Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reishi Tea Benefits

Reishi Tea Benefits have been acknowledged since ancient times as being potent in preventing and curing a host of ailments and diseases.

Reishi is an herb that has been cited for thousands of years as being a tonic for emperors.

Reishi has been known in traditional Chinese medicine as a "cure-all" herb or a "panacea tonic" due
to its potent ability to benefit the vital energy or "qi".

According to Shen Nong's "Herbal Classic" and "Compendium of Materia Medica", the two monumental works in Chinese medicine, reishi is rated the best and most superior of all Chinese herbs.

 Reishi has somewhat mystical reputation in ancient China as being an "Immortal Herb" and is though to have such effective curative properties that it "brings the dying back to life".

Reishi is acknowledged as possessing anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-allergenic and anti-hypertensive properties.

Known officially as Ganoderma Lucidum and in China as lingzhi, reishi is a polypore mushroom that grows in dark forests, deciduous trees and logs.

It has a red-varnished, kidney-shaped cap, and also has pores underneath.

Reishi is classified according to its color and shape, and each individual variety is believed to protect and nourish a different body organ.

The classifications of reishi are:

  •  red (heart),
  •  green (liver), 
  • black (brain and kidney), 
  • white (lungs and skin), 
  • purple (joints), and 
  • yellow (spleen).

Reishi contains the following constituents: 

  • triterpenes, 
  • polysaccharides, 
  • alkaloids, 
  • lactones, 
  • mannitol and 
  • various vitamins and 
  • minerals.

Reishi tea can be made by placing about 5 grams of dried reishi mushroom herbs in about 6 to 8 ounces of boiling water.

Allow the mix to boil for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Then allow the resultant reishi tea to simmer for a further 2 to 3 hours. Then strain and enjoy.

The following are the health benefits attributed to reishi tea:

Reishi Tea may help in the treatment of heart diseases by lowering cholesterol and may                       thus help in impeding arteriosclerosis.

Reishi Tea may have certain anti-cancer properties as it enhances the human ability to fight                 abnormal cells and may improve the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid.

Reishi Tea may help relieve cough and asthma.

Reishi Tea may help sooth the mind and sedate the nervous system, thereby giving way to                   restful sleep and relaxation.

Reishi Tea may help in the nutrition of cells, thus delaying the aging process.

Reishi Tea may have beneficial effects on sufferers of diabetes, skin allergy and duodenal                   ulcers.

Reishi Tea may help in alleviating pain and discomfort associated with chemotherapy.

Reishi Tea may have protective properties on the liver and thus, may help in the fight                           against acute and chronic hepatitis.

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