santa herb are bitter resins, eriodictyol, eriodictyonic acid, essential oils and tannins.

Yerba santa tea can be made by steeping 1 teaspoon of dried herbs for about 30 to 45 minutes in about 8 ounces of boiling water. There is a need for this long steeping time to extract the beneficial resins from the leaves of the plant. Yerba santa tea has quite a pleasant taste and flavor.

This tea is believed to be safe when taken internally or used topically as a wash. However, young children, pregnant and nursing women and those with severe liver problems should take caution in taking yerba santa tea as its safety to them is yet to be concretely ascertained.

The following are the yerba santa tea benefits believed to be imparted by this infusion:

Yerba santa tea may help fight respiratory ailments such as asthma, cough, bronchitis,                          pleurisy and other congestion problems.

Yerba santa tea may help in the treatment of bruises and sprains.

Yerba santa tea may help combat rheumatic and joint pain.

Yerba santa tea may help reduce fever.

Yerba santa tea may help fight fatigue and counter stress.

Yerba santa tea may help combat allergies.

Yerba santa tea may help fight insect bites.

Yerba Mate Tea Benefits

Yerba Mate Tea Benefits have been well-recognized in South America for centuries. Now, consciousness about the Yerba Mate herb is slowly seeping into the mainstream.

Yerba Mate is a small tree that can be found in the Atlantic forests of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Yerba Mate Tea comes from the dried leaves and stems of the Yerba Mate plant. Yerba Mate Tea has been dubbed as "the drink of the gods" by many indigenous groups in South America due to its numerous health benefits. Today, many people in these three countries sip yerba mate tea using a gourd as container, and straw, called bombilla.

Yerba Mate has a characteristic flavor that is somewhat sweet, bitter, withered leaf like, and alfalfa-like, similar to that obtained from the camellia sinensis teas.

There is said to be 196 volatile chemical compounds found in Yerba Mate, thereby making it one of the most sought-after herbs for its health benefits. Like the highly-heralded green tea, white tea and black tea of the camellia sinensis plant, yerba mate also contains a lot of tannins, antioxidants, polyphenols, amino acids, saponins, vitamins and flavonoids. Observers have noted that yerba mate seems to possess all the necessary vitamins and nutrients to sustain life. In fact, Yerba Mate supporters have labeled it as the "new green tea".

Indeed, Yerba Mate Tea is known to be a diuretic, inotropic (increasing the strength of each heartbeat), chronotropic (making the heart beat faster), glycogenolytic (breaking down stored glycogen in the liver, allowing it to store calories from the next meal), lipolytic (breaking down fats), and analeptic (stimulating the central nervous system).

Health benefits attributed to Yerba Mate Tea include:

Yerba Mate Tea is said to enhance energy levels and reduce fatigue.

Yerba Mate Tea may help stimulate the central nervous system.

Yerba Mate Tea may help boost metabolism.

Yerba Mate Tea may help induce mental clarity.

Yerba Mate Tea may help fight gastrointestinal disorders.

Yerba Mate is said to be effective in fighting headaches.

Though more studies are needed, Yerba Mate Tea has shown some promise as a complementary beverage in the overall treatment of such ailments as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

Yellow Dock Tea Benefits

Yellow Dock Tea Benefits have been recognized as being especially effective on blood and liver ailments. Yellow dock tea is also known to have extensive laxative and skin cleansing properties.

Yellow dock is a reddish-brown perennial flowering herb that normally grows to a height of about four feet. The plant's willowy leaves with undulating and twisted edges shoot up from a basal rosette. This unique characteristic of the leaves is what gave the yellow dock its alternative nickname, the curled dock. The leaves are usually boiled and eaten. The roots and the submerged parts of the yellow dock are the ones used for therapeutic purposes.

The flowers and the seeds of the yellow dock are mostly produced in clusters on the branched stems.

Known by its official name of rumex crispus, yellow dock is mostly found in Europe, parts of Africa, and in the United States . The yellow dock is usually abundant in waste places, railway beds, roadsides, car parks or even ditches and dumps. It grows in moist and rich soils.

The active constituents of yellow dock are emodin, magnesium, silicon, tannins and oxalic acid. These are mostly found in the roots. To derive the health benefits of the plant, yellow dock tea can be made by infusing about 10 grams (about 2 teaspoons) of yellow dock root in a cup or 250 mL of hot water for about 10 minutes. About three cups can be taken each day.

Yellow dock or any other stimulant laxative is not recommended if patient is taking Lasix (furosemide) as this combo can lead to potassium depletion. Yellow dock is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy, although no complications have ever been reported.

The following are the health properties attributed to yellow dock tea:

Yellow dock tea may help promote bowel movement and enhance the digestive process.

