Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lemon Peel Tea Benefits

Lemon Peel Tea Benefits have long been noted for their immuno-enhancing, diuretic, carminative and stomachic properties.

The lemon peel is the tough outer layer that covers the lemon fruit in its entirety. It is aromatic and light to bright yellow in color.

It typically possesses longitudinal stripes punctuated by countless oil glands.

Lemon peel is made up of the exocarp (or flavedo) and the white pith (or albedo).

A popular food ingredient is the lemon zest which is obtained by scraping off slivers of the exocarp with a knife or cutter.

Because of its sharp lemony flavor, lemon peel is often used as an additive to beverages, cooked foods, baked foods, and pastries as a flavoring tool.

It is used either in fresh, dried, candied or pickled forms. In addition to food, it is also mixed with other aromatic herbs to create potpourris, bath blends and bath scrubs.

It is also used for household applications of cleaning, polishing and air-freshening.

The lemon fruit comes from the tree that was believed to have originated in the Mediterranean area.

It typically grows to about 25 feet in height and possesses elliptic, finely-toothed dark green leaves.

Lemon peel contains many antioxidant flavonoids such as limonene and pectin.

It is also a good source of Vitamin C, thiamine and riboflavin, as well as minerals like calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium.

An herbal tea using lemon peel can be made by simply placing a handful of dried peel in a pan of boiling water.

Let it boil for around 3 minutes.

Take it out of the heat and let it stand and simmer for a further 5 to 7 minutes.
Add some honey and some lemon juice to the mix and sip slowly.

The following are the lemon peel tea benefits attributed to this infusion:

Lemon peel tea may help stimulate the appetite and facilitate good digestion.

Lemon peel tea may help contribute to healthy skin.

Lemon peel tea may potentially help in lowering the risk for skin cancer due to exposure to                 the sun.

Lemon peel tea may aid in strengthening and enhancing the immune system.

Lemon peel tea may help ward off coughs, colds and other virus-related ailments.

Lemon peel tea may help alleviate discomforts brought about by varicose veins or                               bloodshot eyes. Lemon peel is believed to help strengthen blood vessels and to enhance                       blood circulation in the extremities.

Lemon peel tea may help fight hemorrhoids.

Lemongrass Tea Benefits

Lemongrass tea benefits have been known as being potent for their sedative, diuretic, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

Lemongrass tea comes from the perennial herb native to southeast Asia that has robust and globular stalks and broad, scented leaf lades. It grows in clusters and reaches up to a height of six feet and a width of about four feet. Lemongrass is a natural aromatic source and is widely used as a decorative and a medicinal plant.

The lemongrass plant is widely used as an input to many southeast Asian dishes due to its distinctive lemony aroma and flavor. The popularity of lemongrass has reached fever pitch in America as Thai cuisine has permeated the mainstream culinary scene. Dishes like the tom yam gung soup uses lemongrass to enhance its flavor. Lemongrass is also used to make drinks and other herbal medications.

The lemongrass plant is likewise grown for purposes of oil refinement. The lemongrass oil is used as massage or aromatherapy accompaniment in spas. In addition, lemongrass is also used as an insect repellant.

The chemical citral is the major ingredient found in all varieties of lemongrass essential oils. The other major constituents of lemongrass include limonene, linalool, nerol and myrcene.

The health benefits of lemongrass tea may be derived through lemongrass tea. To make the tea, simply place about a tablespoon of the lemongrass herbs in a regular cup of newly-boiled water and let the mix stand for about five minutes. Strain the herbs and enjoy the tea. The leftover lemongrass may be added to stir fry dishes or marinade.

Lemongrass tea may also be enjoyed cold and iced. Sugar may be added to enhance the taste.

The following are the health benefits attributed to lemongrass tea:

Lemongrass tea may help in reducing excess fats, uric acid and cholesterol.

Lemongrass tea may help alleviate indigestion and gastroenteritis.

Lemongrass tea may help in reducing fever.

Lemongrass tea may help detoxify the liver, kidneys, pancreas and the bladder.

Lemongrass tea may help relieve menstrual problems.

Lemongrass tea may help in relieving headaches.

Lemongrass tea may help strengthen the immune system.

Lemongrass tea holds promise in the prevention of certain forms of cancer, especially those                 afflicting the colon.

Lemongrass tea may help relieve pain from arthritis and rheumatism.

Lemon Balm Tea Benefits

Lemon Balm, commonly known as "Melissa, is a mint with a distinctly lemony scent. It originated in Southern Europe but is now found in many parts of the world. The leaves, stems and flowers of the Lemon Balm plant have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes.

The term "balm" in refers to balsam, the ancient world's most important sweet-smelling oils. For thousands of years herbalists used lemon balm to treat any kind of disorder of the central nervous system.

The terpenes of the Lemon Balm, part of its pleasant smelling essential oils, produce this herb's relaxing and gas-relieving effects.

Lemon Balm contains flavonoids, polyphenolics, and other compounds that appear to be responsible for this herb's anti-herpes and thyroid-regulating actions.

Lemon balm is frequently combined with other medicinal plants. For example, peppermint and lemon balm together are effective for calming upset stomach. Valerian is often combined with lemon balm for insomnia and nerve pain. Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) and lemon balm are usually used together for Graves' disease.

To make lemon balm tea, the leaves are infused in rolling boiling water. The length of the steep will determine the strength of the taste of the lemon balm in the tea.

The following are Lemon Balm Tea's more well-known health benefits:

Lemon Balm Tea can be used to fight insomnia and sleeping difficulties.

