Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Quassia Tea Benefits

Quassia Tea Benefits have been known to generations of Central and South Americans as being a potent tonic.

Quassia is an herb that is known to possess analgesic, anti-tumorous, antiviral, gastro protective, muscle relaxant, sedative, anti-bacterial, antispasmodic, carminative and hypoglycemic properties.

The quassia is a deciduous tree that typically reaches a height of up to 100 feet.

It has a gray bark and bears multiple leaves from its branches.

Quassia flowers are colored yellow while its pea-shaped fruits are colored black.

The quassia tree is indigenous to Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Jamaica and many other islands in the West Indies.

The quassia tree is cultivated in commercial quantities for its vaunted therapeutic benefits and the bark of the tree may be harvested all year round.

The beneficial constituents of quassia are found in the bark.

Among these are quassinoids (quassimarin, quassol, quassin, neoquassin, isoquassin, 18- hydroxyquassin, quasinol), alkaloids, beta-sitostenone, beta-sitosterol, calcium tartrate, gallic acid, mallic acid, potassium acetate, simalikalactone D., simalikalactone E (SkE), indole alkaloids, coumarin, and amarid 18-oxyquaxin.

Quassia tea can be taken either hot or cold.

Hot quassia tea can be made by infusing two heaping teaspoons of ground quassia bark in a mug of hot water.

Let the mix stand for about an hour and drink. On the other hand, cold quassia tea can be made by soaking a handful of the tree's bark in a mug of cool water for about eight hours.

This can be taken three times a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to quassia tea:

Quassia tea may help treat fevers and malaria.

Quassia tea may aid in the digestive process.

Quassia tea may help in cleansing the blood.

Quassia tea may help in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.

Quassia tea may help in the treatment of liver and gallbladder problems.

Quassia tea may help in eliminating bacteria and toxins.

Quassia tea may help in relaxing and sedating the nerves.

Quassia tea may be effective in expelling parasites and lice.

Quassia tea may help in the treatment of tumors.

Quassia tea may help in the treatment of gastric ulcers.

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