Sunday, January 18, 2015

Passionfruit Tea Benefits

Passionfruit tea benefits are plentiful and are derived from both its tea component and its passionfruit fruit component.

Passionfruit tea is the term used to refer to a type of flavored tea that is typically made up of a black tea base that has been infused with the essence and flavor of passionfruit. It is sometimes accompanied by dried passionfruit pieces and possibly other berries, spices and blossoms. Passionfruit tea is quite astringent and has a slightly sweet and fruity taste.

The passionfruit comes from a vine species that is native to the northern and central portions of South America.

Known either by its scientific name of passiflora edulis or by its alternative common name granadillas, the passionfruit has a round to oval shape. Its color is either yellow or dark purple at maturity. It has a soft to firm, juicy interior and is strewn with numerous seeds. The fruit can be eaten as is and its juice can be extracted.

Passionfruit tea can be made by placing about 1 teaspoon of loose-leaf tea or 1 passionfruit teabag in a mug of newly-boiled water. Allow it to steep for about 3 to 4 minutes. Discard the leaves/teabag and drink. Adding a hint of honey or sugar can be made to sweeten the tea. The tea can be enjoyed both hot and cold.

Passionfruit tea benefits are derived from the healthy constituents of the black tea leaves as well as from its passionfruit constituent. Black tea is high in antioxidants like catechins and quercetin. It is also abundant in amino acids, minerals (such as magnesium and potassium) and vitamins (like vitamins B, C and E).

Meanwhile, the passionfruit is similarly rich in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It is quite rich in vitamin A and C, fiber, and iron which contribute substantially to the health benefits of the entire brew.

The following are the potential passionfruit tea benefits that may be derived from this flavorful brew:

  • Passionfruit tea may help lower the risk for developing cardiovascular diseases as it may help lower blood pressure.
  • Passionfruit tea may help in lowering the risk for developing tumors and cancer due to the antioxidant content of both the tea leaves and the passionfruit.
  • Passionfruit tea may help fight skin and tissue damage.
  • Passionfruit tea may help strengthen the bones.
  • Passionfruit tea may help cleanse the colon and improve digestion.
  • Passionfruit tea may help relaxation.
  • Passionfruit tea may help enhance the immune system by combating microbes and viruses.

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