Lemon Balm Tea can be used to treat nerve pain.

Lemon Balm Tea helps in alleviating disorders of the digestive tract and gas problems.

Lemon Balm Tea may help in the treatment of thyroid-related problems, though caution                       should be exercised by those on thyroid hormone treatment.

Lemon Balm Tea may help in strengthening memory and other brain functions.

Lemon Balm Tea may help in enhancing and improving the mood.

Lavender Tea Benefits

Lavender Tea Benefits have been known for a long time as being particularly beneficial to disorders involving the nervous system.

Lavender is an aromatic, shrubby, multi-branched herbal plant with a stem reaching a height of about 6 to 24 inches. Purple-colored flowers typically grow on the woody stems, although there are varieties that have pink and white flowers. Lavender bears very narrow, gray green leaves.

Lavender has been valued as a scented herb throughout the centuries. The fragrance of lavender is known to relax and soothe the mind and the body. Many perfumeries include the essential oil of lavender in formulating their products.

The lavender plant is native to North and East Africa, the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, India and Arabia, but is also now cultivated and grown in such places as the United States and Japan. Lavender grows best at sites that are dry, and are exposed to good sunlight.

The beneficial constituents of lavender include flavonoids, tannins, courmarines, and essential oil containing camphor, geraniol and linalool.

To make lavender tea, simply infuse a handful of dried lavender blossoms in a pot of boiling water. Let the tea steep for about 7 to 10 minutes. Then strain and enjoy.

The following are the health benefits attributed to lavender tea:

Lavender tea may help ease insomnia.

Lavender tea may help calm nervousness and anxiety. It may also be used to alleviate stress                 and uplift flagging spirits.

Lavender tea may help treat an upset stomach, as well as flatulence and colic. It may also                     be used to treat stomach and bowel infections.

Lavender tea may help alleviate depressive and migraine headaches.

Lavender tea, when applied topically, may help alleviate colds, cough, asthma, bronchitis                     and similar problems in the respiratory system.

Lavender tea may help induce sweating and consequently reduce the body temperature                          during fever.

Lavender tea, when applied topically, may help heal cuts, wounds, ulcers and sores.

Lavender tea is also useful as a mouthwash to combat halitosis.

Lady's Mantle Tea Benefits

Lady's Mantle Tea Benefits are thought to be especially potent by generations of folk healers, particularly due to the herb's astringent properties.

Officially called alchemilla vulgaris, the Lady's Mantle is a perennial herb found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Lady's Mantle got its name from its shapely and pleated leaves that resemble the kind of cloak worn by ladies during the Medieval era. Over the years, the "lady" has come to refer to the Virgin Mary.
Due its often dainty appearance, the Lady's Mantle is used as a garden plant in many parts of Europe.

The main constituents of the above-ground parts of Lady's Mantle are tannins and various flavonoids, such as quercetin.
Its tannin content is what imparts to the herb its astringent properties.

To make lady's mantle tea, infuse about 3 grams of dried stems, leaves and flowers of the herb in about 5 ounces of boiling water for 10 minutes.
Drain the mix and drink.

For topical application, let the mix cool down, then combine with an ointment base and some rosewater, and then apply to the affected parts of the skin.

The following are the health benefits attributed to Lady's Mantle Tea:

Lady's Mantle Tea is said to help in stopping excessive menstruation and menstrual cramps.

Lady's Mantle Tea may help alleviate discomfort due to menopause.

Lady's Mantle Tea, when applied topically in ointment form, is believed to be helpful in                       healing wounds, cuts, scrapes, burns, eczema, sores, insect bites and other skin conditions.

Lady's Mantle Tea may help in relieving nausea.

Lady's Mantle Tea may help in the treatment of diarrhea and gastroenteritis.

Lady's Mantle Tea may help relieve mouth ulcers and bleeding gums.

Kudzu Tea Benefits

Kudzu Tea Benefits have long been known as being potent for circulatory problems and ailments.

Kudzu is a creeping and trailing vine that is native to regions of Japan and China but now grows in many parts of Asia as well in the southeastern areas of the United States.

Kudzu is typically found growing in shaded areas along mountains, fields, roadsides, in thickets and thin forests.

In these areas, kudzu roots often grow rapidly and the resulting vines reach a length that's longer than that of a human body.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, kudzu is considered as one of the 50 fundamental herbs and is often used to help vent pathogens and pathogenic influences. Its scientific name is pueraria lobata and called ge-gen in China.

Kudzu is considered as an edible vegetable in Asia and has been used in many parts of the continent as a healing root for thousands of years.

As an accompaniment for Asian soups, the kudzu is typically sliced into small pieces and slowly cooked for many hours. The starch sourced from the kudzu is often cooked into noodles and pastes, into pastries, and used as a thickening agent in sauces.

The main constituents in the kudzu root are isoflavones, like daidzin, daidzein, glycosides and puerarin.

These chemical compounds abundant in kudzu are said to be responsible in helping bring about improvement in the blood circulation along the coronary arteries.

Kudzu tea can be made by brewing a pot of black tea (can be the oolong or the pu erh tea) and then adding a handful of kudzu roots into the mix.

The health properties of the roots combine with the black tea to create a healthy and satisfying combo.

There is another kind of kudzu tea and it is prepared by simmering kudzu leaves in water for about 15 minutes.

However, the kind of tea used in the traditional Chinese medicinal way is that made with the kudzu roots.

