Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Stone Root Tea Benefits

Stone root tea benefits were quite known in Native American societies and have been used extensively as a diuretic and remedy for kidney stones.

Stone root has also been observed to possess sedative, antispasmodic, astringent, tonic and diaphoretic properties.

Stone root is a perennial mint-related herb that typically grows up to 4 to 5 feet.

It posseses a single, erect, four-sided stem; oval-shaped and jagged-edged leaves; as well as large lemony-scented yellow flowers.

Also known by its scientific name collinsonia canadensis, the stone root grows in the moist wooded areas of the Eastern Americas, from Canada up north down to the U.S. state of South Carolina.

The plant is believed to have obtained its name either from its tough rhizome or to mountaineers' use of an infusion brewed from the rhizome to treat an ailment that results in the formation of stones - most likely kidney or bladder stone.

The active constituents of stone root include resin, starch, mucilage, volatile oils, saponins and tannins.

It has an alkaloid that appears to be magnesium salt.

Stone root has a very pungent odor and a spicy, strong taste. Stone root tea can be made by boiling about 3 teaspoons of dried root in a pot of water.

Take it out of the fire and let it simmer and stand for about 15 minutes.

Stone root tea is usually drunk three times a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to stone root tea:

  • Stone root tea may help in the treatment of kidney stones. It is often combined with other           herbs like hydrangea, parsley and gravel root.
  • Stone root tea may help in fighting catarrh of the bladder.
  • Stone root tea may help in fighting constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Stone root tea may help combat fluid retention.
  • Stone root tea may help prevent hemorrhoids from worsening.
  • Stone root tea may help relax mucuous membranes in the throat and thus be of help in the         treatment of laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  • Stone root tea may help fight headaches.
  • Stone root tea may be helpful against varicose veins.

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