Yellow dock tea may help promote bile secretion that contributes to the detoxification                         process.

Yellow dock may help eliminate heavy metals in the body and assist in other liver-related                   disorders.

Yellow dock tea may help alleviate arthritis and rheumatism.

Yellow dock tea may help in healing acne, eczema, psoriasis and boils.

Yarrow Tea Benefits

Yarrow Tea Benefits have been well-known in the annals of herbal medicine for eons.

Yarrow is also known as Achillea millefolium, common yarrow, milfoil, soldiers woundwort, staunchweed, woundwort, and Western Yarrow.

The yarrow is a long-stemmed plant found in the wild throughout the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Yarrow has highly segmented leaves and has clusters of daisy-like white or lavender flowers at the top of the stalk.

In Greek mythology, it was said that the warrior Achilles painted himself with a tincture of yarrow during the siege of Troy to make himself invulnerable to arrows, everywhere on his body except his heel. He also used yarrow to heal the wounds of his soldiers.

Yarrow has the following constituents: btters, chamazulene, proazulene, saponins, tannins and fatty acids. These constituents give the yarrow its effect of being a 'diaphoretic', which causes the dilation of surface capillaries and helps poor circulation. However, the prolonged use of yarrow tea may make the skin sensitive to exposure to light. Use of the yarrow is not recommended for pregnant women and for those allergic to ragweed.

To make Yarrow Tea, add two or three fresh yarrow herbs (usually dried leaves and stems) to boiling water and allow to steep for 5 minutes or more.

The following benefits have been attributed to Yarrow Tea:

Yarrow Tea is said to promote sweating that is useful for fevers and colds.

Yarrow Tea is said to help stimulate the appetite

Yarrow Tea may help combat stomach cramps, flatulence, gastritis and enteritis.

Yarrow Tea may help gallbladder functions.

Yarrow Tea may help in the overall treatment of liver problems.

Yarrow Tea may help treat internal haemorrhage - particularly of the lungs.

Yarrow Tea may help relieve inflammation.

Yarrow Tea may help encourage menstruation in women.

Wormwood Tea Benefits

Wormwood Tea Benefits have been known especially to the Greeks since ancient times. Through the ages, it has been used as a tonic with stomachic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, febrifuge and anthelmintic properties.

Wormwood is a perennial shrub-like herb that possesses a woody rhizome. It has straight, silvery-green stems that grow up to 1.2 meters tall. It has spirally-arranged leaves that are enveloped by silky trichomes, thus giving it a hairy surface. The flowers of the wormwood plant are pale yellow in color and quite tubular in shape. They usually appear from the summer to the early autumn.

Also known by its scientific name of artemisia absinthus, the wormwood is indigenous to Europe, northern Africa and western Asia. Widely called absinth, the wormwood has hallucinogenic and psychoactive properties. Indeed, men such as Hemingway and Van Gogh are said to have attributed part of their creativity to visions induced by the wormwood. It is also often used as a companion plant, as it has potent pest repellant properties, and prevents the growth of weeds.

Wormwood is known as one of the most bitter plants on Earth. As such, it is an ingredient in the liquor absinthe, and also used to flavor other spirits and wines, including bitters, vermouth and pelinkovac.

The known active constituents of wormwood are the following: thujone (absinthol or tenacetone), thujyl alcohol, acids, absinthin, tannins, resin, potash, and starch.

Wormwood tea is prepared by adding one teaspoon of the dried herbs (stems, leaves, flowering parts) to 250 ml cup of boiling water. Allow the mix to simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drink three cups of the tea daily. However, people SHOULD NOT to use the tea for longer than three weeks as the wormwood has toxic constituents that are harmful if ingested in large quantities and for extended periods of time. Pregnant and nursing women SHOULD NOT drink wormwood tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to wormwood tea:

Wormwood tea is said to remedy indigestion.

Wormwood tea is said to counter gastric pain.

Wormwood tea is said to help in improving the appetite.

Wormwood tea is said to help in expelling worms from the body.

Wormwood tea is said to help in safeguarding the liver.

Wormwood tea is said to help enhance the immune system.

Wood Betony Tea Benefits

Wood Betony Tea Benefits had been well-renowned in the olden days. The plant was once considered an herbal "cure-all" for dispelling a wide variety of diseases and ailments.

Wood Betony is a perennial herb mostly found in the grasslands, meadows and woodlands of Europe, western Asia and northern Africa.
The plant can grow up to 70 centimeters tall.
It possesses oval, toothed, hairy leaves that are perched on upright stems.
Known by its scientific name of stachys officinalis, the wood betony flowers are pink to purplish in color and come out from July to September each year.