The following are the health benefits attributed to kudzu tea:

Kudzu Tea may help enhance the flow of blood to the brain in people suffering from                           arteriosclerosis. Kudzu is widely used in the treatment of patients of angina pectoris.

Kudzu Tea may help in treating headache and dizziness problems in people suffering from                   high blood pressure.

Kudzu Tea may help in alleviating muscle pain, particularly in the neck and back areas.

Kudzu Tea may help in easing stiffness.

Kudzu Tea may help in suppressing the craving for alcohol.

Kudzu Tea may have potential in controlling type II diabetes and hypertension in post-                         menopausal women.

Kola Nut Tea Benefits

Kola nut tea benefits have been highly-regarded in many parts of its native Africa as being effective in suppressing hunger pangs, and in improving energy levels.

The kola nut or cola comes from towering tropical trees native to the rainforests of Africa. The trees are evergreen and grow up to a height of about 60 feet. They contain lustrous ovoid leaves that measure up to 30 centimeters long. The fruits are star- shaped.

The kola nut contains a huge amount of caffeine, as well as two other stimulants - theobromine and theophylline.

It is typically chewed on in many West African cultures to suppress hunger pangs.

It is also presented to tribal chiefs or guests in many ceremonial functions.

The kola nut is also used as a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, and occasions like weddings and funerals.

The kola nut was the original basis for flavoring for many popular cola drinks like Coca-cola and Pepsi.

It is now a common ingredient in many herbal weight loss formulas as well.

The main constituents of kola nut aside from the three aforementioned stimulants are starch and sugar. It also abounds in antioxidants catechins and phenolics.

It also has high concentrations of the following nutrients: calcium, potassium, iron, beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C.

To make kola nut tea, place 1 or 2 teaspoons of kola nut in an 8 oz. cup of water. Boil the mixture and let it cool for about 3 to 5 minutes.

Strain the kola nut herbs and then drink.

Due to its high caffeine content, kola nut tea should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women, as well as people with hypertension and heart disease.

People who have trouble sleeping should also avoid kola nut tea and its other forms.

Kola nut tea should not be taken in extended periods as it is rich in N-nitroso compounds that are said to be carcinogenic.

The following are the health benefits attributed to kola nut tea:

Kola nut tea may help relax the nerves.

Kola nut tea may help elevate the mood and fight depression.

Kola nut tea may help enhance alertness.

Kola nut tea may help increase energy levels and stamina.

Kola nut tea may help in the treatment of congestion problems like asthma and whooping                     cough.

Kola nut tea may help improve male potency.

Kola nut tea may help suppress the appetite and consequently ease hunger pangs.

Kava Tea Benefits

Kava is the traditional sacramental brew of the Polynesians.

Kava was brought to Hawaii centuries ago in the sailing canoes of the ancient Polynesian voyagers.

Only the best varieties were selected to make the long journey over thousands of miles of the ocean. The healthy properties of kava are found in the roots.

Several rhizome components and lactones have been isolated in the kava root.

Of the fifteen lactones isolated from kava, there are six major lactones (kavalactones) known to provide psychoactive activity.

These are:


The following are the observed kava tea benefits:

Kava tea is made by infusing finely-ground kava roots in boiling water.

Kava tea has been shown to medically effective in elevating mood, reducing stress and                         enhancing relaxation;

Kava tea has a direct effect on muscle tension similar to tranquilizers;

Kava tea been used in the treatment of ailments of the genitourinary tract including                               vaginitis, gonorrhea and menstrual cramps;

Kava tea is anti-inflammatory, thus useful for gout, rheumatism, bronchial congestion,                        cystitis and prostates;

Kava tea has been shown to be an effective pain reliever.

Juniper Tea Benefits

Juniper Tea Benefits have long been widely regarded in folk medicine as being a potent diuretic. Juniper is also considered strongly in the treatment of various kidney and bladder problems.

The juniper is an evergreen tree native to Europe, northern, Asia, and the northern parts of North America. Juniper typically grows on dry, rocky soil.

Juniper has purple, blue, violet, or brownish fruits that are typically harvested in early autumn. Juniper fruits are added as flavoring agent for beef and pork dishes, as well as sauerkraut.

The juniper fruits are also the source of the herb's medicinal and healing properties. Juniper fruits contain about 60 compounds that include alpha- and beta-pinene, tannins, vitamin C, diterpenes and flavonoids.

To derive the health benefits of the herb, juniper tea can be made by adding 1 tablespoon of dried juniper berries to 1 cup of boiling water. Allow the brew to steep for about 20 minutes.

Like many herbs, pregnant women and those with severe kidney disorders are advised to avoid the use of juniper.

The following are the health benefits attributed to juniper tea:

Juniper Tea may be helpful in supporting the functions of the stomach, in treating colic,                       indigestion and flatulence.

Juniper Tea may help in alleviating cystitis.

Juniper Tea in limited dosage may be helpful in the treatment of kidney and bladder                            disorders. However, one should exercise extreme caution in using this to fight severe kidney                diseases. Always seek the guidance of your physician.

Juniper Tea may help stimulate the appetite.

Juniper Tea may be helpful in treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

Juniper Tea may help stimulate menstrual flow.

Jasmine Tea Benefits

Jasmine Tea Benefits are usually those derived from the underlying benefits of the teas which are combined with jasmine.

This is due to the fact that jasmine tea is essentially a blend of either green, black, oolong or white tea combined with the fragrant and flavorful jasmine flowers.

 However, jasmine by itself is also known to be a gentle remedy for inflammation.

