Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pleurisy Root Tea Benefits

Pleurisy Root Tea Benefits have long been known to the indigenous Indian population of North

America as being potent for respiratory diseases, as well as skin sores. Pleurisy Root tea is also noted for its purgative, antitoxic and emetic properties.

Pleurisy root is a perennial herb that is native to North America.

It usually grows up to three feet in height.

It possesses multiple stems and branches out at the top.

Dark green, spear-pointed leaves grow from the stems.

The pleurisy root bears bright orange flowers from June to September each year.

The flowers are usually visible from roadsides and create a festive canvass.

Butterflies and birds are usually attracted to the pleurisy root plant because of these vivid orange flowers.

The pleurisy root tends to grow on dry, open fields and grow in great numbers in the southern areas of the United States.

The plant bears 4 to 5-inch long narrow pods that contain silky seeds that drift with the wind.

The active constituents in pleurisy root are resinoids, glycosides, and a small amount of alkaloids.

Pleurisy root tea can be made by infusing a teaspoon of the dried, chopped root in a pint of water for about 10 to 15 minutes.

A cup of the pleurisy root tea may be taken twice per day.
Meanwhile, 1 to 2 ml of pleurisy root tincture may be taken three times per day.

Taking more than 1 tablespoon of pleurisy root at one time may cause intestinal cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Pregnant women are urged to avoid the use of pleurisy root as it may stimulate uterine contractions. Children are also urged not to use this plant.

The following are the health benefits attributed to pleurisy root tea:

1.Pleurisy root tea may help relieve respiratory ailments and pulmonary infections like pneumonia and pleurisy, as certain chemical constituents of the plant may help reduce mucus thickness in the lungs and enable the patient to expel the blockage, thus alleviating pain and congestion.

2.Pleurisy root tea may help in detoxification as it induces sweating.

3.Pleurisy root tea, applied topically, may help heal wounds and sores on the skin.

4.Pleurisy root tea may help reduce fevers by promoting sweating and perspiration.

5.Pleurisy root tea may help in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea.

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