Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Walnut Bark Tea Benefits

Walnut bark tea benefits have been acknowledged and valued for their astringent, laxative, purgative, vermifuge and styptic properties.

The walnut tree is a large, deciduous tree that grows up to a height of about 25 to 35 meters. It is native to the region that stretches from the Balkans to the Himalayas and to southwest China. Its trunk is relatively short, measuring up to 2 meters in diameter, and has a broad crown. It has a relatively smooth bark that is colored olive-brown when it is young, and grayish when it is older. The bark has broad fissures with rough texture and forms a diamond-like pattern.

Scientifically known as juglans regia, the leaves of the walnut tree are arranged alternately, with each leaf measuring about 30 to 40 centimeters long. The flowers are yellowish-green drooping catkins that cover the tree in the spring and typically ripen into a fruit in the autumn. The fruit possesses a green, semi-fleshy husk and a brown, corrugated nut. The seed of the walnut is large, with a relatively thin shell, and edible, with a rich flavor.

The wood of the walnut tree has long been favored for its excellent quality. It is used to make furniture and used in wheels and bodies of coaches. The other parts of the tree have various practical uses for humans, as well. Physicians in north Africa used the bark to clean the teeth, to improve the color of the lips and gums, and to treat mouth infections, gingivitis, pyorrhoea, and bad breath.

Meanwhile, the leaves of the tree were used in infusions and topically applied to help improve hair health. For its part, the nuts are seen as a nutritional source, as well as a detoxification agent. The seed and seed coat are utilized for constipation, cough, inflammation, and impotency, among others.

Walnut bark tea benefits are derived from the active constituents found in the plant, among them being amino acids, ash, protein, dietary fiber, oil content and starch. To make this tea, boil the bark for about 15 to 20 minutes. Let it steep for a further 5 minutes before drinking. Powdered bark is also available and this can be mixed with newly-boiled water and enjoyed as tea. The taste is rather bitter but has practically no odor.

The following are the walnut bark tea benefits attributed to this brew:

Walnut bark tea may help in detoxification as it may help in assisting movement of bowels

Walnut bark tea may help in expelling parasites and worms.

Walnut bark tea may help fight diarrhea and dysentery.

Walnut bark tea may be helpful against inflammations in the tonsils.

Walnut bark tea may be helpful against mouth soreness.

Walnut bark tea may help fight herpes.

Walnut bark tea may help against certain disorders of the skin such as eczema.

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