Jasmine or jessamine is a genus of fragrant floweing shrubs and vines in the olive family, with about 200 species, native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the Himalayas, Northeast, South and Southeast Asia.

The majority of jasmine species climb on other plants or on structures such as gates or fences. The leaves can be either evergreen or deciduous.

Jasmine flowers are typically white, tiny and open at night.

They are usually picked during the mornings when the petals are closed.

Jasmine is grown for perfumery in France, and added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, toiletries, moisturizing lotions, and aromatherapy oils.

In most of Asia, jasmine is woven into a garland and used to adorn important relics, as well as given to important people.

Jasmine tea is consumed in China, where it is called Jasmine flower tea.

Jasmine flowers are used to make tea, which often has a base of green tea, but also occasionally an oolong, black or white tea base is also used.

Jasmine flowers are often gathered in the morning and are then stored in a cool place until the evening.

The jasmine flowers and the tea base are then combined in machines that control temperature and humidity.

It takes four hours or so for the tea to absorb the fragrance and flavor of the Jasmine blossoms.

Jasmine Tea has been known to act as a gentle sedative when drank.
When combined with green tea, black tea, oolong tea and white tea, the resultant jasmine tea is infused with polyphenols with antioxidants that contribute to the following benefits:

Jasmine Tea may help in overall maintenance of well-being.

Jasmine Tea may help in the prevention of some forms of cancer.

Jasmine Tea may be helpful in keeping heart diseases at bay.

Jasmine Tea may help in reducing fat and body weight.

Jasmine Tea may be helpful in the natural regulation of insulin.

Jasmine Tea may be helpful in fighting bacteria and viruses.

Jamaican Dogwood Tea Benefits

Jamaican dogwood tea benefits are known for their sedative and calming properties.
The ancient Mayans were known to use this herb for asthma and to reduce fevers.
In the late 19th century, Western scientists discovered that jamaican dogwood had pain-relieving and sweat-promoting properties.

More recently, it has been shown that jamaican dogwood bark extracts possess anti-inflammatory, sedative, and anti-spasmodic properties.

Jamaican dogwood is a tropical shrub that is native to the West Indies, Mexico, and parts of Central and South America.
It possesses pods that bear four wings.
It is covered by a yellow-hued bark that emits a pungent odor.
It has a bitter taste that causes a burning sensation in the mouth.

The bark of the jamaican dogwood root works in a similar manner as that of aspirin pain relievers.

It is said to block an enzyme that produces inflammation and pain-causing chemicals called prostaglandins.

The following are the active constituents of Jamaican dogwood bark:
      organic acids,
      beta-sitosterol, and

The beneficial essence of Jamaican dogwood may be obtained by making a tea out of the herb. Simply place 1 teaspoon of the dried bark in newly-boiled water.

Then let it soak for about 5 to 7 minutes. Then strain and drink.

While Jamaican dogwood tea has been shown to be non-poisonous to humans, it is important to consult first with a competent physician before taking this herb and tea as it is a potent sedative. Taking too high a dosage may result in unwanted side effects.

Nursing and pregnant women should not take jamaican dogwood tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to jamaican dogwood tea:

amaican dogwood tea is said to be very potent against pain, i.e. migraine, toothaches,                           ovarian and uterine pain.

Jamaican dogwood tea may help in the treatment of insomnia.

Jamaican dogwood tea may help alleviate anxiety.

Jamaican dogwood tea may help relieve muscle spasms.

Jamaican dogwood tea may help in suppressing cough.

Jamaican dogwood tea may help in lowering fever.

Indigo Root Tea Benefits

Indigo Root Tea Benefits have been known since the time of the early Americans as being valuable for their antiseptic, astringent, antibiotic, antibacterial, purgative, and emetic properties.

Wild indigo is a herbaceous annual plant that usually grows up to a height of three feet. It possesses branching stems and bluish green leaves. The leaves of the wild indigo plant have separating spaces and are usually ¾ inch long. The wild indigo bears bright yellow flowers during the months of May to September. The seed produced by the flowers are oblong-shaped.

Also known by its scientific name of baptisia tinctoria, wild indigo can be typically found in the eastern areas of the United States. It usually grows in open wooded areas and in meadows.

The indigo root has a history of medicinal use in what is now the United States.
The early Indian tribes in the southern New England area used indigo root tea as a disinfecting wash for deep cuts and wounds.
From 1916 to 1936, the wild indigo plant was accorded official status as an emetic, stimulant, antiseptic and astringent by the US Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary.
Furthermore, it was recommended as treatment for diphtheria, typhoid fever, scarlet fever and dysentery.

The active constituents of indigo root are isoflavones, flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarins, and polysaccharides.
The health benefits of indigo root are usually derived through a decoction of indigo root tea, or as a tincture.
To make indigo root tea, simply place a handful of indigo root in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Take it out of the heat and let it stand for a further 3 minutes before drinking.

Taking indigo root tea in large doses may be toxic and may cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, asphyxiation, and even death.
It should likewise be avoided by pregnant and nursing women as well as people with auto-immune disorders.
Consultation with a physician is recommended before using indigo root tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to indigo root tea:

Indigo root tea, when applied topically to affected area, may help in the treatment of                             wounds and cuts.

Indigo root tea may help strengthen the immune system.

Indigo root tea is thought to help in the speedy recovery from the common cold.

Indigo root tea may help in the treatment of upper respiratory infections like pharyngitis                       and tonsillitis.

Indigo root tea, when combined with echinacea, is said to help in the treatment of chronic                   fatigue syndrome.

