Monday, January 5, 2015

Couch Grass Tea Benefits

Couch Grass Tea Benefits have been recognized as far back as the ancient times when Greek naturalists Pliny and Dioscorides championed its use for treatment of kidney stones and better urine flow. Its demulcent, diuretic and antibiotic properties have since been recognized even by many practitioners of modern medicine.

Couch grass is an invasive perennial that typically grows to a length of up to 32 inches. Couch grass has long, creeping rhizomes that allow it to grow rapidly across grasslands. It has slender, linear leaves, and possesses erect spikes that bear green flowers aligned in two rows. The stems of the couch grass grow up to 100 cms tall.

Couch grass is a typical foraging grass for animals and grows abundantly in Europe, Asia and northwest Africa. Couch grass was also used as an incense in Europe during the medieval days.

The beneficial constituents of couch grass include the polysaccharide triticin, mucilage, potassium, zinc and the volatile oil agropyrene. These benefits are typically derived through decoction as a tea or as a tincture.

To make couch grass tea, simply place about 2 teaspoons of couch grass rhizomes in a cup of water. Bring the water to a boil and let the mix stand for about 10 minutes. Drink the tea thrice a day.

The following are the health benefits attributed to couch grass tea:

Couch grass tea may help fight against urinary tract infection.

Couch grass tea may help treat and dissolve kidney stones.

Couch grass tea may help in the treatment of gout.

Couch grass tea may help in the treatment of rheumatism.

Couch grass tea may be beneficial in the treatment of enlarged prostate or prostatitis.

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