Thursday, January 15, 2015

Flavored Tea Benefits

Flavored tea benefits are quite varied. However, almost all of them carry the basic common health benefits of their black or green tea base.

Flavored tea generally refers to tea leaves that have been imbued with additional - mostly fruit - flavoring and oftentimes garnished with dried pieces of fruits, flowers, spices, nuts and herbs. The most popular tea varieties used as base for flavored tea are green tea and black tea, although oolong and rooibos tea leaves are also increasingly used to make these teas.

In many places, flavored teas are enjoyed cold as their fruity essences are thought to be great substitutes for refreshing fruit juice drinks.

Flavored tea benefits are typically derived from the healthy constituencies found in the tea leaf base as well as from the fruit, nut or herb garnishes that are used to accompany and flavor the tea.

The black or green tea base typically contains the following constituents: antioxidants (polyphenols and theaflavin), vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, manganese and potassium.

The accompanying fruits and herbs also contain some of these nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. Working in tandem and unlocked by hot water, all of these contribute to flavored tea benefits that are of vital importance to the health of its drinkers.

The tradition of giving flavor to tea leaves goes a long way. According to old Chinese legend, flavored tea started when growers of the tea plant camellia sinensis planted a variety of fruit-bearing trees near tea plants to provide these with moisture and protection from the sun. When the apricot, plums and peach trees bloomed and blossomed, the young buds and sprouts of the nearby tea gardens absorbed their essences and aromas, which were then passed on to those who drank the infusions.

Nowadays, there exists a considerable array of technologies that allow tea manufacturers to make flavored teas using almost any ingredient of their choosing. As such, the collection of flavored teas available in the market at present is quite staggering.

Some of these include:

apple tea
apricot tea
banana tea
blueberry tea
chocolate tea
cherry tea
lychee tea
mango tea
orange tea
passionfruit tea
pineapple tea
pomegranate tea
strawberry tea

Many people who do not particularly like to drink tea in their normal form typically take a liking to flavored tea first as these have fruity tastes that are more palatable to tea beginners. Flavored tea is known to mask the smoky taste of plain black tea or the vegetal and grassy taste of green tea as the leaves absorb other flavors quite easily.

The following are the potential flavored tea benefits that may be derived from teas using black or green tea as base:

Flavored tea may help lower cholesterol levels

Flavored tea may help strengthen the immune system

Flavored tea may aid in lowering the risk for cancer and tumors

Flavored tea may help in reducing the risk for strokes

Flavored tea is believed to help lower blood pressure

Flavored tea may help facilitate good digestion

Flavored tea may help fight inflammation

Flavored tea may help in the maintenance of overall health and well-being.

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