Indigo root tea, when gargled, may help in the healing of sore throat, canker sores and gum                 ailments.

Indigo root tea, when applied topically, may help in the treatment of sore or infected                             nipples.

Indigo root tea may help reduce fever.

Iceland Moss Tea Benefits

Iceland Moss Tea Benefits have been known to the people of Iceland, Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden since the olden days. It has traditionally been used as a remedy for disorders of the respiratory system.

The Iceland moss is a lichen found in the rocks and tree barks of Iceland and the Scandinavian countries.
The Iceland moss is made up of a fungal component and an algal component, both of which exist together in a symbiotic association.
It usually grows to a maximum of four inches in height.
The plant body of the Iceland moss is curled, erect, and is laden with numerous branches & unique spiny margins.
The upper surface of the Iceland moss is colored brown while the lower or the outer surface is normally gray brown with distinctive white spots all over it.

The active constituent of the Iceland moss is the lichenin, a type of starch. It also has complex polysaccharides that have immunostimulant effects.
The mucous membrane-clearing property of the lichenin is released by making Iceland moss tea.

The tea is usually made by placing a teaspoon of the dried Iceland moss herbs in boiling water. Let the mix boil for about three minutes.
Then take it out of the fire and let it stand for a further ten minutes.
Two cups of Iceland moss tea may be taken during the day, preferably one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The following are the health benefits attributed to Iceland moss tea:

Iceland moss tea may help prevent congestion and brings soothing relief to the mucous                         membranes lining the chest cavity.

Iceland moss tea may help in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, catarrh and even tuberculosis.

Iceland moss tea may help combat many digestive ailments, including irritable bowel                           movement, gastritis and dysentery.

Iceland moss tea may help in the treatment of cancer growth and tumors.

Iceland moss tea may aid in fighting infestation of intestinal worms.

Hyssop Tea Benefits

Hyssop Tea Benefits are quite well-known in the field of herbal medicine for some time now.

Hyssop is a bushy evergreen herb that typically grows 1 to 2 feet high on a square stem with linear leaves and flowers in whorls of 6 to 15 blooms.
Hyssop can be readily found in areas of Southern Europe and in gardens in cool places around the world.

Hyssop is historically identified as a holy herb, and is typically used for cleansing sacred places. Hyssop is a name of Greek origin, adopted from the Greek azob (a holy herb), as it was often used to clean the temples and other sacred places.
Hyssop's beneficial components include volatile oil, tannin and glycoside, flavonoids and marrubin.

Hyssop has a minty taste and makes for a tasty brew. The above-ground parts of the hyssop are dried and cut for the tea. Some vendors offer the more traditional hyssop flowers, without stem or leaf.

Hyssop Tea is typically made by taking 1 spoon of dried hyssop herb and infusing it in ¼-litre boiling water.
The hyssop tea will be allowed to stand for 10 minutes. It is recommended that the hyssop tea be brewed in a closed container so that some of its beneficial essences do not escape.
Hyssop Tea can be drank twice or thrice a day.

The usage of hyssop tea is not advised for pregnant women.

Hyssop Tea may be used to remove excess fluids or phlegm. Great for treatment of                               bronchitis, coughs and colds.

Hyssop Tea may help in treating nose and throat infections.

Hyssop Tea may help expel worms in the stomach.

Hyssop Tea may help relieve fever sores.

Hyssop Tea may help calm the nerves.

Hyssop Tea may help lower the sharp increase in blood sugars after eating.

Hyssop Tea may help improve digestion and relieve intestinal congestion.

Hyssop Tea may help regulate the blood pressure.

Hydrangea Tea Benefits

Hydrangea Tea Benefits have been well-known, especially to native Americans, as being especially potent on kidney and bladder problems.
Hydrangea has known antiseptic, tonic and diuretic properties.

The hydrangea is a wild shrub with its numerous species found mostly in America and Northeast Asia.
The plant has woody-stems and lacy flowers. Hydrangea grows relatively fast and grows on woodlands and riverbanks.
The plants reach a height and width of from 3 feet to 10 feet.

Among the active constituents of the hydrangea root are: calcium, chromium, cobalt, kaempferol, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, quercetin, rutin, selenium, silicon, sodium, tin and zinc.
Long-term use of hydrangea tea is not recommended.

Teas, syrups and extracts are often used to derive the health benefits of the hydrangea root. Hydrangea tea is typically made by pouring 1 teaspoon of dried hydrangea root into 1 cup of boiling water. Cover the mix and steep for 3 to 5 minutes.

Among the health benefits attributed to hydrangea tea are the following:

Hydrangea Tea facilitates the dissolution and expulsion of small stones, called gravel, from                 the kidneys. Furthermore, hydrangea tea also relieves the pain associated with such                               expulsion.

Hydrangea Tea may help reduce the formation of urinary stones.

Hydrangea Tea may help fight against inflammation of the urethra and the prostate.

Hydrangea Tea may help fight gout.

Hydrangea Tea may help fight rheumatoid arthritis.

Hydrangea Tea may help fight cystitis.

Hydrangea Tea may be of help in countering malaria.

Horsetail Tea Benefits

Horsetail Tea Benefits have been studied and analyzed for a long time. Known by various names such as equisetum arvense, scouring rush, shavegrass, and field horsetail, the horsetail plant and herb are known diuretics. The horsetail likewise has been known as a sedative and anti-convulsant. So prized is horsetail in the days of old that it has become known to be "irreplaceably priceless".

