Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Shepherd's Purse Tea Benefits

Shepherd's purse tea benefits have figured in the annals of traditional medicine for generations. The herb has been used in the 19th century as the principal remedy for uterine bleeding.

For its part, traditional Chinese Medicine includes shepherd's purse to herbal mixes that "brighten vision," and correct blurriness.

Shepherd's purse is a perennial herb of the mustard family that is native to Eastern Europe and Asia Minor.

It possesses small heart-shaped leaves on its erect stems that bear a resemblance to the small knapsacks that shepherds have, hence its name.

Known by its scientific name of capsella bursa-pastoris, shepherd's purse is considered a common weed in many parts of the world.

It possesses white flowers that grow all year round.

The active constituents of shepherd's purse are the following: 

  • vitamin C, 
  • vitamin A, 
  • vitamin B, 
  • beta-sitosterol, 
  • choline, 
  • citric acid, 
  • diosmin, 
  • histamine, 
  • inositol, 
  • rutin, 
  • tannic acid and 
  • tannins.

The herb contains a protein that constricts the smooth muscles that support and surround blood vessels, especially those in the uterus.

Other chemicals in the herb may accelerate blood clotting.

Still other substances in the shepherd's purse herb help uterine contaction, thus explaining its long-time use in helping the womb return to normal size after childbirth.

Shepherd's purse tea can be made by adding about two tablespoons of the dried shepherd's purse herbs (seedpods) to a pint of newly-boiled water.

Let the mix stand for about 40 minutes. Strain and refrigerate.

Shepherd's purse tea is best consumed cold 2 to 3 times a day.

Individuals with severe liver and kidney problems are advised not to drink shepherd's purse tea.

Pregnant women should also not use this tea, especially as treatment to spotting.

The following are the health benefits attributed to shepherd's purse tea:

Shepherd's purse tea may help stop profuse bleeding and hemorrhage.

Shepherd's purse tea may help fight diarrhea.

Shepherd's purse tea may help fight cystitis.

Shepherd's purse tea, applied topically, may help heal bites, scratches and skin ulcers.

Shepherd's purse tea may help in regulating the blood pressure.

Shepherd's purse tea may help in the treatment of uterine conditions. It may help in                               adjusting the menstrual cycle and stopping bleeding.

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