Wednesday, January 14, 2015

White Oak Tea Benefits

White Oak Tea Benefits have been well-known in the annals of homeopathic remedies for thousands of years.

The white oak tree is a hardwood mostly found in the eastern areas of North America, from Quebec to Florida and Texas.

It can be found in a variety of environments, from ridges and valleys to plains.

The white oak presents a mighty façade, usually reaching a height of 100 feet and a span of about 75 to 90 feet.

The white oak is recognizable by virtue of the ash gray color of its trunk and branches.

The wood of the white oak is preferred by many craftsmen for its strength and resistance to rotting.

But the bark of the white oak is where many of the tree's healing properties are found and that is what has made it popular amongst herbal remedy practitioners.

White oak bark is an astringent substance that is used for controlling inflammation of both internal and external varieties.

The constituents of the white oak bark include tannins, resins, calcium oxalate, quillaic acid and starch.

White Oak tea can be made by placing dried white oak bark or powder in two or three cups of boiling water.

White Oak tea, tinctures or extracts should ideally be taken about 4 hours before or after taking any prescription medicine.

The following are the health benefits attributed to White Oak Tea:

White Oak Tea may be useful in the treatment of kidney stones.

White Oak Tea may be useful in fighting inflammations.

White Oak Tea may help relieve hemorrhoids and gout.

White Oak Tea may help fight diarrhea and dysentery.

White Oak Tea may help fight hemorrhage.

White Oak Tea may be useful in treating gingivitis and swelling of the gums.

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