The horsetail is a perennial plant that has dark green hollow, joined or segmented stems with no leaves. The horsetail can usually be found in wet areas and has a large amount of silicon crystals (or sand) in its tissue. The sand content in horsetail is the most abundant of any plant, and it is commonly used to polish tinware.

Aside from silicates, horsetail is likewise abundant in potassium, aluminum, and manganese, as well as a variety of flavonoids.

The above-ground parts of the plant are used for herbal and healing purposes. However, avoidance of horsetail is recommended for those with kidney stones and congestive heart failure and those taking an ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure. Pregnant women should also avoid using horsetail tea.

Horsetail tea is usually made to derive the healing properties of the plant. Horsetail tea is prepared by pouring boiled water over 2 to 3 grams of horsetail herb, boiling for five minutes, and then straining after 10 to 15 minutes. It is recommended that this be drank during the day between meals.

The following health benefits have been attributed to horsetail tea:

Horsetail Tea helps to increase urinary flow and thus help flush bacteria from the bladder.

Horsetail Tea may help strengthen bones and cartilage, and thus may be helpful in the fight                 against arthritis and osteoporosis.

Horsetail Tea or Tincture (Extract) may be used to treat wounds and burns.

Horsetail Tea may be gargled to fight mouth sores and other oral wounds.

Horsetail Tea may help treat disorders in the digestive system like hyperacidity and ulcer.

Horsetail Tea may be used in the head to eliminate dandruff.

Horsetail Tea may help stimulate blood flow.

Horse Chestnut Tea Benefits

Horse Chestnut Tea Benefits have been known to generations of traditional folk medicine practitioners as being particularly effective in treating varicose veins, as well as coughs.

The horse chestnut tea is likewise vaunted by virtue of its astringent, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, stimulant and tonic properties.

The horse chestnut is a tree that is native to the Balkan areas and in Western Asia.

It grows to a height of 100 feet. Its leaves have 5 to 7 "teeth" and are about 12 inches long; without stalks.

The buds of the horse chestnut tree are large and quite sticky. It has white (mottled red and yellow) flowers that bloom in May. It has spiny fruits that come out usually in September.

The bark and leaves of the horse chestnut tea possess most of the tree's health benefits.

The active constituents of the bark include coumarins, fraxin, scopolin, aesculetin, quercetin, sterols, tannins, and saponins.

Meanwhile, the active constituents of the leaf include coumadins, aesculin, scopolin, fraxin, stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, and rutin.

To make horse chestnut tea from the bark, boil a tablespoon in about a pint of hot water.

To make horse chestnut tea from the leaves, place about a fistful onto a mug of hot water and let stand for about 7 minutes.

The whole nut of the horse chestnut is to be used for external applications only.
These are poisonous and are designed to be used topically, unless by a qualified practitioner.

In addition, it is advised that persons suffering from liver or kidney disease avoid any horse chestnut extract.

Pregnant and nursing women are also advised not to use horse chestnut tea and extracts.
It is important to consulting a qualified health care professional before taking horse chestnut tea or any of its extracts.
This is to avoid all possible side effects and toxic reactions.

The following are the health benefits attributed to horse chestnut tea:

Horse chestnut tea, from the nuts - if applied topically - may help strengthen varicose veins.

Horse chestnut tea, from the leaves, may help treat dysentery.

Horse chestnut tea, from the nuts - if applied topically - may help treat hemorrhoids.

Horse chestnut tea, from the leaves, may help treat fever and malaria.

Horse chestnut tea, from the nuts - if applied topically - may help treat arthritis and                               rheumatic pains.

Horse chestnut tea, from the nuts - if applied topically - may help treat rashes, burns,                           eczema and other skin conditions.

Horse chestnut tea, from the leaves, may help induce calm and restful sleep.

Honeysuckle Tea Benefits

Honeysuckle Tea Benefits have been known, both in the Western and Eastern medicine spheres.

Though rarely used, Western herbal practitioners employed the honeysuckle to treat asthma and many forms of urinary disorders.

Meanwhile, the "jin yin" or the Chinese/Japanese variety of the honeysuckle has been mentioned in the Chinese medical book "Tang Ben Cao" as being among the most potent herbs for eliminating heat and accumulated toxins from the body.

The honeysuckle is a climbing plant that has arching vines and is quite common in the Northern Hemisphere.

The plant can grow up to twelve feet in length. Some varieties of the honeysuckle are evergreen while others are deciduous.

The honeysuckle possesses oval-shaped leaves on the branches. The flowers are tubular in shape and come in either the yellow-orange or yellow-white shade.

These flowers produce sweet, edible nectars. Honeysuckle plants produce berries.

The beneficial constituents of honeysuckle are inositol, tannins, luteolin and a volatile oil. These can be found in the flowers, which should be harvested just before the bud opens.

To make honeysuckle tea, place 1 cup of honeysuckle flowers in 1 quart of boiling water. Let the mix steep for at least 10 minutes, and then strain. Drink up to 3 cups a day.

Those with chronic diarrhea caused by treatment for chronic diseases should not use honeysuckle.

The following are the health benefits attributed to honeysuckle tea:

Honeysuckle tea may help alleviate sores and swellings of the eyes, throat and breast.

Honeysuckle tea may help alleviate headaches.

Honeysuckle tea may help fight infections in the bladder.

Honeysuckle tea is said to inhibit the bacteria that causes salmonella, strep, staph and                           tuberculosis infections.

Honeysuckle tea may help soothe respiratory passages.

Honeysuckle tea may help alleviate fever.

