Wednesday, January 14, 2015

White Sage Tea Benefits

White Sage Tea Benefits are well-known in traditional native American medicine as being a potent cleanser and purifier.

White sage is an evergreen perennial sub-shrub that is mostly found in the southwestern areas of the United States and northwestern Mexico.

Known also by its scientific name of salvia apiana, it often grows to a height of up to 1 meter.

It has leaves have a whitish-hue, are lance-shaped, and are covered with dense hairs.

It also possesses white flowers having light purple spots and streaks.

The white sage has nut-like fruit s with a light-brown hue.

White sage has traditionally been used to make smudge sticks, a type of incense.

The plant is known to cleanse and purify any place of negative energies.

The sanitizing power of the white sage is said to be released by the burning of the leaves.

The active constituents of white sage are found in the leaves.

These are diterpines and triterpenes, including carnosic acid, oleaolic acid, and ursolic acid.

White sage tea can be made by infusing about 4 to 5 pieces of dried leaves in a cup of newly-boiled water. Let the mix stand for about 10 minutes.

It is recommended that no more than a cup of the tea be drunk in a 24-period.

Pregnant and nursing women are advised not to drink white sage tea.

The following are the health benefits attributed to white sage tea:

White sage tea may help in the treatment of sinus infections.

White sage tea may help reduce phlegm.

White sage tea may help in cleansing, purifying and healing the system by inducing sweat.

White sage tea may help calm the nerves.

White sage tea may help remedy stomach ailments.

White sage tea may help in the treatment of arthritis.

White sage tea may help alleviate menstrual symptoms in women.

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