Sunday, January 18, 2015

Matcha Tea found to be potentially more potent than regular Green Tea!

Matcha tea has been found to potentially possess more antioxidants and other health benefits than regular green tea, tea observers have pointed out.

Most are familiar with matcha tea as this is the type of green tea featured in the elaborate and exquisite Japanese tea ceremony, called chanoyu.

Matcha tea is also used in the preparation of such delectable treats as green tea ice cream, soba noodles and green tea cakes.

Matcha tea is frequently used to complement meditative practices among zen monks in Japan. This practice has been spurred by the belief that matcha tea can help bring about a serene, clear and tranquil state of mind.

The health benefits of matcha tea are believed to exceed those of other green tea because when matcha tea is consumed, it is as if the whole tea leaf is ingested instead of only the brewed water.
That is because Matcha tea is the variety of green tea that comes in powdered form. It is made by stone-grinding the unfermented and steamed tea leaves.

So matcha tea is in effect hot water added to the ground tea leaves. That leaves a lot more of the natural antioxidants intact in the tea infusion. In regular green tea, people only drink the steeped water and throw away the leaves. Not so in matcha tea.

The fresh tea leaves, the foundation of matcha tea, come unusually rich in powerful antioxidants called polyphenols which may make up to 30% of the dry leaf weight. So when people drink a cup of matcha tea or green tea, they're basically drinking a potent brew of tea polyphenols. In fresh, unfermented tea leaves, polyphenols exist as a series of chemicals called catechins.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful catechin found in tea.

With such extremely high antioxidant activity, it's logical to conclude that Matcha green tea may be highly beneficial in protecting the body from health concerns posed by free radicals, reactive molecules that wreak havoc at the body's cellular levels.
Matcha Tea EGCG have been studied for the last few decades for their potential ability to support the immune system, fight the normal signs of aging, and promotes healthy brain and liver functions.

Matcha Tea has a bright green color. That is because of the big presence of chlorophyll. It helps to get rid of heavy metal and toxins in the body. Matcha Tea is also high in fiber, sugar-free, and is zero on glycemic levels.

The Japanese have known the health benefits of matcha tea for generations. Those in other parts of the world are now slowly realizing these and are jumping in the matcha tea and green tea bandwagon big time!

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