                Honeysuckle tea may help treat nausea and vomiting caused by hepatitis-C.

Hops Tea Benefits

Hops Tea Benefits are known in traditional medicine as being effective in aiding sleep and in reducing the libido.

The hop plant is a climbing herbaceous perennial plant that usually grows up strings in a field called a hopfield, hop yard or a hop garden.

Hops have a female flower and it is the green cones around the female flower that is of most interest to commercial and medical interests.

Inside the hops are golden grains that form a sticky greenish yellow powder. These have been used for centuries to give flavor to beer.

There are various hops varieties that are specifically grown to meet unique flavors and styles of beer.

Hops are now widely produced in Germany, the UK, China, the Czech Republic and the Northwestern areas of the United States.

A huge percentage of the constituent of hops grains is a bitter resin. Hops also contain tannins, flavonoids, lupulone, and humulene.

The health benefits of hops can be derived from a strong infusion of hops tea.

Hops tea is made by placing about an ounce of hops herbs in a quart of boiling water.

Allow the mix to soak for about 4 hours. Hops tea can be taken either hot or cold.

The following are the benefits attributed to hops tea:

Hops tea may help ease constipation.

Hops tea may help alleviate the pain in bladder infections.

Hops tea may help sedate the nerves and thus may be helpful in combating insomnia and                     anxiety.

Hops tea may help build the supply of breast milk in women.

Hops tea, when applied topically, may help relieve sores and skin injuries.

Hops tea may help combat arthritis.

Horehound Tea Benefits

Horehound Tea Benefits have long been known in the area of combating various respiratory ailments. The horehound is known to possess antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic and diuretic properties, among others.

The horehound is a perennial herb, a garden mint possessing a fiber-rich rootstock from which emerge bushy, square-shaped stems.
The horehound has wrinkled green and white leaves, rough-textured on the top and wooly-textured on the underside of the lamina.

Known by its official name of marrubium vulgare, the horehound grows in a wide range of locales like meadows, pastures, railroad tracks in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

The main constituent of the horehound is a bitter substance known as marrubin, and other constituents are flavonoids, caffeic acid, resin, tannins, wax, fat, sugar, etc.

The benefits of the horehound can be derived through teas, infusions, candies, tinctures and encapsulations.
To make horehound tea, place 2½ teaspoons of horehound herb in a pint of boiling water. Let it steep and simmer for about 45 minutes.
The tea is best consumed in lukewarm temperature.

Horehound tea is quite bitter in taste so it is normally flavored with lemon juice and sweetened by molasses, not sugar.
Sugar is thought to dilute the beneficial properties of the horehound tea.

Though safe for use in children, the horehound is not recommended for use by pregnant women.

The following are the health benefits attributed to horehound tea:

Horehound tea may help in fighting upper respiratory disorders like cough, asthma and                         lung troubles by loosening phlegm-accumulation in the passages.

Horehound tea may help in fighting headaches caused by sinus infection.

Horehound tea may help fight sore throat.

Horehound tea may help night-time gastric reflux.

Horehound tea may help relieve pain caused by cough or indigestion.

Honeybush Tea Benefits

Honeybush tea benefits are recently being discovered by health buffs the world over.

This South African tea is gaining adherents from many parts of the world as they are being exposed to its healing properties.

Honeybush tea is a delicately-flavored, fruity, tangy, fragrant and aromatic herbal infusion that comes from the flowers and leaves of the cyclopia intermedia shrub found in the coastal districts of West and East Cape Provinces in South Africa.

The shrub typically grows in mountain peaks, streams, marshy areas, and wet slopes.

There are about 24 species of honeybush tea found in the wild, of which mainly 4 or 5 are in widespread home or commercial use.

The honeybush got its name from the scent of its flowers which closely resembles that of honey.

The taste of honeybush tea is similar to the taste of rooibos tea, except that it is a little bit sweeter. Honeybush tea is caffeine-free.

For hundreds of years, the indigenous people of these Southern African regions have harvested the wild honeybush plants in these rugged, inaccessible areas to produce tea.

Honeybush tea is very rich in minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and sodium. It also possesses potent antioxidant properties.

Honeybush tea is prepared by infusing about 2 tablespoons of the dried honeybush herbs in a liter of newly-boiled water for about 20 minutes.

Then strain the mix and drink. Honeybush tea is typically drank with milk and sugar but to maximize the health benefits, it is best to drink the tea without adding anything.

It may be used as iced tea when the weather is extremely hot.

The following are the health benefits attributed to honeybush tea:

Honeybush tea may help ease insomnia.

Honeybush tea may help fight indigestion and ease constipation.

Honeybush tea may help enhance the immune system and fight the ravages of the oxidative                 process.

Honeybush tea may help prevent the development of cancer.

Honeybush tea may help expel phlegm.

Honeybush tea may help stimulate milk production in nursing women.

Honeybush tea may help heal minor skin disorders.

Honeybush tea may help in weight loss.

Honeybush tea may help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Honeybush tea may help ease menopausal symptoms.

Honeybush tea may help in the treatment of certain allergies.

Honeybush tea may help in the treatment of asthma.

Hibiscus tea benefits

Hibiscus tea benefits are only now being discovered the world over although places in Asia have long known about it.

Hibisbus tea is made from the hibiscus flower called Hibiscus sabdariffa.

Hibiscus tea comes from the genus Hibiscus, in the mallow family (Malvaceae), and is native to warm, temperate and tropical regions.

A recent study revealed that hibiscus tea contains a number of different antioxidants that may help to protect against cell-damaging free radicals.

