Saturday, January 10, 2015

Horehound Tea Benefits

Horehound Tea Benefits have long been known in the area of combating various respiratory ailments. The horehound is known to possess antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic and diuretic properties, among others.

The horehound is a perennial herb, a garden mint possessing a fiber-rich rootstock from which emerge bushy, square-shaped stems.
The horehound has wrinkled green and white leaves, rough-textured on the top and wooly-textured on the underside of the lamina.

Known by its official name of marrubium vulgare, the horehound grows in a wide range of locales like meadows, pastures, railroad tracks in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

The main constituent of the horehound is a bitter substance known as marrubin, and other constituents are flavonoids, caffeic acid, resin, tannins, wax, fat, sugar, etc.

The benefits of the horehound can be derived through teas, infusions, candies, tinctures and encapsulations.
To make horehound tea, place 2½ teaspoons of horehound herb in a pint of boiling water. Let it steep and simmer for about 45 minutes.
The tea is best consumed in lukewarm temperature.

Horehound tea is quite bitter in taste so it is normally flavored with lemon juice and sweetened by molasses, not sugar.
Sugar is thought to dilute the beneficial properties of the horehound tea.

Though safe for use in children, the horehound is not recommended for use by pregnant women.

The following are the health benefits attributed to horehound tea:

Horehound tea may help in fighting upper respiratory disorders like cough, asthma and                         lung troubles by loosening phlegm-accumulation in the passages.

Horehound tea may help in fighting headaches caused by sinus infection.

Horehound tea may help fight sore throat.

Horehound tea may help night-time gastric reflux.

Horehound tea may help relieve pain caused by cough or indigestion.

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