Saturday, January 10, 2015

Gravel Root Tea Benefits

Gravel Root Tea Benefits have been in the consciousness of native Americans for ages.
In fact, the Iroquois tribe called gravel root tea as "little medicine water" due to the healing properties it imparts.
Gravel root is known to have diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and febrifuge properties.

Gravel root is a perennial plant that stands erect and grows up to 5 feet in height. It possesses pointed oblong leaves and clumps of small pinkish flowers.
Known by its official name of eupatorium purpureum, gravel root is a native of the North American continent, growing from southern Canada through Florida, mostly in wet, wooded areas.

The active constituents of gravel root are tannins, flavonoids and bitter principle, among others.

To make gravel root tea, place 1 teaspoon of gravel root in a cup of water. Bring the mix to a boil. Then let the tea stand for about 10 minutes.
The gravel root tea is recommended to be taken three times a day.

While the native Americans historically used gravel root tea as a general tonic during pregnancy and after childbirth, its use by pregnant and lactating women in the present-day is not recommended.

The following are the health benefits attributed to gravel root tea:

Gravel root tea may help in the treatment of various urinary problems.

Gravel root tea may help prevent the formation of kidney and bladder stones.

Gravel root tea may help in the treatment of rheumatism.

Gravel root tea may help in treating gout.

Gravel root tea may help in breaking fever by encouraging sweating.

Gravel root tea may help relieve constipation.

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