These teas also may help control high blood pressure.

There are several teas that contain hibiscus, among them are: sour tea, red zinger tea, and sorrel tea.

Here are some of the hibiscus tea benefits that have been discovered:

Hibiscus Tea lowers blood pressure

Hibiscus Tea is good for lowering high cholesterol

Hibiscus Tea strengthens the immune system as it is rich in Vitamin C

Helichrysum Tea Benefits

Helichrysum Tea Benefits are particularly noted for their chloretic and diuretic properties. Helichrysum tea is also accepted as having anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

Helichrysum is a genus of plants that consist of about 600 species. It belongs to the sunflower family called Asteraceae. Helichrysum is native to Africa, Madagascar, Australasia and Eurasia. Helichrysum is considered as one of the oldest healing substances in Europe.

The plants may either be annuals, herbaceous perennials or shrubs. They often reach a height of about 60 to 90 centimeters. The leaves of the helichrysum plant range from being oblong-shaped to lance-shaped. The base of the flower is often smooth. They come in many colors but mostly are in their distinctive golden yellow hue. The flowers have numerous capitula and often flat-topped corymbs or panicles.

The beneficial elements of helichrysum can be derived from its flowers. Among the active constituents of the flowers are flavonoids, kaempferol glucosides, apigenin, luetolin, quercetin, scopoletin, umbelliferone, and essential oil.

A tea made from helichrysum flowers is said to have a light fruity flavor. It is made by infusing a handful of dried flowers in a mug of boiled water. Let the mix stand for about 5 to 7 minutes, then drink. Alternatively, helichrysum flowers can also be used as a flavoring for different herbal teas. Simply soak the flowers as the herbal tea steeps so that the benefits blend can be derived in the blend.

In Syria, the helichrysum flower is a component of the widely-consumed zahraa tea that is often used as a medicinal drink.

The following are the health benefits attributed to helichrysum tea:

Helichrysum tea may help alleviate gastrointestinal and gallbladder spasms.

Helichrysum tea may aid in improving digestion.

Helichrysum tea may help prevent atherosclerotic plaques.

Helichrysum tea may help in the treatment of rheumatism.

Helichrysum tea may help in fighting cystitis.

Helichrysum tea is said to help in maintaining energy levels in people suffering from pre-                   menstrual syndrome and jet lag.

Heather Tea Benefits

Heather Tea Benefits have been recognized for centuries as being potent as a diuretic, antiseptic, astringent and disinfecting agent. It has been a mainstay in Swedish herbal medicine for a long time, and has been recognized by the German Commission E for its varied medicinal properties.

The heather is a woody and bushy evergreen shrub with multiple branching stems. It has miniature leaves that are like needles. They are borne on the twigs of the plant. The flowers of the heather are bell-shaped and are purple to pink in color, but white flowers do appear occasionally. They typically bloom in late summer. They are arranged in a multiple spike formation and are quite impressive when seen from afar. Due to the attractiveness of its flowers, heathers are often used as a decorative and ornamental plant, and a landscaping complement.

Also known by its scientific name of calluna vulgaris, the heather is found in abundance in Scotland, Ireland, the Scandinavian countries, Russia and North America.

The heather is a plant whose different parts are used for different applications. The branches are often used as straw for brooms while the leaves are used as flavoring agent for beer and tea. The heather bark is used for tanning while the flowers contain nectar.

The active constituents of heather are various types of quercetin (including dihydroxychromone), tannin and flavonoids. To make heather tea, place about a handful of finely-chopped heather (flowers, leaves) into a mug of boiling water. Let the mix stand for about 10 to 15 minutes, then strain and drink. Heather tea is usually taken 3 times per day but is not recommended for prolonged use as its high tannin content may contribute to liver damage.

The following are the health benefits attributed to heather tea:

Heather tea is believed to help in disinfecting the urinary tract.

Heather tea may help in the treatment of cystitis.

Heather tea may help in the treatment of kidney and bladder problems.

Heather tea may be helpful in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

Heather tea made from flowering shoots is believed to be a remedy for colds and cough.

Heather tea may help in the treatment of various gastrointestinal problems.

Heather tea may have beneficial effects for women with vaginal discharges or men with                       prostate problems.

Hawthorn Tea Benefits

Hawthorn tea has a long history in both folk medicine and clinical medicine as a heart tonic. The herb of the hawthorn plant is typically used to improve cardiovascular function, as it increases the supply of blood to the heart muscle, resulting in enhanced circulation throughout the body. It has been shown to help stabilize angina pectoris, as well as aiding recovery from heart attacks.

Hawthorn tea, when made from leaves, flowers, and berries of the hawthorn plant, contain a variety of bioflavonoid-like complexes that appear to be primarily responsible for the cardiac actions. These components of the plant are astringent.

Hawthorn tea also seems to inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and reduce production of the potent blood vessel-constricting substance angiotensin II. Hawthorn thus reduces resistance in arteries and improves extremity circulation. The bioflavonoids in hawthorn are potent antioxidants.

As such, Hawthorn is an effective and low-risk herb for those with coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

Numerous double-blind clinical trials have confirmed hawthorn tea is beneficial for persons with serious heart conditions.

Of course, a physician must be consulted in cases where symptoms continue unchanged for longer than six weeks or in case of swelling of the legs. Medical diagnosis is absolutely necessary when pains occur in the region of the heart, spreading out to the arms, upper abdomen or the area around the neck, or in cases of respiratory distress (dyspnea).