In the Middle Ages, wood betony was believed to possess many magical properties and was widely used in amulets and charms.
In 1597, the medical herbalist Gerard wrote down the many herbal applications for the wood betony.

However with the passage of time, the reputation of wood betony in curing many maladies gradually decreased until a point that it was seen to be of little value.
In fact, many modern folk medicine practitioners discount the many benefits said to be possessed by the wood betony.

Still, scientific research done on the constituents of the plant suggest that many of its believed health-giving properties were with some solid basis.

The active constituents of wood betany are the following: betaine, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, harpagide, rosmarinic acid, stachydrine, and tannin.

Wood betony tea can be prepared by pouring a cup of boiling water on 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb. Let the mix stand for ten to fifteen minutes. Strain and drink.

The following are the health benefits attributed to wood betony tea:

Wood betony tea may help treat sore throat.

Wood betony tea may help alleviate headaches.

Wood betony tea may help induce calmness and reduce anxiety.

Wood betony tea may help lower the blood pressure.

Wood betony tea may help treat irritations in the mucuous membranes.

Wood betony tea may help treat diarrhea.

Wood betony tea may help stimulate digestion.

Witch Hazel Tea Benefits

Witch Hazel Tea Benefits have been known for a long time for their astringent and antiphlogistic properties.

Witch hazel is a deciduous shrub or a small tree that is typically found in the Eastern areas of the United States, Canada and Europe. It usually grows up to 15 feet in height. The upper surface of the tooth-like witch hazel leaves is shiny green but the bottom surface is gray. It sheds the leaves for some time during the year. The witch hazel bark, on the other hand, is gray to brownish in color. The witch hazel flowers are yellowish in color.

The following are the active constituents of witch hazel: ascorbic acid, choline, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, kaempferol, phenol, quercitin, safrole, and others. These can be found in the leaves and bark of the witch hazel plant.

Witch hazel tea is typically made by placing 1 teaspoon of the combined leaves and bark in one pint of boiling water. Cover the container and let the mix simmer and stand for about 45 minutes.

The following are the health benefits attributed to witch hazel tea:

Witch Hazel Tea may help treat diarrhea and dysentery.

Witch Hazel Tea may help relieve sore throat.

Witch Hazel Tea may help in the treatment of various respiratory ailments.

Witch Hazel Tea may help stop various types of bleeding, such as excessive menstruation,                    bleeding gums, as well as lung and uterine bleeding.

Witch Hazel Tea, when applied topically, may help heal blisters, burns, cuts and wounds.

Witch Hazel Tea may help in the treatment of various inflammations and swellings of the                   skin.

Witch Hazel Tea may help in the treatment of varicose veins.

Witch Hazel Tea may be helpful against hemorrhoids.

Witch Hazel Tea, when applied as a vaginal douche, may help heal vaginitis.

Wild Yam Tea Benefits

Wild Yam Tea Benefits have been known in the annals of traditional medicine as a potent aphrodisiac. It has also been used for a variety of gynecological complaints such as menstrual cramps.

Yams refer to countless varieties of annual creeping plants that bear tubers and have edible roots.

These plants belong to the dioscoreaceae family and are generally found in humid tropical places but are also increasingly found in warmer temperate regions. Some of these yams are fleshy and are rich in carbohydrates, and are consumed as food in many places.

The wild yam is a perennial vine with clusters of small greenish flowers. The roots are dry, narrow, and crooked, while its stems are typically reddish-brown that grow to a length of over 30 feet.

The wild yam's reputation grew in the 1950s when scientists discovered that its roots contain diosgenin, a plant-derived estrogen that can be chemically converted into progesterone, a hormone. The diosgenin was the basis upon which the early birth control pills were made.

The active constituents of wild yam are alkaloids, steroidal saponins, tannins, phytosterols, and starch. It also contains ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, fiber and minerals (such as chromium, manganese, magnesium, sodium and tin).

The healthy properties of the wild yam may be derived by drinking wild yam tea. To make the tea, pour boiling water over 1 to 2 tsp of the dried wild yam root. Let the mix stand for 3 to 5 minutes before drinking. The wild yam tea can be taken three times a day. Wild yam can likewise be taken as a tincture or an extract.

The following are the health benefits attributed to wild yam tea:

Wild yam tea may help alleviate cramps, muscle tension and colic.

Wild yam tea may help in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

Wild yam tea may help in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

Wild yam tea is said to help regulate the female system.

Wild yam tea is said to help in treating infertility.

Wild yam tea may help lower back pains.

Wild yam tea is said to work on the kidney to stop frequent urination or vaginal discharge.

Wild yam tea is said to help in lowering cholesterol levels, although more studies are                           needed to make this conclusive.